title: Settings
description: Service Configuration

The `settings.yaml` file allows you to define application level options. For changes made to this file to take effect, you will need to regenerate the static HTML, this can be done by clicking the refresh icon in the bottom right of the page.

## Title

You can customize the title of the page if you'd like.

title: My Awesome Homepage

## Description

You can customize the description of the page if you'd like.

description: A description of my awesome homepage

## Start URL

You can customize the start_url as required for installable apps. The default is "/".

startUrl: https://custom.url

## Background Image

!!! warning "Heads Up!"

    You will need to restart the container any time you add new images, this is a limitation of the Next.js static site server.

!!! warning "Heads Up!"

    Do not create a bind mount to the entire `/app/public/` directory.

If you'd like to use a background image instead of the solid theme color, you may provide a full URL to an image of your choice.

background: https://images.unsplash.com/photo-1502790671504-542ad42d5189?auto=format&fit=crop&w=2560&q=80

Or you may pass the path to a local image relative to e.g. `/app/public/images` directory.

For example, inside of your Docker Compose file, mount a path to where your images are kept:

  - /my/homepage/images:/app/public/images

and then reference that image:

background: /images/background.png

### Background Opacity & Filters

You can specify filters to apply over your background image for blur, saturation and brightness as well as opacity to blend with the background color. The first three filter settings use tailwind CSS classes, see notes below regarding the options for each. You do not need to specify all options.

  image: /images/background.png
  blur: sm # sm, "", md, xl... see https://tailwindcss.com/docs/backdrop-blur
  saturate: 50 # 0, 50, 100... see https://tailwindcss.com/docs/backdrop-saturate
  brightness: 50 # 0, 50, 75... see https://tailwindcss.com/docs/backdrop-brightness
  opacity: 50 # 0-100

### Card Background Blur

You can apply a blur filter to the service & bookmark cards. Note this option is incompatible with the background blur, saturate and brightness filters.

cardBlur: sm # sm, "", md, etc... see https://tailwindcss.com/docs/backdrop-blur

## Favicon

If you'd like to use a custom favicon instead of the included one, you may provide a full URL to an image of your choice.

favicon: https://www.google.com/favicon.ico

Or you may pass the path to a local image relative to the `/app/public` directory. See [Background Image](#background-image) for more detailed information on how to provide your own files.

## Theme

You can configure a fixed theme (and disable the theme switcher) by passing the `theme` option, like so:

theme: dark # or light

## Color Palette

You can configured a fixed color palette (and disable the palette switcher) by passing the `color` option, like so:

color: slate

Supported colors are: `slate`, `gray`, `zinc`, `neutral`, `stone`, `amber`, `yellow`, `lime`, `green`, `emerald`, `teal`, `cyan`, `sky`, `blue`, `indigo`, `violet`, `purple`, `fuchsia`, `pink`, `rose`, `red`, `white`

## Layout

You can configure service and bookmarks sections to be either "column" or "row" based layouts, like so:

Assuming you have a group named `Media` in your `services.yaml` or `bookmarks.yaml` file,

    style: row
    columns: 4

As an example, this would produce the following layout:

<img width="1260" alt="Screenshot 2022-09-15 at 8 03 57 PM" src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/82196/190466646-8ca94505-0fcf-4964-9687-3a6c7cd3144f.png">

### Icons-Only Layout

You can also specify the an icon-only layout for bookmarks, either like so:

    iconsOnly: true

or globally:

bookmarksStyle: icons

### Sorting

Service groups and bookmark groups can be mixed in order, **but should use different group names**. If you do not specify any bookmark groups they will all show at the bottom of the page.

**_Using the same name for a service and bookmark group can cause unexpected behavior like a bookmark group being hidden_**

Groups will sort based on the order in the layout block. You can also mix in groups defined by docker labels, e.g.

  - Auto-Discovered1:
  - Configured1:
  - Configured2:
  - Auto-Discovered2:
  - Configured3:
      style: row
      columns: 3

### Nested Groups

If your services config has nested groups, you can apply settings to these groups by nesting them in the layout block
and using the same settings. For example

  Group A:
    style: row
    columns: 4
  Group C:
    style: row
    columns: 2
    Nested Group A:
      style: row
      columns: 2
    Nested Group B:
      style: row
      columns: 2

### Headers

You can hide headers for each section in the layout as well by passing `header` as false, like so:

  Section A:
    header: false
  Section B:
    style: row
    columns: 3
    header: false

### Category Icons

You can also add an icon to a category under the `layout` setting similar to the [options for service icons](services.md#icons), e.g.

  Home Management & Info:
    icon: home-assistant.png
  Server Tools:
    icon: https://cdn-icons-png.flaticon.com/512/252/252035.png

### Icon Style

The default style for icons (e.g. `icon: mdi-XXXX`) is a gradient, or you can specify that prefixed icons match your theme with a 'flat' style using the setting below.
More information about prefixed icons can be found in [options for service icons](services.md#icons).

iconStyle: theme # optional, defaults to gradient

### Tabs

Version 0.6.30 introduced a tabbed view to layouts which can be optionally specified in the layout. Tabs is only active if you set the `tab` field on at least one layout group.

Tabs are sorted based on the order in the layout block. If a group has no tab specified (and tabs are set on other groups), services and bookmarks will be shown on all tabs.

Every tab can be accessed directly by visiting Homepage URL with `#Group` (name lowercase and URI-encoded) at the end of the URL.

For example, the following would create four tabs:

  Bookmark Group on First Tab:
    tab: First

  First Service Group:
    tab: First
    style: row
    columns: 4

  Second Service Group:
    tab: Second
    columns: 4

  Third Service Group:
    tab: Third
    style: row

  Bookmark Group on Fourth Tab:
    tab: Fourth

  Service Group on every Tab:
    style: row
    columns: 4

### Five Columns

You can add a fifth column to services (when `style: columns` which is default) by adding:

fiveColumns: true

By default homepage will max out at 4 columns for services with `columns` style

### Collapsible sections

You can disable the collapsible feature of services & bookmarks by adding:

disableCollapse: true

By default the feature is enabled.

### Initially collapsed sections

You can initially collapse sections by adding the `initiallyCollapsed` option to the layout group.

  Section A:
    initiallyCollapsed: true

This can also be set globaly using the `groupsInitiallyCollapsed` option.

groupsInitiallyCollapsed: true

The value set on a group will overwrite the global setting.

By default the feature is disabled.

### Use Equal Height Cards

You can enable equal height cards for groups of services, this will make all cards in a row the same height.

Global setting in `settings.yaml`:

useEqualHeights: true

Per layout group in `settings.yaml`:

useEqualHeights: false
  Group Name:
    useEqualHeights: true # overrides global setting

By default the feature is disabled

## Header Style

There are currently 4 options for header styles, you can see each one below.

<img width="1000" alt="underlined" src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/82196/194725622-39ce271c-34e5-414d-be53-62d221811f88.png">

headerStyle: underlined # default style


<img width="1000" alt="boxed" src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/82196/194725645-abcb8ed9-d017-416f-9e74-cc5642fa982c.png">

headerStyle: boxed


<img width="1000" alt="clean" src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/82196/194725650-7a86e818-172d-4d0f-9861-5eae7fecb50a.png">

headerStyle: clean


<img width="1000" alt="boxedWidgets" src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/5442891/232258758-ed5262d6-f940-462c-b39e-00e54c19b9ce.png">

headerStyle: boxedWidgets

## Base URL

In some proxy configurations, it may be necessary to set the documents base URL. You can do this by providing a `base` value, like so:

base: http://host.local/homepage

**_The URL must be a full, absolute URL, or it will be ignored by the browser._**

## Language

Set your desired language using:

language: fr

Currently supported languages: ca, de, en, es, fr, he, hr, hu, it, nb-NO, nl, pt, ru, sv, vi, zh-CN, zh-Hant

You can also specify locales e.g. for the DateTime widget, e.g. en-AU, en-GB, etc.

## Link Target

Changes the behaviour of links on the homepage,

target: _blank # Possible options include _blank, _self, and _top

Use `_blank` to open links in a new tab, `_self` to open links in the same tab, and `_top` to open links in a new window.

This can also be set for individual services. Note setting this at the service level overrides any setting in settings.json, e.g.:

- Example Service:
    href: https://example.com/
    target: _self

## Providers

The `providers` section allows you to define shared API provider options and secrets.

  openweathermap: openweathermapapikey
  finnhub: yourfinnhubapikeyhere
    url: https://longhorn.example.com
    username: admin
    password: LonghornPassword

You can then pass `provider` instead of `apiKey` in your widget configuration.

- openweathermap:
    latitude: 50.449684
    longitude: 30.525026
    provider: openweathermap

## Quick Launch

You can use the 'Quick Launch' feature to search services, perform a web search or open a URL. To use Quick Launch, just start typing while on your homepage (as long as the search widget doesn't have focus).

<img width="1000" alt="quicklaunch" src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/4887959/216880811-90ff72cb-2990-4475-889b-7c3a31e6beef.png">

There are a few optional settings for the Quick Launch feature:

- `searchDescriptions`: which lets you control whether item descriptions are included in searches. This is false by default. When enabled, results that match the item name will be placed above those that only match the description.
- `hideInternetSearch`: disable automatically including the currently-selected web search (e.g. from the widget) as a Quick Launch option. This is false by default, enabling the feature.
- `showSearchSuggestions`: show search suggestions for the internet search. If this is not specified then the setting will be inherited from the search widget. If it is not specified there either, it will default to false. For custom providers the `suggestionUrl` needs to be set in order for this to work.
- `provider`: search engine provider. If none is specified it will try to use the provider set for the Search Widget, if neither are present then internet search will be disabled.
- `hideVisitURL`: disable detecting and offering an option to open URLs. This is false by default, enabling the feature.

  searchDescriptions: true
  hideInternetSearch: true
  showSearchSuggestions: true
  hideVisitURL: true
  provider: google # google, duckduckgo, bing, baidu, brave or custom

or for a custom search:

  provider: custom
  url: https://www.ecosia.org/search?q=
  target: _blank
  suggestionUrl: https://ac.ecosia.org/autocomplete?type=list&q=

## Homepage Version

By default the release version is displayed at the bottom of the page. To hide this, use the `hideVersion` setting, like so:

hideVersion: true

## Log Path

By default the homepage logfile is written to the a `logs` subdirectory of the `config` folder. In order to customize this path, you can set the `logpath` setting. A `logs` folder will be created in that location where the logfile will be written.

logpath: /logfile/path

By default, logs are sent both to `stdout` and to a file at the path specified. This can be changed by setting the `LOG_TARGETS` environment variable to one of `both` (default), `stdout` or `file`.

## Show Docker Stats

You can show all docker stats expanded in `settings.yaml`:

showStats: true

or per-service (`services.yaml`) with:

- Example Service:
    showStats: true

If you have both set the per-service settings take precedence.

## Status Style

You can choose from the following styles for docker or k8s status, site monitor and ping: `dot` or `basic`

- The default is no value, and displays the monitor and ping response time in ms and the docker / k8s container status
- `dot` shows a green dot for a successful monitor ping or healthy status.
- `basic` shows either UP or DOWN for monitor & ping

For example:

statusStyle: "dot"

or per-service (`services.yaml`) with:

- Example Service:
    statusStyle: 'dot'

If you have both set, the per-service settings take precedence.

## Instance Name

Name used by automatic docker service discovery to differentiate between multiple homepage instances.

For example:

instanceName: public

## Hide Widget Error Messages

Hide the visible API error messages either globally in `settings.yaml`:

hideErrors: true

or per service widget (`services.yaml`) with:

- Example Service:
        hideErrors: true

If either value is set to true, the error message will be hidden.