title: OpenWeatherMap
description: OpenWeatherMap Information Widget Configuration

The free tier "One Call API" is all thats required, you will need to [subscribe](https://home.openweathermap.org/subscriptions/unauth_subscribe/onecall_30/base) and grab your API key.

- openweathermap:
      label: Kyiv #optional
      latitude: 50.449684
      longitude: 30.525026
      units: metric # or imperial
      provider: openweathermap
      apiKey: youropenweathermapkey # required only if not using provider, this reveals api key in requests
      cache: 5 # Time in minutes to cache API responses, to stay within limits

You can optionally not pass a `latitude` and `longitude` and the widget will use your current location (requires a secure context, eg. HTTPS).