image: repository: k3d-registry.localhost:55000/homepage tag: local pullPolicy: IfNotPresent config: bookmarks: - Developer: - Github: - abbr: GH href: services: - My First Group: - My First Service: href: http://localhost/ description: Homepage is awesome - My Second Group: - My Second Service: href: http://localhost/ description: Homepage is the best - My Third Group: - My Third Service: href: http://localhost/ description: Homepage is 😎 widgets: # show the kubernetes widget, with the cluster summary and individual nodes - kubernetes: cluster: show: true cpu: true memory: true showLabel: true label: "cluster" nodes: show: true cpu: true memory: true showLabel: true - search: provider: duckduckgo target: _blank kubernetes: mode: cluster docker: settings: serviceAccount: create: true name: homepage enableRbac: true ingress: main: enabled: true annotations: "true" "Homepage" "Dynamically Detected Homepage" "Dynamic" "homepage.png" hosts: - host: homepage.k3d.localhost paths: - path: / pathType: Prefix persistence: # this persists the .next directory which greatly improves successive pod startup times dotnext: enabled: true type: pvc accessMode: ReadWriteOnce size: 1Gi mountPath: /app/.next