--- title: Custom API description: Custom Widget Configuration from the API --- This widget can show information from custom self-hosted or third party API. Fields need to be defined in the `mappings` section YAML object to correlate with the value in the APIs JSON object. Final field definition needs to be the key with the desired value information. ```yaml widget: type: customapi url: http://custom.api.host.or.ip:port/path/to/exact/api/endpoint refreshInterval: 10000 # optional - in milliseconds, defaults to 10s username: username # auth - optional password: password # auth - optional method: GET # optional, e.g. POST headers: # optional, must be object, see below mappings: - field: key # needs to be YAML string or object label: Field 1 format: text # optional - defaults to text - field: # needs to be YAML string or object path: to: key2 format: number # optional - defaults to text label: Field 2 - field: # needs to be YAML string or object path: to: another: key3 label: Field 3 format: percent # optional - defaults to text - field: key # needs to be YAML string or object label: Field 4 format: date # optional - defaults to text dateStyle: long # optional - defaults to "long". Allowed values: `["full", "long", "medium", "short"]`. ``` Supported formats for the values are `text`, `number`, `float`, `percent`, `bytes`, `bitrate` and `date`. ## Example For the following JSON object from the API: ```json { "id": 1, "name": "Rick Sanchez", "status": "Alive", "species": "Human", "gender": "Male", "origin": { "name": "Earth (C-137)" }, "locations": [ { "name": "Earth (C-137)" }, { "name": "Citadel of Ricks" } ] } ``` Define the `mappings` section as an array, for example: ```yaml mappings: - field: name # Rick Sanchez label: Name - field: status # Alive label: Status - field: origin: name # Earth (C-137) label: Origin - field: locations: 1: name # Citadel of Ricks label: Location ``` ## Data Transformation You can manipulate data with the following tools `remap`, `scale` and `suffix`, for example: ```yaml - field: key4 label: Field 4 format: text remap: - value: 0 to: None - value: 1 to: Connected - any: true # will map all other values to: Unknown - field: key5 label: Power format: float scale: 0.001 # can be number or string e.g. 1/16 suffix: kW ``` ## Custom Headers Pass custom headers using the `headers` option, for example: ```yaml headers: X-API-Token: token ```