You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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import synologyProxyHandler from '../../utils/proxy/handlers/synology'
const widget = {
// cgiPath and maxVersion are discovered at runtime, don't supply
api: "{url}/webapi/{cgiPath}?api={apiName}&version={maxVersion}&method={apiMethod}",
proxyHandler: synologyProxyHandler,
mappings: {
"system_storage": {
apiName: "SYNO.Core.System",
apiMethod: "info&type=\"storage\"",
endpoint: "system_storage"
"system_info": {
apiName: "SYNO.Core.System",
apiMethod: "info",
endpoint: "system_info"
"utilization": {
apiName: "SYNO.Core.System.Utilization",
apiMethod: "get",
endpoint: "utilization"
export default widget;