You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

101 lines
3.2 KiB

import { useState } from "react";
import { useTranslation } from "next-i18next";
import classNames from "classnames";
import Container from "components/services/widget/container";
import Block from "components/services/widget/block";
import Dropdown from "components/services/dropdown";
import useWidgetAPI from "utils/proxy/use-widget-api";
export default function Component({ service }) {
const { t } = useTranslation();
const dateRangeOptions = [
{ label: t("coinmarketcap.1hour"), value: "1h" },
{ label: t("coinmarketcap.1day"), value: "24h" },
{ label: t("coinmarketcap.7days"), value: "7d" },
{ label: t("coinmarketcap.30days"), value: "30d" },
const { widget } = service;
const { symbols } = widget;
const { slugs } = widget;
const currencyCode = widget.currency ?? "USD";
const interval = widget.defaultinterval ?? dateRangeOptions[0].value;
const [dateRange, setDateRange] = useState(interval);
const params = {
convert: `${currencyCode}`,
// slugs >> symbols, not both
if (slugs?.length) {
params.slug = slugs.join(",");
} else if (symbols?.length) {
params.symbol = symbols.join(",");
const { data: statsData, error: statsError } = useWidgetAPI(widget, "v1/cryptocurrency/quotes/latest", params);
if ((!symbols && !slugs) || (symbols?.length === 0 && slugs?.length === 0)) {
return (
<Container service={service}>
<Block value={t("coinmarketcap.configure")} />
if (statsError) {
return <Container service={service} error={statsError} />;
if (!statsData || !dateRange) {
return (
<Container service={service}>
<Block value={t("coinmarketcap.configure")} />
const { data } = statsData;
const validCryptos = Object.values(data).filter(
(crypto) => crypto.quote[currencyCode][`percent_change_${dateRange}`] !== null,
return (
<Container service={service}>
<div className={classNames(service.description ? "-top-10" : "-top-8", "absolute right-1")}>
<Dropdown options={dateRangeOptions} value={dateRange} setValue={setDateRange} />
<div className="flex flex-col w-full">
{ => (
className="bg-theme-200/50 dark:bg-theme-900/20 rounded m-1 flex-1 flex flex-row items-center justify-between p-1 text-xs"
<div className="font-thin pl-2">{}</div>
<div className="flex flex-row text-right">
<div className="font-bold mr-2">
{t("common.number", {
value: crypto.quote[currencyCode].price,
style: "currency",
currency: currencyCode,
className={`font-bold w-10 mr-2 ${
crypto.quote[currencyCode][`percent_change_${dateRange}`] > 0 ? "text-emerald-300" : "text-rose-300"