Your ROOT_URL in app.ini is but you are visiting
You should set ROOT_URL correctly, otherwise the web may not work correctly.
# Kubernetes Development
These configs and scripts attempt to simplify spinning up a kubernetes cluster
for development and testing purposes. It leverages [k3d ]( ) to create
a [k3s ]( ) cluster in Docker. Homepage can then be deployed either via
the `` script, or [tilt ]( ) can be used to spin up a
local CI loop that will automatically update the deployment.
All the commands in the document should be run from the `k3d` directory.
## Requisite Tools
| Tool | Description |
| ----------------------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------- |
| [docker ]( ) | Docker container runtime |
| [kubectl ]( ) | Kubernetes CLI |
| [helm ]( ) | Kubernetes package manager |
| [k3d ]( ) | Kubernetes on Docker - used to create the cluster |
| [k9s ]( ) | (Optional) Command line view for kubernetes cluster |
| [tilt ]( ) | (Optional) Local CI loop for kubernetes deployment |
| [direnv ]( ) | (Optional) Automatically loads `kubeconfig` via `.envrc` |
## One-off Test Deployments
Create a cluster:
Build and deploy:
Open the Homepage deployment:
xdg-open http://homepage.k3d.localhost:8080/
## Continuous Deployment
Create a cluster:
Kick off tilt:
tilt up
Press space bar to open the tilt web UI, which is quite informative.
Finally, open the Homepage deployment:
xdg-open http://homepage.k3d.localhost:8080/