
You can include all or some of the available resources. If you do not want to see that resource, simply pass false.

The disk path is the path reported by df (Mounted On), or the mount point of the disk.

The cpu and memory resource information are the container's usage while glances displays statistics for the host machine on which it is installed.

Note: unfortunately, the package used for getting CPU temp (systeminformation) is not compatibile with some setups and will not report any value(s) for CPU temp.

Any disk you wish to access must be mounted to your container as a volume.

- resources:
      cpu: true
      memory: true
      disk: /disk/mount/path
      cputemp: true
      uptime: true
      units: imperial # only used by cpu temp
      refresh: 3000 # optional, in ms

You can also pass a label option, which allows you to group resources under named sections,

- resources:
      label: System
      cpu: true
      memory: true

- resources:
      label: Storage
      disk: /mnt/storage

Which produces something like this,

Resource Groups

If you have more than a single disk and would like to group them together under the same label, you can pass an array of paths instead,

- resources:
      label: Storage
          - /mnt/storage
          - /mnt/backup
          - /mnt/media

To produce something like this,

Screenshot 2022-09-11 at 2 15 42 PM

You can additionally supply an optional expanded property set to true in order to show additional details about the resources. By default the expanded property is set to false when not supplied.

- resources:
      label: Array Disks
      expanded: true
          - /disk1
          - /disk2
          - /disk3
