title: Date & Time
description: Date & Time Information Widget Configuration

This allows you to display the date and/or time, can be heavily configured using [Intl.DateTimeFormat](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Intl/DateTimeFormat/DateTimeFormat).

Formatting is locale aware and will present your date in the regional format you expect, for example, `9/16/22, 3:03 PM` for locale `en` and `16.09.22, 15:03` for `de`. You can also specify a locale just for the datetime widget with the `locale` option (see below).

- datetime:
    text_size: xl
      timeStyle: short

Any options passed to `format` are passed directly to [Intl.DateTimeFormat](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Intl/DateTimeFormat/DateTimeFormat), please reference the MDN documentation for all available options.

Valid text sizes are `4xl`, `3xl`, `2xl`, `xl`, `md`, `sm`, `xs`.

A few examples,

# 13:37
  timeStyle: short
  hourCycle: h23

# 1:37 PM
  timeStyle: short
  hour12: true

# 1/23/22, 1:37 PM
  dateStyle: short
  timeStyle: short
  hour12: true

# 4 januari 2023 om 13:51:25 PST
locale: nl
  dateStyle: long
  timeStyle: long