- Migrate DiskStation and DownloadStation to use new proxy - Move DiskStation proxy UI logic into componentpull/866/head
@ -0,0 +1,176 @@
import cache from "memory-cache";
import getServiceWidget from "utils/config/service-helpers";
import { asJson, formatApiCall } from "utils/proxy/api-helpers";
import { httpProxy } from "utils/proxy/http";
import createLogger from "utils/logger";
import widgets from "widgets/widgets";
const INFO_ENDPOINT = "{url}/webapi/query.cgi?api=SYNO.API.Info&version=1&method=query";
const AUTH_ENDPOINT = "{url}/webapi/{path}?api=SYNO.API.Auth&version={maxVersion}&method=login&account={username}&passwd={password}&session=DownloadStation&format=cookie";
const AUTH_API_NAME = "SYNO.API.Auth";
const proxyName = "synologyProxyHandler";
const logger = createLogger(proxyName);
async function login(loginUrl) {
const [status, contentType, data] = await httpProxy(loginUrl);
if (status !== 200) {
return [status, contentType, data];
const json = asJson(data);
if (json?.success !== true) {
// from page 16: https://global.download.synology.com/download/Document/Software/DeveloperGuide/Os/DSM/All/enu/DSM_Login_Web_API_Guide_enu.pdf
Code Description
400 No such account or incorrect password
401 Account disabled
402 Permission denied
403 2-step verification code required
404 Failed to authenticate 2-step verification code
let message = "Authentication failed.";
if (json?.error?.code >= 403) message += " 2FA enabled.";
logger.warn("Unable to login. Code: %d", json?.error?.code);
return [401, "application/json", JSON.stringify({ code: json?.error?.code, message })];
return [status, contentType, data];
async function getApiInfo(serviceWidget, apiName) {
const cacheKey = `${proxyName}__${apiName}`;
let { cgiPath, maxVersion } = cache.get(cacheKey) ?? {};
if (cgiPath && maxVersion) {
return [cgiPath, maxVersion];
const infoUrl = formatApiCall(INFO_ENDPOINT, serviceWidget);
// eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars
const [status, contentType, data] = await httpProxy(infoUrl);
if (status === 200) {
try {
const json = asJson(data);
if (json?.data?.[apiName]) {
cgiPath = json.data[apiName].path;
maxVersion = json.data[apiName].maxVersion;
logger.debug(`Detected ${serviceWidget.type}: apiName '${apiName}', cgiPath '${cgiPath}', and maxVersion ${maxVersion}`);
cache.put(cacheKey, { cgiPath, maxVersion });
return [cgiPath, maxVersion];
catch {
logger.warn(`Error ${status} obtaining ${apiName} info`);
return [null, null];
async function handleUnsuccessfulResponse(serviceWidget, url) {
logger.debug(`Attempting login to ${serviceWidget.type}`);
// eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars
const [apiPath, maxVersion] = await getApiInfo(serviceWidget, AUTH_API_NAME);
const authArgs = { path: apiPath ?? "entry.cgi", maxVersion: maxVersion ?? 7, ...serviceWidget };
const loginUrl = formatApiCall(AUTH_ENDPOINT, authArgs);
const [status, contentType, data] = await login(loginUrl);
if (status !== 200) {
return [status, contentType, data];
return httpProxy(url);
function toError(url, synologyError) {
// commeon codes (100 => 199) from:
// https://global.download.synology.com/download/Document/Software/DeveloperGuide/Os/DSM/All/enu/DSM_Login_Web_API_Guide_enu.pdf
const code = synologyError.error?.code ?? synologyError.error ?? synologyError.code ?? 100;
const error = { code };
switch (code) {
case 102:
error.error = "The requested API does not exist.";
case 103:
error.error = "The requested method does not exist.";
case 104:
error.error = "The requested version does not support the functionality.";
case 105:
error.error = "The logged in session does not have permission.";
case 106:
error.error = "Session timeout.";
case 107:
error.error = "Session interrupted by duplicated login.";
case 119:
error.error = "Invalid session or SID not found.";
error.error = synologyError.message ?? "Unknown error.";
logger.warn(`Unable to call ${url}. code: ${code}, error: ${error.error}.`)
return error;
export default async function synologyProxyHandler(req, res) {
const { group, service, endpoint } = req.query;
if (!group || !service) {
return res.status(400).json({ error: "Invalid proxy service type" });
const serviceWidget = await getServiceWidget(group, service);
const widget = widgets?.[serviceWidget.type];
const mapping = widget?.mappings?.[endpoint];
if (!widget.api || !mapping) {
return res.status(403).json({ error: "Service does not support API calls" });
const [cgiPath, maxVersion] = await getApiInfo(serviceWidget, mapping.apiName);
if (!cgiPath || !maxVersion) {
return res.status(400).json({ error: `Unrecognized API name: ${mapping.apiName}`})
const url = formatApiCall(widget.api, {
apiName: mapping.apiName,
apiMethod: mapping.apiMethod,
let [status, contentType, data] = await httpProxy(url);
if (status !== 200) {
logger.debug("Error %d calling url %s", status, url);
return res.status(status, data);
let json = asJson(data);
if (json?.success !== true) {
logger.debug(`Attempting login to ${serviceWidget.type}`);
[status, contentType, data] = await handleUnsuccessfulResponse(serviceWidget, url);
json = asJson(data);
if (json.success !== true) {
data = toError(url, json);
status = 500;
if (contentType) res.setHeader("Content-Type", contentType);
return res.status(status).send(data);
@ -1,119 +0,0 @@
import { formatApiCall } from "utils/proxy/api-helpers";
import { httpProxy } from "utils/proxy/http";
import createLogger from "utils/logger";
import getServiceWidget from "utils/config/service-helpers";
const proxyName = "synologyProxyHandler";
const logger = createLogger(proxyName);
function formatUptime(uptime) {
const [hour, minutes, seconds] = uptime.split(":");
const days = Math.floor(hour/24);
const hours = hour % 24;
return `${days} d ${hours}h${minutes}m${seconds}s`
async function getApiInfo(api, widget) {
const infoAPI = "{url}/webapi/query.cgi?api=SYNO.API.Info&version=1&method=query"
const infoUrl = formatApiCall(infoAPI, widget);
// eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars
const [status, contentType, data] = await httpProxy(infoUrl);
if (status === 200) {
const json = JSON.parse(data.toString());
if (json.data[api]) {
const { path, minVersion, maxVersion } = json.data[api];
return [ path, minVersion, maxVersion ];
return [null, null, null];
async function login(widget) {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars
const [path, minVersion, maxVersion] = await getApiInfo("SYNO.API.Auth", widget);
const authApi = `{url}/webapi/${path}?api=SYNO.API.Auth&version=${maxVersion}&method=login&account={username}&passwd={password}&format=cookie`
const loginUrl = formatApiCall(authApi, widget);
const [status, contentType, data] = await httpProxy(loginUrl);
if (status !== 200) {
return [status, contentType, data];
const json = JSON.parse(data.toString());
if (json?.success !== true) {
let message = "Authentication failed.";
if (json?.error?.code >= 403) message += " 2FA enabled.";
logger.warn("Unable to login. Code: %d", json?.error?.code);
return [401, "application/json", JSON.stringify({ code: json?.error?.code, message })];
return [status, contentType, data];
export default async function synologyProxyHandler(req, res) {
const { group, service } = req.query;
if (!group || !service) {
return res.status(400).json({ error: "Invalid proxy service type" });
const widget = await getServiceWidget(group, service);
// eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars
let [status, contentType, data] = await login(widget);
if (status !== 200) {
return res.status(status).end(data)
const { sid } = JSON.parse(data.toString()).data;
let api = "SYNO.Core.System";
// eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars
let [ path, minVersion, maxVersion] = await getApiInfo(api, widget);
const storageUrl = `${widget.url}/webapi/${path}?api=${api}&version=${maxVersion}&method=info&type="storage"&_sid=${sid}`;
[status, contentType, data] = await httpProxy(storageUrl );
if (status !== 200) {
return res.status(status).set("Content-Type", contentType).send(data);
let json=JSON.parse(data.toString());
if (json?.success !== true) {
return res.status(401).json({ error: "Error getting volume stats" });
const totalSize = parseFloat(json.data.vol_info[0].total_size);
const usedVolume = 100 * parseFloat(json.data.vol_info[0].used_size) / parseFloat(json.data.vol_info[0].total_size);
const healthUrl = `${widget.url}/webapi/${path}?api=${api}&version=${maxVersion}&method=info&_sid=${sid}`;
[status, contentType, data] = await httpProxy(healthUrl);
if (status !== 200) {
return res.status(status).set("Content-Type", contentType).send(data);
if (json?.success !== true) {
return res.status(401).json({ error: "Error getting uptime" });
const uptime = formatUptime(json.data.up_time);
api = "SYNO.Core.System.Utilization";
// eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars
[ path, minVersion, maxVersion] = await getApiInfo(api, widget);
const sysUrl = `${widget.url}/webapi/${path}?api=${api}&version=${maxVersion}&method=get&_sid=${sid}`;
[status, contentType, data] = await httpProxy(sysUrl );
const memoryUsage = 100 - (100 * (parseFloat(JSON.parse(data.toString()).data.memory.avail_real) + parseFloat(JSON.parse(data.toString()).data.memory.cached)) / parseFloat(JSON.parse(data.toString()).data.memory.total_real));
const cpuLoad = parseFloat(JSON.parse(data.toString()).data.cpu.user_load) + parseFloat(JSON.parse(data.toString()).data.cpu.system_load);
if (contentType) res.setHeader("Content-Type", contentType);
return res.status(status).send(JSON.stringify({
@ -1,7 +1,27 @@
import synologyProxyHandler from "./proxy";
import synologyProxyHandler from '../../utils/proxy/handlers/synology'
const widget = {
// cgiPath and maxVersion are discovered at runtime, don't supply
api: "{url}/webapi/{cgiPath}?api={apiName}&version={maxVersion}&method={apiMethod}",
proxyHandler: synologyProxyHandler,
mappings: {
"system_storage": {
apiName: "SYNO.Core.System",
apiMethod: "info&type=\"storage\"",
endpoint: "system_storage"
"system_info": {
apiName: "SYNO.Core.System",
apiMethod: "info",
endpoint: "system_info"
"utilization": {
apiName: "SYNO.Core.System.Utilization",
apiMethod: "get",
endpoint: "utilization"
export default widget;
@ -1,88 +0,0 @@
import { formatApiCall } from "utils/proxy/api-helpers";
import { httpProxy } from "utils/proxy/http";
import createLogger from "utils/logger";
import widgets from "widgets/widgets";
import getServiceWidget from "utils/config/service-helpers";
const logger = createLogger("downloadstationProxyHandler");
async function login(loginUrl) {
const [status, contentType, data] = await httpProxy(loginUrl);
if (status !== 200) {
return [status, contentType, data];
const json = JSON.parse(data.toString());
if (json?.success !== true) {
// from https://global.download.synology.com/download/Document/Software/DeveloperGuide/Package/DownloadStation/All/enu/Synology_Download_Station_Web_API.pdf
Code Description
400 No such account or incorrect password
401 Account disabled
402 Permission denied
403 2-step verification code required
404 Failed to authenticate 2-step verification code
let message = "Authentication failed.";
if (json?.error?.code >= 403) message += " 2FA enabled.";
logger.warn("Unable to login. Code: %d", json?.error?.code);
return [401, "application/json", JSON.stringify({ code: json?.error?.code, message })];
return [status, contentType, data];
export default async function downloadstationProxyHandler(req, res) {
const { group, service, endpoint } = req.query;
if (!group || !service) {
return res.status(400).json({ error: "Invalid proxy service type" });
const widget = await getServiceWidget(group, service);
const api = widgets?.[widget.type]?.api;
if (!api) {
return res.status(403).json({ error: "Service does not support API calls" });
const url = formatApiCall(api, { endpoint, ...widget });
let [status, contentType, data] = await httpProxy(url);
if (status !== 200) {
logger.debug("Error %d calling endpoint %s", status, url);
return res.status(status, data);
const json = JSON.parse(data.toString());
if (json?.success !== true) {
logger.debug("Attempting login to DownloadStation");
const apiInfoUrl = formatApiCall("{url}/webapi/query.cgi?api=SYNO.API.Info&version=1&method=query", widget);
let path = "entry.cgi";
let maxVersion = 7;
[status, contentType, data] = await httpProxy(apiInfoUrl);
if (status === 200) {
try {
const apiAuthInfo = JSON.parse(data.toString()).data['SYNO.API.Auth'];
if (apiAuthInfo) {
path = apiAuthInfo.path;
maxVersion = apiAuthInfo.maxVersion;
logger.debug(`Deteceted Downloadstation auth API path: ${path} and maxVersion: ${maxVersion}`);
} catch {
logger.debug(`Error ${status} obtaining DownloadStation API info`);
const authApi = `{url}/webapi/${path}?api=SYNO.API.Auth&version=${maxVersion}&method=login&account={username}&passwd={password}&session=DownloadStation&format=cookie`
const loginUrl = formatApiCall(authApi, widget);
[status, contentType, data] = await login(loginUrl);
if (status !== 200) {
return res.status(status).end(data)
[status, contentType, data] = await httpProxy(url);
if (contentType) res.setHeader("Content-Type", contentType);
return res.status(status).send(data);
Reference in new issue