--- title: Prometheus Metric description: Prometheus Metric Widget Configuration --- Learn more about [Querying Prometheus](https://prometheus.io/docs/prometheus/latest/querying/basics/). This widget can show metrics for your service defined by PromQL queries which are requested from a running Prometheus instance. Quries can be defined in the `metrics` array of the widget along with a label to be used to present the metric value. You can optionally specify a global `refreshInterval` in milliseconds and/or define the `refreshInterval` per metric. Inside the optional `format` object of a metric various formatting styles and transformations can be applied (see below). ```yaml widget: type: prometheusmetric url: https://prometheus.host.or.ip refreshInterval: 10000 # optional - in milliseconds, defaults to 10s metrics: - label: Metric 1 query: alertmanager_alerts{state="active"} - label: Metric 2 query: apiserver_storage_size_bytes{node="mynode"} format: type: bytes - label: Metric 3 query: avg(prometheus_notifications_latency_seconds) format: type: number suffix: s options: maximumFractionDigits: 4 - label: Metric 4 query: time() refreshInterval: 1000 # will override global refreshInterval format: type: date scale: 1000 options: timeStyle: medium ``` ## Formatting Supported values for `format.type` are `text`, `number`, `percent`, `bytes`, `bits`, `bbytes`, `bbits`, `byterate`, `bibyterate`, `bitrate`, `bibitrate`, `date`, `duration`, `relativeDate`, and `text` which is the default. The `dateStyle` and `timeStyle` options of the `date` format are passed directly to [Intl.DateTimeFormat](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Intl/DateTimeFormat/DateTimeFormat) and the `style` and `numeric` options of `relativeDate` are passed to [Intl.RelativeTimeFormat](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Intl/RelativeTimeFormat/RelativeTimeFormat). For the `number` format, options of [Intl.NumberFormat](https://developer.mozilla.org/de/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Intl/NumberFormat/NumberFormat) can be used, e.g. `maximumFractionDigits` or `minimumFractionDigits`. ### Data Transformation You can manipulate your metric value with the following tools: `scale`, `prefix` and `suffix`, for example: ```yaml - query: my_custom_metric{} label: Metric 1 format: type: number scale: 1000 # multiplies value by a number or fraction string e.g. 1/16 - query: my_custom_metric{} label: Metric 2 format: type: number prefix: "$" # prefixes value with given string - query: my_custom_metric{} label: Metric 3 format: type: number suffix: "€" # suffixes value with given string ```