@ -57,8 +57,17 @@ async function apiCall(widget, endpoint, service) {
return { status, contentType, data: null, responseHeaders };
const dataDecoded = xml2json(data.toString(), { compact: true });
return { status, contentType, data: JSON.parse(dataDecoded.toString()), responseHeaders };
let dataDecoded = JSON.parse(xml2json(data.toString(), { compact: true }).toString());
if (dataDecoded.QDocRoot.authPassed._cdata === '0') {
logger.error("QNAP API rejected the request, attempting to obtain new session token");
key = await login(widget, service);
apiUrl = new URL(formatApiCall(`${endpoint}&sid=${key}`, widget));
[status, contentType, data, responseHeaders] = await httpProxy(apiUrl);
dataDecoded = JSON.parse(xml2json(data.toString(), { compact: true }).toString());
return { status, contentType, data: dataDecoded, responseHeaders };
export default async function qnapProxyHandler(req, res) {