# Copyright (c) 2016-2024 Martin Donath <martin.donath@squidfunk.com> # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to # deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the # rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or # sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in # all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NON-INFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING # FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS # IN THE SOFTWARE. # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Configuration # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Definitions definitions: # Background image - &background_image >- {{ layout.background_image | x }} # Background color (default: indigo) - &background_color >- {%- if layout.background_color -%} {{ layout.background_color }} {%- else -%} {%- set palette = config.theme.palette or {} -%} {%- if not palette is mapping -%} {%- set list = palette | selectattr("primary") | list + palette -%} {%- set palette = list | first -%} {%- endif -%} {%- set primary = palette.get("primary", "indigo") -%} {%- set primary = primary.replace(" ", "-") -%} {{ { "red": "#ef5552", "pink": "#e92063", "purple": "#ab47bd", "deep-purple": "#7e56c2", "indigo": "#4051b5", "blue": "#2094f3", "light-blue": "#02a6f2", "cyan": "#00bdd6", "teal": "#009485", "green": "#4cae4f", "light-green": "#8bc34b", "lime": "#cbdc38", "yellow": "#ffec3d", "amber": "#ffc105", "orange": "#ffa724", "deep-orange": "#ff6e42", "brown": "#795649", "grey": "#757575", "blue-grey": "#546d78", "black": "#000000", "white": "#ffffff" }[primary] or "#4051b5" }} {%- endif -%} # Text color (default: white) - &color >- {%- if layout.color -%} {{ layout.color }} {%- else -%} {%- set palette = config.theme.palette or {} -%} {%- if not palette is mapping -%} {%- set list = palette | selectattr("primary") | list + palette -%} {%- set palette = list | first -%} {%- endif -%} {%- set primary = palette.get("primary", "indigo") -%} {%- set primary = primary.replace(" ", "-") -%} {{ { "red": "#ffffff", "pink": "#ffffff", "purple": "#ffffff", "deep-purple": "#ffffff", "indigo": "#ffffff", "blue": "#ffffff", "light-blue": "#ffffff", "cyan": "#ffffff", "teal": "#ffffff", "green": "#ffffff", "light-green": "#ffffff", "lime": "#000000", "yellow": "#000000", "amber": "#000000", "orange": "#000000", "deep-orange": "#ffffff", "brown": "#ffffff", "grey": "#ffffff", "blue-grey": "#ffffff", "black": "#ffffff", "white": "#000000" }[primary] or "#ffffff" }} {%- endif -%} # Font family (default: Roboto) - &font_family >- {%- if layout.font_family -%} {{ layout.font_family }} {%- elif config.theme.font is mapping -%} {{ config.theme.font.get("text", "Roboto") }} {%- else -%} Roboto {%- endif -%} # Font variant - &font_variant >- {%- if layout.font_variant -%} {{ layout.font_variant }} {%- endif -%} # Site name - &site_name >- {{ config.site_name }} # Page title - &page_title >- {%- if layout.title -%} {{ layout.title }} {%- else -%} {{ page.meta.get("title", page.title) }} {%- endif -%} # Page title with site name - &page_title_with_site_name >- {%- if not page.is_homepage -%} {{ page.meta.get("title", page.title) }} - {{ config.site_name }} {%- else -%} {{ page.meta.get("title", page.title) }} {%- endif -%} # Page description - &page_description >- {%- if layout.description -%} {{ layout.description }} {%- else -%} {{ page.meta.get("description", config.site_description) | x }} {%- endif -%} # Page icon - &page_icon >- {{ page.meta.icon | x }} # Logo - &logo >- {%- if layout.logo -%} {{ layout.logo }} {%- elif config.theme.logo -%} {{ config.docs_dir }}/{{ config.theme.logo }} {%- endif -%} # Logo (icon) - &logo_icon >- {%- if not layout.logo and config.theme.icon -%} {{ config.theme.icon.logo | x }} {%- endif -%} # Meta tags tags: # Open Graph og:type: website og:title: *page_title_with_site_name og:description: *page_description og:image: "{{ image.url }}" og:image:type: "{{ image.type }}" og:image:width: "{{ image.width }}" og:image:height: "{{ image.height }}" og:url: "{{ page.canonical_url }}" # Twitter twitter:card: summary_large_image twitter:title: *page_title_with_site_name twitter:description: *page_description twitter:image: "{{ image.url }}" # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Specification # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Card size and layers size: { width: 1200, height: 630 } layers: # Background - background: image: *background_image color: *background_color # Page icon - size: { width: 630, height: 630 } offset: { x: 800, y: 0 } icon: value: *page_icon color: "#FFFFFF20" # Logo - size: { width: 64, height: 64 } offset: { x: 64, y: 64 } background: image: *logo icon: value: *logo_icon color: *color # Site name - size: { width: 768, height: 42 } offset: { x: 160, y: 74 } typography: content: *site_name color: *color font: family: *font_family variant: *font_variant style: Bold # Page title - size: { width: 864, height: 256 } offset: { x: 62, y: 192 } typography: content: *page_title align: start color: *color line: amount: 3 height: 1.25 font: family: *font_family variant: *font_variant style: Bold # Page description - size: { width: 864, height: 64 } offset: { x: 64, y: 512 } typography: content: *page_description align: start color: *color line: amount: 2 height: 1.5 font: family: *font_family variant: *font_variant style: Regular