You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
546 lines
14 KiB
546 lines
14 KiB
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"51-night": "Pioggerella Leggera",
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"55-night": "Pioggerella Pesante",
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"56-night": "Leggera Pioggia Gelata",
"57-day": "Pioggerella Gelata",
"57-night": "Pioggerella Gelata",
"61-day": "Pioggia Leggera",
"61-night": "Pioggia Leggera",
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"77-night": "Fiocchi di Neve",
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"80-night": "Leggeri Rovesci",
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"82-night": "Intensi Rovesci",
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"85-night": "Rovesci di Neve",
"86-day": "Rovesci di Neve",
"86-night": "Rovesci di Neve",
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"95-night": "Temporale",
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"96-night": "Temporale con grandine",
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"99-night": "Temporale con grandine"
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