Fix: Glances widget display (#3164)

Co-Authored-By: shamoon <>
SunnyCloudy 1 month ago committed by shamoon
parent 885b2624a8
commit e4b4eba445

@ -19,6 +19,8 @@ widget:
password: pass # optional if auth enabled in Glances
metric: cpu
diskUnits: bytes # optional, bytes (default) or bbytes. Only applies to disk
refreshInterval: 5000 # optional - in milliseconds, defaults to 1000 or more, depending on the metric
pointsLimit: 15 # optional, defaults to 15
_Please note, this widget does not need an `href`, `icon` or `description` on its parent service. To achieve the same effect as the examples above, see as an example:_

@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ export default function Component({ service }) {
refreshInterval: Math.max(defaultInterval, refreshInterval),
const { data: systemData, error: systemError } = useWidgetAPI(service.widget, "system");
const { data: quicklookData, error: quicklookError } = useWidgetAPI(service.widget, "quicklook");
useEffect(() => {
if (data) {
@ -71,22 +71,15 @@ export default function Component({ service }) {
{!chart && systemData && !systemError && (
{!chart && quicklookData && !quicklookError && (
<Block position="top-3 right-3">
<div className="text-xs opacity-50">
{systemData.linux_distro && `${systemData.linux_distro} - `}
{systemData.os_version && systemData.os_version}
<div className="text-[0.6rem] opacity-50">{quicklookData.cpu_name && quicklookData.cpu_name}</div>
{systemData && !systemError && (
{quicklookData && !quicklookError && (
<Block position="bottom-3 left-3">
{systemData.linux_distro && chart && <div className="text-xs opacity-50">{systemData.linux_distro}</div>}
{systemData.os_version && chart && <div className="text-xs opacity-50">{systemData.os_version}</div>}
{systemData.hostname && <div className="text-xs opacity-50">{systemData.hostname}</div>}
{quicklookData.cpu_name && chart && <div className="text-xs opacity-50">{quicklookData.cpu_name}</div>}

@ -122,7 +122,10 @@ export default function Component({ service }) {
{!chart && quicklookData?.swap === 0 && (
<div className="text-[0.6rem] opacity-50">{quicklookData.cpu_name}</div>
<div className="text-[0.6rem] opacity-50">
{systemData && systemData.linux_distro && `${systemData.linux_distro} - `}
{systemData && systemData.os_version}
<div className="w-[4rem]">{!chart && <Swap quicklookData={quicklookData} className="opacity-25" />}</div>
@ -137,7 +140,7 @@ export default function Component({ service }) {
{!chart && (
<Block position="bottom-3 left-3 w-[3rem]">
<Block position="bottom-3 left-3 w-[4rem]">
<CPU quicklookData={quicklookData} className="opacity-75" />
