import cache from 'memory-cache'; import getServiceWidget from 'utils/config/service-helpers'; import { formatApiCall } from 'utils/proxy/api-helpers'; import widgets from 'widgets/widgets'; import createLogger from 'utils/logger'; import { httpProxy } from 'utils/proxy/http'; const proxyName = 'pyloadProxyHandler'; const logger = createLogger(proxyName); const sessionCacheKey = `${proxyName}__sessionId`; const isNgCacheKey = `${proxyName}__isNg`; async function fetchFromPyloadAPI(url, sessionId, params) { const options = { body: params ? Object.keys(params) .map((prop) => `${prop}=${params[prop]}`) .join('&') : `session=${sessionId}`, method: 'POST', headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', }, }; // see const isNg = cache.get(isNgCacheKey); if (isNg && !params) { delete options.body; options.headers.Cookie = cache.get(sessionCacheKey); } // eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars const [status, contentType, data, responseHeaders] = await httpProxy(url, options); return [status, JSON.parse(Buffer.from(data).toString()), responseHeaders]; } async function login(loginUrl, username, password = '') { const [status, sessionId, responseHeaders] = await fetchFromPyloadAPI(loginUrl, null, { username, password }); if (status !== 200) { throw new Error(`HTTP error ${status} logging into Pyload API, returned: ${sessionId}`); } else { // Support pyload-ng, see if (responseHeaders['set-cookie']?.join().includes('pyload_session')) { cache.put(isNgCacheKey, true); const sessionCookie = responseHeaders['set-cookie'][0]; cache.put(sessionCacheKey, sessionCookie); } else { cache.put(sessionCacheKey, sessionId); } return sessionId; } } export default async function pyloadProxyHandler(req, res) { const { group, service, endpoint } = req.query; try { if (group && service) { const widget = await getServiceWidget(group, service); if (widget) { const url = new URL(formatApiCall(widgets[widget.type].api, { endpoint, ...widget })); const loginUrl = `${widget.url}/api/login`; let sessionId = cache.get(sessionCacheKey) ?? await login(loginUrl, widget.username, widget.password); let [status, data] = await fetchFromPyloadAPI(url, sessionId); if (status === 403) { logger.debug('Failed to retrieve data from Pyload API, login and re-try'); cache.del(sessionCacheKey); sessionId = await login(loginUrl, widget.username, widget.password); [status, data] = await fetchFromPyloadAPI(url, sessionId); } if (data?.error || status !== 200) { return res.status(500).send(Buffer.from(data).toString()); } return res.json(data); } } } catch (e) { logger.error(e); return res.status(500).send(e.toString()); } return res.status(400).json({ error: 'Invalid proxy service type' }); }