--- title: OpenWRT description: OpenWRT widget configuration --- Learn more about [OpenWRT](https://openwrt.org/). Provides information from OpenWRT ```yaml widget: type: openwrt url: http://host.or.ip username: homepage password: pass interfaceName: eth0 # optional ``` ## Interface Setting `interfaceName` (e.g. eth0) will display information for that particular device, otherwise the widget will display general system info. ## Authorization In order for homepage to access the OpenWRT RPC endpoints you will need to [create an ACL](https://openwrt.org/docs/techref/ubus#acls) and [new user](https://openwrt.org/docs/techref/ubus#authentication) in OpenWRT. Create an ACL named `homepage.json` in `/usr/share/rpcd/acl.d/`, the following permissions will suffice: ```json { "homepage": { "description": "Homepage widget", "read": { "ubus": { "network.interface.wan": ["status"], "network.interface.lan": ["status"], "network.device": ["status"], "system": ["info"] } } } } ``` Create a `crypt(5)` password hash using the following command in the OpenWRT shell: ```sh uhttpd -m "" ``` Then add a user that will use the ACL and hashed password in `/etc/config/rpcd`: ``` config login option username 'homepage' option password '' list read homepage ``` This username and password will be used in Homepage's services.yaml to grant access.