import cache from "memory-cache"; import { formatApiCall } from "utils/proxy/api-helpers"; import { httpProxy } from "utils/proxy/http"; import getServiceWidget from "utils/config/service-helpers"; import createLogger from "utils/logger"; const proxyName = "homeboxProxyHandler"; const sessionTokenCacheKey = `${proxyName}__sessionToken`; const logger = createLogger(proxyName); async function login(widget, service) { logger.debug("Homebox is rejecting the request, logging in."); const loginUrl = new URL(`${widget.url}/api/v1/users/login`).toString(); const loginBody = `username=${encodeURIComponent(widget.username)}&password=${encodeURIComponent(widget.password)}`; const loginParams = { method: "POST", headers: { "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" }, body: loginBody, }; const [, , data] = await httpProxy(loginUrl, loginParams); try { const { token, expiresAt } = JSON.parse(data.toString()); const expiresAtDate = new Date(expiresAt).getTime(); cache.put(`${sessionTokenCacheKey}.${service}`, token, expiresAtDate -; return { token }; } catch (e) { logger.error("Unable to login to Homebox API: %s", e); } return { token: false }; } async function apiCall(widget, endpoint, service) { const key = `${sessionTokenCacheKey}.${service}`; const url = new URL(formatApiCall("{url}/api/v1/{endpoint}", { endpoint, ...widget })); const headers = { "Content-Type": "application/json", Authorization: `${cache.get(key)}`, }; const params = { method: "GET", headers }; let [status, contentType, data, responseHeaders] = await httpProxy(url, params); if (status === 401 || status === 403) { logger.debug("Homebox API rejected the request, attempting to obtain new access token"); const { token } = await login(widget, service); headers.Authorization = `${token}`; // retry request with new token [status, contentType, data, responseHeaders] = await httpProxy(url, params); if (status !== 200) { logger.error("HTTP %d logging in to Homebox, data: %s", status, data); return { status, contentType, data: null, responseHeaders }; } } if (status !== 200) { logger.error("HTTP %d getting data from Homebox, data: %s", status, data); return { status, contentType, data: null, responseHeaders }; } return { status, contentType, data: JSON.parse(data.toString()), responseHeaders }; } export default async function homeboxProxyHandler(req, res) { const { group, service } = req.query; if (!group || !service) { logger.debug("Invalid or missing service '%s' or group '%s'", service, group); return res.status(400).json({ error: "Invalid proxy service type" }); } const widget = await getServiceWidget(group, service); if (!widget) { logger.debug("Invalid or missing widget for service '%s' in group '%s'", service, group); return res.status(400).json({ error: "Invalid proxy service type" }); } if (!cache.get(`${sessionTokenCacheKey}.${service}`)) { await login(widget, service); } // Get stats for the main blocks const { data: groupStats } = await apiCall(widget, "groups/statistics", service); // Get group info for currency const { data: groupData } = await apiCall(widget, "groups", service); return res.status(200).send({ items: groupStats?.totalItems, locations: groupStats?.totalLocations, labels: groupStats?.totalLabels, totalWithWarranty: groupStats?.totalWithWarranty, totalValue: groupStats?.totalItemPrice, users: groupStats?.totalUsers, currencyCode: groupData?.currency, }); }