Merge branch dev into main

pull/4412/head v0.9.13
shamoon 4 months ago
commit a06964dd17

@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
"ms": "{{value, number}}",
"date": "{{value, date}}",
"relativeDate": "{{value, relativeDate}}",
"uptime": "{{value, uptime}}",
"duration": "{{value, duration}}",
"months": "ma",
"days": "d",
"hours": "h",
@ -309,6 +309,16 @@
"stopped": "Gestop",
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"nondownload": "Nie-Afgelaai",
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"downloadedunread": "Afgelaai en Ongelees",
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"nondownloadedunread": "Nie-Afgelaai & Ongelees"
"tailscale": {
"address": "Adres",
"expires": "Verval",
@ -947,11 +957,55 @@
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"lubelogger": {
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"none": "None"
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"vehicles": "Voertuie",
"serviceRecords": "Diensrekords",
"reminders": "Herinneringe",
"nextReminder": "Volgende Herinnering",
"none": "Geen"
"vikunja": {
"projects": "Aktiewe Projekte",
"tasks7d": "Take Hierdie week",
"tasksOverdue": "Agterstallige Take",
"tasksInProgress": "Take Aan Die Gang"
"headscale": {
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"address": "Adres",
"last_seen": "Laaste Gesien",
"status": "Status",
"online": "Aanlyn",
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"loading": "Laai"
"gitlab": {
"groups": "Groups",
"issues": "Kwessies",
"merges": "Merge Requests",
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@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
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"date": "{{value, date}}",
"relativeDate": "{{value, relativeDate}}",
"uptime": "{{value, uptime}}",
"duration": "{{value, duration}}",
"months": "ش",
"days": "ي",
"hours": "س",
@ -309,6 +309,16 @@
"stopped": "متوقف",
"total": "المجموع"
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"unread": "غير مقروءة",
"downloadedread": "Downloaded & Read",
"downloadedunread": "Downloaded & Unread",
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"nondownloadedunread": "Non-Downloaded & Unread"
"tailscale": {
"address": "عنوان",
"expires": "تنتهي",
@ -953,5 +963,49 @@
"reminders": "Reminders",
"nextReminder": "Next Reminder",
"none": "None"
"vikunja": {
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"tasks7d": "Tasks Due This Week",
"tasksOverdue": "Overdue Tasks",
"tasksInProgress": "Tasks In Progress"
"headscale": {
"name": "الاسم",
"address": "عنوان",
"last_seen": "آخر ظهور",
"status": "الحالة",
"online": "مُتّصل",
"offline": "غير متصل"
"beszel": {
"name": "الاسم",
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"up": "يعمل",
"status": "الحالة",
"updated": "محدث",
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"memory": "الذاكرة",
"disk": "Disk",
"network": "NET"
"argocd": {
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"outOfSync": "Out Of Sync",
"healthy": "سليم",
"degraded": "Degraded",
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"missing": "مفقود",
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"spoolman": {
"loading": "تحميل"
"gitlab": {
"groups": "Groups",
"issues": "المُشكِلات",
"merges": "Merge Requests",
"projects": "Projects"

@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
"ms": "{{value, number}}",
"date": "{{value, date}}",
"relativeDate": "{{value, relativeDate}}",
"uptime": "{{value, uptime}}",
"duration": "{{value, duration}}",
"months": "mo",
"days": "d",
"hours": "ч",
@ -309,6 +309,16 @@
"stopped": "Спрян",
"total": "Общо"
"suwayomi": {
"download": "Изтеглени",
"nondownload": "Non-Downloaded",
"read": "Read",
"unread": "Unread",
"downloadedread": "Downloaded & Read",
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"nondownloadedread": "Non-Downloaded & Read",
"nondownloadedunread": "Non-Downloaded & Unread"
"tailscale": {
"address": "Address",
"expires": "Expires",
@ -953,5 +963,49 @@
"reminders": "Reminders",
"nextReminder": "Next Reminder",
"none": "None"
"vikunja": {
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"tasksOverdue": "Overdue Tasks",
"tasksInProgress": "Tasks In Progress"
"headscale": {
"name": "Name",
"address": "Address",
"last_seen": "Последно видян",
"status": "Статус",
"online": "Online",
"offline": "Изключен"
"beszel": {
"name": "Name",
"systems": "Systems",
"up": "Up",
"status": "Статус",
"updated": "Updated",
"cpu": "Процесор",
"memory": "Памет",
"disk": "Disk",
"network": "NET"
"argocd": {
"apps": "Apps",
"synced": "Synced",
"outOfSync": "Out Of Sync",
"healthy": "Healthy",
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"missing": "Липсващи",
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"spoolman": {
"loading": "Loading"
"gitlab": {
"groups": "Groups",
"issues": "Issues",
"merges": "Merge Requests",
"projects": "Projects"

@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
"ms": "{{value, number}}",
"date": "{{value, date}}",
"relativeDate": "{{value, relativeDate}}",
"uptime": "{{value, uptime}}",
"duration": "{{value, duration}}",
"months": "mes",
"days": "d",
"hours": "h",
@ -227,8 +227,8 @@
"seed": "Llavors"
"develancacheui": {
"cachehitbytes": "Cache Hit Bytes",
"cachemissbytes": "Cache Miss Bytes"
"cachehitbytes": "Bytes trobats a la memòria cau",
"cachemissbytes": "Bytes no trobats a la memòria cau"
"downloadstation": {
"download": "Descarregar",
@ -309,6 +309,16 @@
"stopped": "Aturat",
"total": "Total"
"suwayomi": {
"download": "Descarregat",
"nondownload": "No descarregat",
"read": "Llegit",
"unread": "Sense llegir",
"downloadedread": "Descarregat i llegit",
"downloadedunread": "Descarregat i per llegir",
"nondownloadedread": "No descarregat i llegit",
"nondownloadedunread": "No descarregat i per llegir"
"tailscale": {
"address": "Adreça",
"expires": "Caduca",
@ -325,15 +335,15 @@
"technitium": {
"totalQueries": "Consultes",
"totalNoError": "Success",
"totalServerFailure": "Failures",
"totalNxDomain": "NX Domains",
"totalRefused": "Refused",
"totalAuthoritative": "Authoritative",
"totalRecursive": "Recursive",
"totalCached": "Cached",
"totalNoError": "Èxits",
"totalServerFailure": "Fallades",
"totalNxDomain": "Dominis NX",
"totalRefused": "Rebutjat",
"totalAuthoritative": "Autoritatiu",
"totalRecursive": "Recursiu",
"totalCached": "A la memòria cau",
"totalBlocked": "Bloquejat",
"totalDropped": "Dropped",
"totalDropped": "Abandonat",
"totalClients": "Clients"
"tdarr": {
@ -844,16 +854,16 @@
"romm": {
"platforms": "Plataformes",
"totalRoms": "Games",
"saves": "Saves",
"states": "States",
"screenshots": "Screenshots",
"totalfilesize": "Total Size"
"totalRoms": "Jocs",
"saves": "Partides desades",
"states": "Estats",
"screenshots": "Captures de pantalla",
"totalfilesize": "Tamany total"
"mailcow": {
"domains": "Dominis",
"mailboxes": "Mailboxes",
"mails": "Mails",
"mailboxes": "Bústies",
"mails": "Correus",
"storage": "Emmagatzematge"
"netdata": {
@ -934,24 +944,68 @@
"version": "Versió"
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"unclassified": "No classificat",
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"warning": "Warning",
"average": "Average",
"high": "High",
"disaster": "Disaster"
"warning": "Avís",
"average": "Mitjana",
"high": "Alt",
"disaster": "Desastre"
"lubelogger": {
"vehicle": "Vehicle",
"vehicles": "Vehicles",
"serviceRecords": "Service Records",
"reminders": "Reminders",
"nextReminder": "Next Reminder",
"none": "None"
"serviceRecords": "Constàncies de manteniment",
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"nextReminder": "Proper recordatori",
"none": "Cap"
"vikunja": {
"projects": "Projectes actius",
"tasks7d": "Tasques a completar aquesta setmana",
"tasksOverdue": "Tasques vençudes",
"tasksInProgress": "Tasques en marxa"
"headscale": {
"name": "Nom",
"address": "Adreça",
"last_seen": "Vist per darrer cop",
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"online": "En línia",
"offline": "Fora de línia"
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"name": "Nom",
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"up": "Actiu",
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"updated": "Actualitzat",
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"argocd": {
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"loading": "Carregant"
"gitlab": {
"groups": "Groups",
"issues": "Problemes",
"merges": "Merge Requests",
"projects": "Projects"

@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
"ms": "{{value, number}}",
"date": "{{value, date}}",
"relativeDate": "{{value, relativeDate}}",
"uptime": "{{value, uptime}}",
"duration": "{{value, duration}}",
"months": "měs.",
"days": "d",
"hours": "h",
@ -309,6 +309,16 @@
"stopped": "Zastaveno",
"total": "Celkem"
"suwayomi": {
"download": "Staženo",
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"downloadedunread": "Downloaded & Unread",
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"nondownloadedunread": "Non-Downloaded & Unread"
"tailscale": {
"address": "Adresa",
"expires": "Vyprší",
@ -953,5 +963,49 @@
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"nextReminder": "Next Reminder",
"none": "None"
"vikunja": {
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"tasksOverdue": "Overdue Tasks",
"tasksInProgress": "Tasks In Progress"
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"name": "Name",
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"status": "Stav",
"online": "Online",
"offline": "Offline"
"beszel": {
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"memory": "RAM",
"disk": "Disk",
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"argocd": {
"apps": "Apps",
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"outOfSync": "Out Of Sync",
"healthy": "Zdravý",
"degraded": "Degraded",
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"suspended": "Suspended"
"spoolman": {
"loading": "Loading"
"gitlab": {
"groups": "Groups",
"issues": "Problémy",
"merges": "Merge Requests",
"projects": "Projects"

@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
"ms": "{{value, number}}",
"date": "{{value, date}}",
"relativeDate": "{{value, relativeDate}}",
"uptime": "{{value, uptime}}",
"duration": "{{value, duration}}",
"months": "mnd",
"days": "d",
"hours": "t",
@ -309,6 +309,16 @@
"stopped": "Stoppede",
"total": "Total"
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"nondownloadedunread": "Non-Downloaded & Unread"
"tailscale": {
"address": "Adresse",
"expires": "Udløber",
@ -953,5 +963,49 @@
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"name": "Navn",
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"up": "Op",
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"argocd": {
"apps": "Apps",
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"loading": "Loading"
"gitlab": {
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"projects": "Projects"

@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
"ms": "{{value, number}}",
"date": "{{value, date}}",
"relativeDate": "{{value, relativeDate}}",
"uptime": "{{value, uptime}}",
"duration": "{{value, duration}}",
"months": "Mo.",
"days": "d",
"hours": "h",
@ -305,10 +305,20 @@
"ping": "Ping"
"portainer": {
"running": "Werden ausgeführt",
"running": "Wird ausgeführt",
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"suwayomi": {
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"downloadedunread": "Heruntergeladen & ungelesen",
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"nondownloadedunread": "Nicht heruntergeladen & ungelesen"
"tailscale": {
"address": "Adresse",
"expires": "Läuft ab",
@ -953,5 +963,49 @@
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"nextReminder": "Nächste Erinnerung",
"none": "Keine"
"vikunja": {
"projects": "Aktive Projekte",
"tasks7d": "Diese Woche fällige Aufgaben",
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"tasksInProgress": "Aufgaben in Arbeit"
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"name": "Name",
"address": "Adresse",
"last_seen": "Zuletzt gesehen",
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"outOfSync": "Nicht mehr synchronisiert",
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"gitlab": {
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"issues": "Probleme",
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"projects": "Projects"

@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
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"date": "{{value, date}}",
"relativeDate": "{{value, relativeDate}}",
"uptime": "{{value, uptime}}",
"duration": "{{value, duration}}",
"months": "mo",
"days": "d",
"hours": "h",
@ -309,6 +309,16 @@
"stopped": "Σταματημένο",
"total": "Σύνολο"
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"download": "Κατεβασμένο",
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"read": "Διαβάστηκε",
"unread": "Μη Διαβασμένο",
"downloadedread": "Downloaded & Read",
"downloadedunread": "Downloaded & Unread",
"nondownloadedread": "Non-Downloaded & Read",
"nondownloadedunread": "Non-Downloaded & Unread"
"tailscale": {
"address": "Διεύθυνση",
"expires": "Λήγει",
@ -953,5 +963,49 @@
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"none": "None"
"vikunja": {
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"tasksOverdue": "Overdue Tasks",
"tasksInProgress": "Tasks In Progress"
"headscale": {
"name": "Όνομα",
"address": "Διεύθυνση",
"last_seen": "Τελευταία Σύνδεση",
"status": "Κατάσταση",
"online": "Συνδεδεμένοι",
"offline": "Εκτός σύνδεσης"
"beszel": {
"name": "Όνομα",
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"up": "Ping up",
"status": "Κατάσταση",
"updated": "Ενημερώθηκε",
"cpu": "Επεξεργαστής",
"memory": "Μνήμη",
"disk": "Disk",
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"argocd": {
"apps": "Apps",
"synced": "Synced",
"outOfSync": "Out Of Sync",
"healthy": "Υγειές",
"degraded": "Degraded",
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"loading": "Loading"
"gitlab": {
"groups": "Groups",
"issues": "Issues",
"merges": "Merge Requests",
"projects": "Projects"

@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
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"date": "{{value, date}}",
"relativeDate": "{{value, relativeDate}}",
"uptime": "{{value, uptime}}",
"duration": "{{value, duration}}",
"months": "mo",
"days": "d",
"hours": "h",
@ -309,6 +309,16 @@
"stopped": "Stopped",
"total": "Totalo"
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"nondownloadedunread": "Non-Downloaded & Unread"
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"expires": "Expires",
@ -953,5 +963,49 @@
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"vikunja": {
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"tasksOverdue": "Overdue Tasks",
"tasksInProgress": "Tasks In Progress"
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"address": "Address",
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"status": "Stato",
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"date": "{{value, date}}",
"relativeDate": "{{value, relativeDate}}",
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"duration": "{{value, duration}}",
"months": "me",
"days": "d",
"hours": "h",
@ -309,6 +309,16 @@
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@ -953,5 +963,49 @@
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@ -309,6 +309,16 @@
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@ -227,8 +227,8 @@
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@ -325,15 +335,15 @@
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"totalDropped": "Abandonné",
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@ -756,7 +766,7 @@
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@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
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"months": "mo",
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@ -309,6 +309,16 @@
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@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
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"months": "माह",
"days": "d",
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@ -309,6 +309,16 @@
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@ -953,5 +963,49 @@
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@ -309,6 +309,16 @@
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@ -950,8 +960,52 @@
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@ -309,6 +309,16 @@
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@ -953,5 +963,49 @@
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"duration": "{{value, duration}}",
"months": "bulan",
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"hours": "j",
@ -309,6 +309,16 @@
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@ -309,6 +309,16 @@
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@ -309,6 +309,16 @@
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"merges": "Merge Requests",
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@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
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"date": "{{value, date}}",
"relativeDate": "{{value, relativeDate}}",
"uptime": "{{value, uptime}}",
"duration": "{{value, duration}}",
"months": "mo",
"days": "d",
"hours": "h",
@ -309,6 +309,16 @@
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"nondownloadedunread": "Non-Downloaded & Unread"
"tailscale": {
"address": "주소",
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@ -953,5 +963,49 @@
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"date": "{{value, date}}",
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"duration": "{{value, duration}}",
"months": "mo",
"days": "d",
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@ -309,6 +309,16 @@
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@ -953,5 +963,49 @@
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@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
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"duration": "{{value, duration}}",
"months": "bln",
"days": "h",
"hours": "j",
@ -309,6 +309,16 @@
"stopped": "Terhenti",
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"nondownloadedunread": "Non-Downloaded & Unread"
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@ -953,5 +963,49 @@
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"date": "{{value, date}}",
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"duration": "{{value, duration}}",
"months": "mnd",
"days": "d",
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@ -309,6 +309,16 @@
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@ -852,7 +862,7 @@
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@ -309,6 +309,16 @@
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@ -309,6 +309,16 @@
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"totalDropped": "Upuszczone",
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@ -844,16 +854,16 @@
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@ -939,12 +949,12 @@
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@ -953,5 +963,49 @@
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@ -30,9 +30,9 @@
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@ -79,7 +79,7 @@
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@ -117,10 +117,10 @@
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@ -148,19 +148,19 @@
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@ -170,7 +170,7 @@
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@ -182,10 +182,10 @@
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@ -214,8 +214,8 @@
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"memUsage": "Utilização de Memória",
"systemTempC": "Temperatura do Sistema",
"poolUsage": "Uso de Banco",
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"invalid": "Inválido"
@ -227,8 +227,8 @@
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@ -237,54 +237,54 @@
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@ -309,11 +309,21 @@
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"weeks": "{{number}}w",
@ -325,15 +335,15 @@
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@ -345,19 +355,19 @@
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"disabled": "Desabilitado",
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"coinmarketcap": {
"configure": "Configurar uma ou mais moedas",
"configure": "Configure uma ou mais criptomoedas para rastrear",
"1hour": "1 Hora",
"1day": "1 Dia",
"7days": "7 Dias",
@ -391,8 +401,8 @@
"domain_count": "Domínios"
"medusa": {
"wanted": "Desejada",
"queued": "Em fila",
"wanted": "Desejados",
"queued": "Em fila de espera",
"series": "Séries"
"minecraft": {
@ -408,8 +418,8 @@
"authentik": {
"users": "Utilizadores",
"loginsLast24H": "Inícios de sessão (24h)",
"failedLoginsLast24H": "Inícios de sessão falhados (24h)"
"loginsLast24H": "Inícios de Sessão (24h)",
"failedLoginsLast24H": "Inícios de Sessão Falhados (24h)"
"proxmox": {
"mem": "MEM",
@ -440,7 +450,7 @@
"quicklaunch": {
"bookmark": "Marcador",
"service": "Serviço",
"search": "Busca",
"search": "Pesquisa",
"custom": "Personalizado",
"visit": "Visitar",
"url": "Endereço URL",
@ -449,7 +459,7 @@
"wmo": {
"0-day": "Solarengo",
"0-night": "Limpo",
"1-day": "Maioritariamente ensolarado",
"1-day": "Maioritariamente Solarengo",
"1-night": "Maioritariamente Limpo",
"2-day": "Parcialmente Nublado",
"2-night": "Parcialmente Nublado",
@ -487,16 +497,16 @@
"75-night": "Neve forte",
"77-day": "Grãos de Neve",
"77-night": "Grãos de Neve",
"80-day": "Neve fraca",
"80-night": "Neve fraca",
"80-day": "Chuviscos Leves",
"80-night": "Chuviscos Leves",
"81-day": "Chuviscos",
"81-night": "Chuviscos",
"82-day": "Chuviscos fortes",
"82-night": "Chuviscos fortes",
"85-day": "Precipitação de Neve",
"85-night": "Precipitação de Neve",
"86-day": "Precipitação de Neve",
"86-night": "Precipitação de Neve",
"85-day": "Chuva de Neve",
"85-night": "Chuva de Neve",
"86-day": "Chuva de Neve",
"86-night": "Chuva de Neve",
"95-day": "Trovoada",
"95-night": "Trovoada",
"96-day": "Trovoada com granizo",
@ -506,10 +516,10 @@
"homebridge": {
"available_update": "Sistema",
"updates": "Atualizações",
"updates": "Actualizações",
"update_available": "Atualização disponível",
"up_to_date": "Atualizado",
"child_bridges": "Pontes Filhas",
"child_bridges": "Child Bridges",
"child_bridges_status": "{{ok}}/{{total}}",
"up": "Up",
"pending": "Pendente",
@ -518,12 +528,12 @@
"healthchecks": {
"new": "Novo",
"up": "Up",
"grace": "Em Período Gratuito",
"grace": "Em Período de Graça",
"down": "Down",
"paused": "Pausado",
"paused": "Pausa",
"status": "Estado",
"last_ping": "Ultimo Ping",
"never": "Nenhum ping ainda"
"never": "Nenhum Ping ainda"
"watchtower": {
"containers_scanned": "Verificado",
@ -531,7 +541,7 @@
"containers_failed": "Falhou"
"autobrr": {
"approvedPushes": "Aprovada",
"approvedPushes": "Aprovado",
"rejectedPushes": "Rejeitado",
"filters": "Filtros",
"indexers": "Indexadores"
@ -549,7 +559,7 @@
"pyload": {
"speed": "Velocidade",
"active": "Ativo",
"active": "Activo",
"queue": "Fila",
"total": "Total"
@ -588,8 +598,8 @@
"low_battery": "Bateria Fraca"
"nextdns": {
"wait": "Por favor aguarde",
"no_devices": "Nenhum dado do dispositivo recebido"
"wait": "Por Favor, Aguarde",
"no_devices": "Nenhum Dado do Dispositivo Recebido"
"mikrotik": {
"cpuLoad": "Carga do CPU",
@ -599,7 +609,7 @@
"xteve": {
"streams_all": "Todos os Streams",
"streams_active": "Streams Ativas",
"streams_active": "Streams Activas",
"streams_xepg": "Canais XEPG"
"opendtu": {
@ -637,7 +647,7 @@
"up": "Up",
"down": "Down",
"temp": "Temp",
"disk": "Utilização",
"disk": "Utilização do Disco",
"wanIP": "WAN IP"
"proxmoxbackupserver": {
@ -678,17 +688,17 @@
"mylar": {
"series": "Séries",
"issues": "Problemas",
"wanted": "Desejada"
"wanted": "Desejados"
"photoprism": {
"albums": "Álbuns",
"photos": "Fotos",
"videos": "Vídeos",
"people": "Pessoa"
"people": "Pessoas"
"fileflows": {
"queue": "Fila",
"processing": "Processando",
"processing": "A Processar",
"processed": "Processado",
"time": "Hora"
@ -696,13 +706,13 @@
"dashboards": "Painéis",
"datasources": "Origem de Dados",
"totalalerts": "Total Alertas",
"alertstriggered": "Alertas Disparados"
"alertstriggered": "Alertas Desencadeados"
"nextcloud": {
"cpuload": "Carga de CPU",
"memoryusage": "Memória Utilizada",
"freespace": "Espaço Livre",
"activeusers": "Utilizadores Ativos",
"activeusers": "Utilizadores Activos",
"numfiles": "Ficheiros",
"numshares": "Itens partilhados"
@ -724,7 +734,7 @@
"prometheus": {
"targets_up": "Alvo ativo",
"targets_down": "Alvo inativo",
"targets_down": "Alvo Inactivo",
"targets_total": "Total de Alvos"
"gatus": {
@ -735,7 +745,7 @@
"ghostfolio": {
"gross_percent_today": "Hoje",
"gross_percent_1y": "Um ano",
"gross_percent_max": "Todo o tempo"
"gross_percent_max": "Desde Sempre"
"audiobookshelf": {
"podcasts": "Podcasts",
@ -750,7 +760,7 @@
"whatsupdocker": {
"monitoring": "A monitorizar",
"updates": "Atualizações"
"updates": "Actualizações"
"calibreweb": {
"books": "Livros",
@ -772,14 +782,14 @@
"result": "Resultado",
"status": "Estado",
"buildId": "ID da compilação",
"succeeded": "Com êxito",
"succeeded": "Bem sucedido",
"notStarted": "Não Iniciado",
"failed": "Falhou",
"canceled": "Cancelado",
"inProgress": "Em progresso",
"totalPrs": "Total de PRs",
"myPrs": "Meus PRs",
"approved": "Aprovada"
"myPrs": "Os Meus PRs",
"approved": "Aprovado"
"gamedig": {
"status": "Estado",
@ -787,7 +797,7 @@
"offline": "Desligado",
"name": "Nome",
"map": "Mapa",
"currentPlayers": "Jogadores atuais",
"currentPlayers": "Jogadores actuais",
"players": "Reprodutores",
"maxPlayers": "Máximo de Jogadores",
"bots": "Bots",
@ -796,7 +806,7 @@
"urbackup": {
"ok": "Ok",
"errored": "Erros",
"noRecent": "Desatualizado",
"noRecent": "Desactualizado",
"totalUsed": "Espaço utilizado"
"mealie": {
@ -806,7 +816,7 @@
"tags": "Etiquetas"
"openmediavault": {
"downloading": "A transferir",
"downloading": "A descarregar",
"total": "Total",
"running": "A correr",
"stopped": "Parado",
@ -824,14 +834,14 @@
"uptimerobot": {
"status": "Estado",
"uptime": "Ligado",
"lastDown": "Última inatividade",
"downDuration": "Duração de inatividade",
"lastDown": "Última Inactividade",
"downDuration": "Duração de Inactividade",
"sitesUp": "Sites no Ar",
"sitesDown": "Sites Fora do Ar",
"paused": "Pausado",
"paused": "Pausa",
"notyetchecked": "Ainda não verificado",
"up": "Up",
"seemsdown": "Parece Baixo",
"seemsdown": "Parece em Baixo",
"down": "Down",
"unknown": "Desconhecido"
@ -844,16 +854,16 @@
"romm": {
"platforms": "Plataformas",
"totalRoms": "Games",
"totalRoms": "Jogos",
"saves": "Saves",
"states": "States",
"states": "Estados",
"screenshots": "Screenshots",
"totalfilesize": "Total Size"
"totalfilesize": "Tamanho Total"
"mailcow": {
"domains": "Domínios",
"mailboxes": "Mailboxes",
"mails": "Mails",
"mailboxes": "Caixas de Correio",
"mails": "E-mails",
"storage": "Armazenamento"
"netdata": {
@ -881,7 +891,7 @@
"images": "Imagens",
"imageSize": "Tamanho das imagens",
"galleries": "Galerias",
"performers": "Artistas",
"performers": "Artistas de palco",
"studios": "Estúdios",
"movies": "Filmes",
"tags": "Etiquetas",
@ -906,14 +916,14 @@
"wgeasy": {
"connected": "Conectado",
"enabled": "Ativo",
"enabled": "Activo",
"disabled": "Desabilitado",
"total": "Total"
"swagdashboard": {
"proxied": "Com proxy",
"auth": "Com Autorização",
"outdated": "Desatualizado",
"outdated": "Desactualizado",
"banned": "Banido"
"myspeed": {
@ -922,36 +932,80 @@
"upload": "Carregar"
"stocks": {
"stocks": "Ações",
"loading": "Carregando",
"stocks": "Acções",
"loading": "A carregar",
"open": "Aberto - Mercado dos EUA",
"closed": "Fechado - Mercado dos EUA",
"invalidConfiguration": "Configuração inválida"
"invalidConfiguration": "Configuração Inválida"
"frigate": {
"cameras": "Câmaras",
"cameras": "Câmeras",
"uptime": "Ligado",
"version": "Versão"
"linkwarden": {
"links": "Links",
"collections": "Collections",
"collections": "Colecções",
"tags": "Etiquetas"
"zabbix": {
"unclassified": "Not classified",
"unclassified": "Não Classificados",
"information": "Informação",
"warning": "Warning",
"average": "Average",
"high": "High",
"disaster": "Disaster"
"warning": "Avisos",
"average": "Média",
"high": "Elevado",
"disaster": "Desastre"
"lubelogger": {
"vehicle": "Vehicle",
"vehicles": "Vehicles",
"serviceRecords": "Service Records",
"reminders": "Reminders",
"nextReminder": "Next Reminder",
"none": "None"
"vehicle": "Veículo",
"vehicles": "Veículos",
"serviceRecords": "Registros de Serviço",
"reminders": "Lembretes",
"nextReminder": "Próximo Lembrete",
"none": "Nenhum"
"vikunja": {
"projects": "Active Projects",
"tasks7d": "Tasks Due This Week",
"tasksOverdue": "Overdue Tasks",
"tasksInProgress": "Tasks In Progress"
"headscale": {
"name": "Nome",
"address": "Endereço",
"last_seen": "Última Vez Visto",
"status": "Estado",
"online": "Online",
"offline": "Desligado"
"beszel": {
"name": "Nome",
"systems": "Systems",
"up": "Up",
"status": "Estado",
"updated": "Atualizado",
"cpu": "CPU",
"memory": "MEM",
"disk": "Disk",
"network": "NET"
"argocd": {
"apps": "Apps",
"synced": "Synced",
"outOfSync": "Out Of Sync",
"healthy": "Saudável",
"degraded": "Degraded",
"progressing": "Progressing",
"missing": "Em falta",
"suspended": "Suspended"
"spoolman": {
"loading": "A carregar"
"gitlab": {
"groups": "Groups",
"issues": "Problemas",
"merges": "Merge Requests",
"projects": "Projects"

@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
"ms": "{{value, number}}",
"date": "{{value, date}}",
"relativeDate": "{{value, relativeDate}}",
"uptime": "{{value, uptime}}",
"duration": "{{value, duration}}",
"months": "M",
"days": "d",
"hours": "h",
@ -309,6 +309,16 @@
"stopped": "Parado",
"total": "Total"
"suwayomi": {
"download": "Baixado",
"nondownload": "Non-Downloaded",
"read": "Lido",
"unread": "Não lida",
"downloadedread": "Downloaded & Read",
"downloadedunread": "Downloaded & Unread",
"nondownloadedread": "Non-Downloaded & Read",
"nondownloadedunread": "Non-Downloaded & Unread"
"tailscale": {
"address": "Endereço",
"expires": "Expira em",
@ -953,5 +963,49 @@
"reminders": "Reminders",
"nextReminder": "Next Reminder",
"none": "None"
"vikunja": {
"projects": "Active Projects",
"tasks7d": "Tasks Due This Week",
"tasksOverdue": "Overdue Tasks",
"tasksInProgress": "Tasks In Progress"
"headscale": {
"name": "Nome",
"address": "Endereço",
"last_seen": "Visto por último",
"status": "Status",
"online": "Disponível",
"offline": "Offline"
"beszel": {
"name": "Nome",
"systems": "Systems",
"up": "Ativo",
"status": "Status",
"updated": "Atualizado",
"cpu": "CPU",
"memory": "MEM",
"disk": "Disk",
"network": "NET"
"argocd": {
"apps": "Apps",
"synced": "Synced",
"outOfSync": "Out Of Sync",
"healthy": "Saudável",
"degraded": "Degraded",
"progressing": "Progressing",
"missing": "Faltando",
"suspended": "Suspended"
"spoolman": {
"loading": "Carregando"
"gitlab": {
"groups": "Groups",
"issues": "Problemas",
"merges": "Merge Requests",
"projects": "Projects"

@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
"ms": "{{value, number}}",
"date": "{{value, date}}",
"relativeDate": "{{value, relativeDate}}",
"uptime": "{{value, uptime}}",
"duration": "{{value, duration}}",
"months": "mo",
"days": "d",
"hours": "h",
@ -309,6 +309,16 @@
"stopped": "Oprit",
"total": "Total"
"suwayomi": {
"download": "Descărcat",
"nondownload": "Non-Downloaded",
"read": "Read",
"unread": "Necitit",
"downloadedread": "Downloaded & Read",
"downloadedunread": "Downloaded & Unread",
"nondownloadedread": "Non-Downloaded & Read",
"nondownloadedunread": "Non-Downloaded & Unread"
"tailscale": {
"address": "Address",
"expires": "Expires",
@ -953,5 +963,49 @@
"reminders": "Reminders",
"nextReminder": "Next Reminder",
"none": "None"
"vikunja": {
"projects": "Active Projects",
"tasks7d": "Tasks Due This Week",
"tasksOverdue": "Overdue Tasks",
"tasksInProgress": "Tasks In Progress"
"headscale": {
"name": "Name",
"address": "Address",
"last_seen": "Last Seen",
"status": "Stare",
"online": "Online",
"offline": "Offline"
"beszel": {
"name": "Name",
"systems": "Systems",
"up": "Sus",
"status": "Stare",
"updated": "Updated",
"cpu": "Procesor",
"memory": "MEM",
"disk": "Disk",
"network": "NET"
"argocd": {
"apps": "Apps",
"synced": "Synced",
"outOfSync": "Out Of Sync",
"healthy": "Sănătos",
"degraded": "Degraded",
"progressing": "Progressing",
"missing": "Missing",
"suspended": "Suspended"
"spoolman": {
"loading": "Loading"
"gitlab": {
"groups": "Groups",
"issues": "Issues",
"merges": "Merge Requests",
"projects": "Projects"

@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
"ms": "{{value, number}}",
"date": "{{value, date}}",
"relativeDate": "{{value, relativeDate}}",
"uptime": "{{value, uptime}}",
"duration": "{{value, duration}}",
"months": "мес",
"days": "дней",
"hours": "час",
@ -227,8 +227,8 @@
"seed": "Сид"
"develancacheui": {
"cachehitbytes": "Cache Hit Bytes",
"cachemissbytes": "Cache Miss Bytes"
"cachehitbytes": "Хит байты кэша",
"cachemissbytes": "Мисс байты кэша"
"downloadstation": {
"download": "Скачивание",
@ -284,7 +284,7 @@
"netalertx": {
"total": "Всего",
"connected": "Подключено",
"new_devices": "Новое устройство",
"new_devices": "Новые устройства",
"down_alerts": "Оповещение о недоступности"
"pihole": {
@ -309,6 +309,16 @@
"stopped": "Остановлено",
"total": "Всего"
"suwayomi": {
"download": "Загружено",
"nondownload": "Незагруженные",
"read": "Прочитано",
"unread": "Не прочитано",
"downloadedread": "Загруженные и прочитанные",
"downloadedunread": "Загруженные и непрочитанные",
"nondownloadedread": "Незагруженные и прочитанные",
"nondownloadedunread": "Незагруженные и непрочитанные"
"tailscale": {
"address": "Адрес",
"expires": "Истекает",
@ -325,15 +335,15 @@
"technitium": {
"totalQueries": "Запросы",
"totalNoError": "Success",
"totalServerFailure": "Failures",
"totalNxDomain": "NX Domains",
"totalRefused": "Refused",
"totalAuthoritative": "Authoritative",
"totalRecursive": "Recursive",
"totalCached": "Cached",
"totalNoError": "Успешные",
"totalServerFailure": "Ошибки",
"totalNxDomain": "NX домены",
"totalRefused": "Отказано",
"totalAuthoritative": "Авторитетные",
"totalRecursive": "Рекурсивные",
"totalCached": "Кэш",
"totalBlocked": "Заблокировано",
"totalDropped": "Dropped",
"totalDropped": "Отброшенные",
"totalClients": "Клиенты"
"tdarr": {
@ -844,16 +854,16 @@
"romm": {
"platforms": "Платформы",
"totalRoms": "Games",
"saves": "Saves",
"states": "States",
"screenshots": "Screenshots",
"totalfilesize": "Total Size"
"totalRoms": "Игры",
"saves": "Сейвы",
"states": "Состояния",
"screenshots": "Скриншоты",
"totalfilesize": "Общий объем"
"mailcow": {
"domains": "Домены",
"mailboxes": "Mailboxes",
"mails": "Mails",
"mailboxes": "Почтовые ящики",
"mails": "Письма",
"storage": "Хранилище"
"netdata": {
@ -902,7 +912,7 @@
"crowdsec": {
"alerts": "Предупреждения",
"bans": "Запреты"
"bans": "Блокировки"
"wgeasy": {
"connected": "Подключено",
@ -911,10 +921,10 @@
"total": "Всего"
"swagdashboard": {
"proxied": "Proxied",
"auth": "With Auth",
"outdated": "Outdated",
"banned": "Banned"
"proxied": "Прокси",
"auth": "С Авторизацией",
"outdated": "Устаревшие",
"banned": "Заблокированные"
"myspeed": {
"ping": "Пинг",
@ -922,36 +932,80 @@
"upload": "Загрузка"
"stocks": {
"stocks": "Stocks",
"loading": "Loading",
"open": "Open - US Market",
"closed": "Closed - US Market",
"invalidConfiguration": "Invalid Configuration"
"stocks": "Акции",
"loading": "Загрузка",
"open": "Открыто - Рынок США",
"closed": "Закрыто - рынок США",
"invalidConfiguration": "Неверная конфигурация"
"frigate": {
"cameras": "Cameras",
"cameras": "Камеры",
"uptime": "Время работы",
"version": "Версия"
"linkwarden": {
"links": "Links",
"collections": "Collections",
"links": "Ссылки",
"collections": "Коллекции",
"tags": "Теги"
"zabbix": {
"unclassified": "Not classified",
"unclassified": "Не классифицировано",
"information": "Информация",
"warning": "Warning",
"average": "Average",
"high": "High",
"disaster": "Disaster"
"warning": "Предупреждение",
"average": "Средняя",
"high": "Высокая",
"disaster": "Чрезвычайная"
"lubelogger": {
"vehicle": "Vehicle",
"vehicles": "Vehicles",
"serviceRecords": "Service Records",
"reminders": "Reminders",
"nextReminder": "Next Reminder",
"none": "None"
"vehicle": "Автомобиль",
"vehicles": "Автомобили",
"serviceRecords": "Сервисные работы",
"reminders": "Напоминания",
"nextReminder": "Следующее напоминание",
"none": "Нет"
"vikunja": {
"projects": "Активные Проекты",
"tasks7d": "Задачи на этой неделе",
"tasksOverdue": "Просроченные задачи",
"tasksInProgress": "Задачи в процессе"
"headscale": {
"name": "Имя",
"address": "Адрес",
"last_seen": "Последнее посещение",
"status": "Статус",
"online": "В сети",
"offline": "Не в сети"
"beszel": {
"name": "Имя",
"systems": "Системы",
"up": "Онлайн",
"status": "Статус",
"updated": "Обновленно",
"cpu": "ЦП",
"memory": "ОЗУ",
"disk": "Диск",
"network": "Сеть"
"argocd": {
"apps": "Apps",
"synced": "Synced",
"outOfSync": "Out Of Sync",
"healthy": "Здоровый",
"degraded": "Degraded",
"progressing": "Progressing",
"missing": "Отсутствует",
"suspended": "Suspended"
"spoolman": {
"loading": "Загрузка"
"gitlab": {
"groups": "Groups",
"issues": "Вопросы",
"merges": "Merge Requests",
"projects": "Projects"

@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
"ms": "{{value, number}}",
"date": "{{value, date}}",
"relativeDate": "{{value, relativeDate}}",
"uptime": "{{value, uptime}}",
"duration": "{{value, duration}}",
"months": "mes",
"days": "d",
"hours": "h",
@ -309,6 +309,16 @@
"stopped": "Zastavené",
"total": "Celkovo"
"suwayomi": {
"download": "Stiahnuté",
"nondownload": "Non-Downloaded",
"read": "Prečítané",
"unread": "Neprečítané",
"downloadedread": "Downloaded & Read",
"downloadedunread": "Downloaded & Unread",
"nondownloadedread": "Non-Downloaded & Read",
"nondownloadedunread": "Non-Downloaded & Unread"
"tailscale": {
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"vikunja": {
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"relativeDate": "{{value, relativeDate}}",
"uptime": "{{value, uptime}}",
"duration": "{{value, duration}}",
"months": "mes",
"days": "d",
"hours": "u",
@ -309,6 +309,16 @@
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@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
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"date": "{{value, date}}",
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"duration": "{{value, duration}}",
"months": "mo",
"days": "d",
"hours": "h",
@ -309,6 +309,16 @@
"stopped": "Stopped",
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"nondownloadedunread": "Non-Downloaded & Unread"
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@ -953,5 +963,49 @@
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"duration": "{{value, duration}}",
"months": "mån",
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@ -309,6 +309,16 @@
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"nondownloadedunread": "Non-Downloaded & Unread"
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@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
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"uptime": "{{value, uptime}}",
"duration": "{{value, duration}}",
"months": "mo",
"days": "d",
"hours": "h",
@ -309,6 +309,16 @@
"stopped": "ఆగిపోయినవి",
"total": "మొత్తం"
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"download": "డౌన్‌లోడ్ చేయబడింది",
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@ -953,5 +963,49 @@
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"cpu": "సీపియూ",
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@ -309,6 +309,16 @@
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@ -309,6 +309,16 @@
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@ -47,7 +47,7 @@
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@ -123,8 +123,8 @@
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@ -163,11 +163,11 @@
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@ -309,6 +309,16 @@
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@ -325,15 +335,15 @@
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"totalDropped": "Видалені",
"totalClients": "Клієнти"
"tdarr": {
@ -424,12 +434,12 @@
"temp": "Температура",
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"digitalRelease": "Цифровий реліз",
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"playDuration": "Time Watched",
"sceneSize": "Scenes Size",
"sceneDuration": "Scenes Duration",
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"imageSize": "Images Size",
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"scenesPlayed": "Зіграні сцени",
"playCount": "Всього п'єс",
"playDuration": "Переглянуто",
"sceneSize": "Розміри сцен",
"sceneDuration": "Тривалість сцен",
"images": "Зображення",
"imageSize": "Розміри зображень",
"galleries": "Галереї",
"performers": "Виконавці",
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"studios": "Студії",
"movies": "Фільми",
"tags": "Теги",
"oCount": "O Count"
"oCount": "Кількість O"
"tandoor": {
"users": "Користувачі",
@ -893,16 +903,16 @@
"keywords": "Ключові слова"
"homebox": {
"items": "Items",
"totalWithWarranty": "With Warranty",
"items": "Речі",
"totalWithWarranty": "З гарантією",
"locations": "Місцезнаходження",
"labels": "Мітки",
"users": "Користувачі",
"totalValue": "Total Value"
"totalValue": "Загальне значення"
"crowdsec": {
"alerts": "Оповіщення",
"bans": "Bans"
"bans": "Блокування"
"wgeasy": {
"connected": "З'єднано",
@ -911,21 +921,21 @@
"total": "Усього"
"swagdashboard": {
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"auth": "With Auth",
"outdated": "Outdated",
"banned": "Banned"
"proxied": "Пропущено через проксі",
"auth": "З аутентифікацією",
"outdated": "Застаріле",
"banned": "Заблоковано"
"myspeed": {
"ping": "Пінг",
"download": "Завантаження",
"upload": "Відправлення"
"download": "Завантажено",
"upload": "Відправлено"
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"stocks": "Stocks",
"stocks": "Акції",
"loading": "Завантажую",
"open": "Open - US Market",
"closed": "Closed - US Market",
"open": "Відкрито - ринок США",
"closed": "Закрито - ринок США",
"invalidConfiguration": "Неприпустима конфігурація"
"frigate": {
@ -934,24 +944,68 @@
"version": "Версія"
"linkwarden": {
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"links": "Посилання",
"collections": "Колекції",
"tags": "Теги"
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"unclassified": "Не визначено",
"information": "Інформація",
"warning": "Warning",
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"high": "High",
"disaster": "Disaster"
"warning": "Попередження",
"average": "Середнє",
"high": "Високе",
"disaster": "Катастрофа"
"lubelogger": {
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"vehicles": "Vehicles",
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"vehicle": "Транспортний засіб",
"vehicles": "Транспортні засоби",
"serviceRecords": "Записи служб",
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"nextReminder": "Наступне нагадування",
"none": "Жодного"
"vikunja": {
"projects": "Active Projects",
"tasks7d": "Tasks Due This Week",
"tasksOverdue": "Overdue Tasks",
"tasksInProgress": "Tasks In Progress"
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"name": "Назва",
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"last_seen": "Востаннє у мережі",
"status": "Стан",
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"offline": "Офлайн"
"beszel": {
"name": "Назва",
"systems": "Systems",
"up": "Онлайн",
"status": "Стан",
"updated": "Оновлено",
"cpu": "ЦП",
"memory": "ОЗП",
"disk": "Disk",
"network": "NET"
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"apps": "Apps",
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"outOfSync": "Out Of Sync",
"healthy": "Здоровий",
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"spoolman": {
"loading": "Завантажую"
"gitlab": {
"groups": "Groups",
"issues": "Питання",
"merges": "Merge Requests",
"projects": "Projects"

@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
"ms": "{{value, number}}",
"date": "{{value, date}}",
"relativeDate": "{{value, relativeDate}}",
"uptime": "{{value, uptime}}",
"duration": "{{value, duration}}",
"months": "mo",
"days": "d",
"hours": "h",
@ -309,6 +309,16 @@
"stopped": "Stopped",
"total": "Tổng"
"suwayomi": {
"download": "Đã tải",
"nondownload": "Non-Downloaded",
"read": "Read",
"unread": "Unread",
"downloadedread": "Downloaded & Read",
"downloadedunread": "Downloaded & Unread",
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"nondownloadedunread": "Non-Downloaded & Unread"
"tailscale": {
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@ -953,5 +963,49 @@
"reminders": "Reminders",
"nextReminder": "Next Reminder",
"none": "None"
"vikunja": {
"projects": "Active Projects",
"tasks7d": "Tasks Due This Week",
"tasksOverdue": "Overdue Tasks",
"tasksInProgress": "Tasks In Progress"
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"name": "Name",
"address": "Address",
"last_seen": "Last Seen",
"status": "Trạng thái",
"online": "Online",
"offline": "Ngoại tuyến"
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"name": "Name",
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"status": "Trạng thái",
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"cpu": "CPU",
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"disk": "Disk",
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"argocd": {
"apps": "Apps",
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"outOfSync": "Out Of Sync",
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"suspended": "Suspended"
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"gitlab": {
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"issues": "Issues",
"merges": "Merge Requests",
"projects": "Projects"

@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
"ms": "{{value, number}}",
"date": "{{value, date}}",
"relativeDate": "{{value, relativeDate}}",
"uptime": "{{value, uptime}}",
"duration": "{{value, duration}}",
"months": "月",
"days": "天",
"hours": "小時",
@ -309,6 +309,16 @@
"stopped": "暫停",
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"suwayomi": {
"download": "下載咗",
"nondownload": "Non-Downloaded",
"read": "已讀",
"unread": "未讀",
"downloadedread": "Downloaded & Read",
"downloadedunread": "Downloaded & Unread",
"nondownloadedread": "Non-Downloaded & Read",
"nondownloadedunread": "Non-Downloaded & Unread"
"tailscale": {
"address": "位址",
"expires": "已失效",
@ -953,5 +963,49 @@
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"vikunja": {
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"tasksOverdue": "Overdue Tasks",
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"name": "名稱",
"address": "位址",
"last_seen": "上次連線",
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"name": "名稱",
"systems": "Systems",
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"status": "狀況",
"updated": "已更新",
"cpu": "CPU",
"memory": "記憶體",
"disk": "Disk",
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"outOfSync": "Out Of Sync",
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"issues": "出版",
"merges": "Merge Requests",
"projects": "Projects"

@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
"ms": "{{value, number}}",
"date": "{{value, date}}",
"relativeDate": "{{value, relativeDate}}",
"uptime": "{{value, uptime}}",
"duration": "{{value, duration}}",
"months": "月",
"days": "日",
"hours": "时",
@ -61,7 +61,7 @@
"wlan_devices": "无线局域网设备",
"lan_users": "局域网用户",
"wlan_users": "无线局域网用户",
"up": "在线",
"up": "运行时间",
"down": "离线",
"wait": "请稍候",
"empty_data": "子系统状态未知"
@ -227,8 +227,8 @@
"seed": "做种"
"develancacheui": {
"cachehitbytes": "Cache Hit Bytes",
"cachemissbytes": "Cache Miss Bytes"
"cachehitbytes": "缓存命中字节",
"cachemissbytes": "缓存Bytes失败"
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@ -309,6 +309,16 @@
"stopped": "停止",
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"unread": "未读",
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"nondownloadedunread": "Non-Downloaded & Unread"
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"expires": "失效",
@ -327,7 +337,7 @@
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"totalNoError": "成功",
"totalServerFailure": "失败",
"totalNxDomain": "NX Domains",
"totalNxDomain": "",
"totalRefused": "已拒绝",
"totalAuthoritative": "权威",
"totalRecursive": "递归",
@ -724,7 +734,7 @@
"prometheus": {
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"targets_down": "离线目标",
"targets_down": "目标离线",
"targets_total": "总目标"
"gatus": {
@ -844,16 +854,16 @@
"romm": {
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"saves": "Saves",
"states": "States",
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"saves": "已保存",
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"domains": "域",
"mailboxes": "Mailboxes",
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"mailboxes": "邮箱",
"mails": "邮件",
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"netdata": {
@ -922,36 +932,80 @@
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"loading": "正在加载",
"open": "打開-美国商店",
"closed": "关闭-美国市场",
"invalidConfiguration": "无效配置"
"frigate": {
"cameras": "Cameras",
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"warning": "警告",
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"high": "",
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"lubelogger": {
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"vehicles": "Vehicles",
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"vehicle": "载具",
"vehicles": "交通工具",
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@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
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"date": "{{value, date}}",
"relativeDate": "{{value, relativeDate}}",
"uptime": "{{value, uptime}}",
"duration": "{{value, duration}}",
"months": "月",
"days": "天",
"hours": "小時",
@ -309,6 +309,16 @@
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"nondownload": "Non-Downloaded",
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"nondownloadedunread": "Non-Downloaded & Unread"
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@ -953,5 +963,49 @@
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"memory": "記憶體",
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"argocd": {
"apps": "Apps",
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"gitlab": {
"groups": "Groups",
"issues": "出版",
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