# Kubernetes Support
## Requirements
- Kubernetes 1.19+
- Metrics service
- An Ingress controller
## Deployment
Use the unofficial helm chart: https://github.com/jameswynn/helm-charts/tree/main/charts/homepage
helm repo add jameswynn https://jameswynn.github.io/helm-charts
helm install my-release jameswynn/homepage
### Configuration
Set the `mode` in the `kubernetes.yaml` to `cluster`.
mode: default
To enable Kubernetes gateway-api compatibility, set `route` to `gateway`.
route: gateway
## Widgets
The Kubernetes widget can show a high-level overview of the cluster,
individual nodes, or both.
- kubernetes:
# Shows the cluster node
show: true
# Shows the aggregate CPU stats
cpu: true
# Shows the aggregate memory stats
memory: true
# Shows a custom label
showLabel: true
label: "cluster"
# Shows the clusters
show: true
# Shows the CPU for each node
cpu: true
# Shows the memory for each node
memory: true
# Shows the label, which is always the node name
showLabel: true
## Service Discovery
Sample yaml:
apiVersion: networking.k8s.io/v1
kind: Ingress
name: homepage
gethomepage.dev/enabled: "true"
gethomepage.dev/description: Dynamically Detected Homepage
gethomepage.dev/group: Operations
gethomepage.dev/icon: homepage.png
gethomepage.dev/name: Homepage
- host: homepage.example.com
- backend:
name: homepage
number: 3000
path: /
pathType: Prefix
## Service Widgets
To manually configure a Service Widget the `namespace` and `app` fields must
be configured on the service entry.
- Home Automation
- Home-Assistant:
icon: home-assistant.png
href: https://home.example.com
description: Home Automation
app: home-assistant
namespace: home
This works by creating a label selector `app.kubernetes.io/name=home-assistant`,
which typically will be the same both for the ingress and the deployment. However,
some deployments can be complex and will not conform to this rule. In such
cases the `pod-selector` variable can bridge the gap. Any field selector can
be used in it which allows for some powerful selection capabilities.
For instance, it can be utilized to roll multiple underlying deployments under
one application to see a high-level aggregate:
- Comms
- Element Chat:
icon: matrix-light.png
href: https://chat.example.com
description: Matrix Synapse Powered Chat
app: matrix-element
namespace: comms
pod-selector: >-
app.kubernetes.io/instance in (
## Longhorn Widget
There is a widget for showing storage stats from [Longhorn](https://longhorn.io).
Configure it from the `widgets.yaml`.
- longhorn:
# Show the expanded
expanded: true
# Shows a node representing the aggregate values
total: true
# Shows the node names as labels
labels: true
# Show the nodes
nodes: true
# An explicit list of nodes to show. All are shown by default if "nodes" is true
- node1
- node2
## Testing
Refer to the [k3d readme](k3d/README.md).