--- title: Cloudflare Tunnels description: Cloudflare Tunnels Widget Configuration --- Learn more about [Cloudflare Tunnels](https://www.cloudflare.com/products/tunnel/). _As of v0.6.10 this widget no longer accepts a Cloudflare global API key (or account email) due to security concerns. Instead, you should setup an API token which only requires the permissions `Account.Cloudflare Tunnel:Read`._ Allowed fields: `["status", "origin_ip"]`. ```yaml widget: type: cloudflared accountid: accountid # from zero trust dashboard url e.g. https://one.dash.cloudflare.com//home/quick-start tunnelid: tunnelid # found in tunnels dashboard under the tunnel name key: cloudflareapitoken # api token with `Account.Cloudflare Tunnel:Read` https://dash.cloudflare.com/profile/api-tokens ```