You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

302 lines
10 KiB

import { useTranslation } from "next-i18next";
import { BsVolumeMuteFill, BsFillPlayFill, BsPauseFill, BsCpu, BsFillCpuFill } from "react-icons/bs";
import { MdOutlineSmartDisplay } from "react-icons/md";
import Block from "components/services/widget/block";
import Container from "components/services/widget/container";
import { formatProxyUrlWithSegments } from "utils/proxy/api-helpers";
import useWidgetAPI from "utils/proxy/use-widget-api";
function ticksToTime(ticks) {
const milliseconds = ticks / 10000;
const seconds = Math.floor((milliseconds / 1000) % 60);
const minutes = Math.floor((milliseconds / (1000 * 60)) % 60);
const hours = Math.floor((milliseconds / (1000 * 60 * 60)) % 24);
return { hours, minutes, seconds };
function ticksToString(ticks) {
const { hours, minutes, seconds } = ticksToTime(ticks);
const parts = [];
if (hours > 0) {
return => part.toString().padStart(2, "0")).join(":");
function SingleSessionEntry({ playCommand, session }) {
const {
NowPlayingItem: { Name, SeriesName },
PlayState: { PositionTicks, IsPaused, IsMuted },
} = session;
const RunTimeTicks =
session.NowPlayingItem?.RunTimeTicks ?? session.NowPlayingItem?.CurrentProgram?.RunTimeTicks ?? 0;
const { IsVideoDirect, VideoDecoderIsHardware, VideoEncoderIsHardware } = session?.TranscodingInfo || {
IsVideoDirect: true,
}; // if no transcodinginfo its videodirect
const percent = Math.min(1, PositionTicks / RunTimeTicks) * 100;
return (
<div className="text-theme-700 dark:text-theme-200 relative h-5 w-full rounded-md bg-theme-200/50 dark:bg-theme-900/20 mt-1 flex">
<div className="grow text-xs z-10 self-center ml-2 relative w-full h-4 mr-2">
<div className="absolute w-full whitespace-nowrap text-ellipsis overflow-hidden">
{SeriesName && ` - ${SeriesName}`}
<div className="self-center text-xs flex justify-end mr-1.5 pl-1">
{IsVideoDirect && <MdOutlineSmartDisplay className="opacity-50" />}
{!IsVideoDirect && (!VideoDecoderIsHardware || !VideoEncoderIsHardware) && <BsCpu className="opacity-50" />}
{!IsVideoDirect && VideoDecoderIsHardware && VideoEncoderIsHardware && (
<BsFillCpuFill className="opacity-50" />
<div className="text-theme-700 dark:text-theme-200 relative h-5 w-full rounded-md bg-theme-200/50 dark:bg-theme-900/20 mt-1 flex">
className="absolute h-5 rounded-md bg-theme-200 dark:bg-theme-900/40 z-0"
width: `${percent}%`,
<div className="text-xs z-10 self-center ml-1">
{IsPaused && (
onClick={() => {
playCommand(session, "Unpause");
className="inline-block w-4 h-4 cursor-pointer -mt-[1px] mr-1 opacity-80"
{!IsPaused && (
onClick={() => {
playCommand(session, "Pause");
className="inline-block w-4 h-4 cursor-pointer -mt-[1px] mr-1 opacity-80"
<div className="grow " />
<div className="self-center text-xs flex justify-end mr-1 z-10">{IsMuted && <BsVolumeMuteFill />}</div>
<div className="self-center text-xs flex justify-end mr-2 z-10">
<span className="mx-0.5 text-[8px]">/</span>
function SessionEntry({ playCommand, session }) {
const {
NowPlayingItem: { Name, SeriesName },
PlayState: { PositionTicks, IsPaused, IsMuted },
} = session;
const RunTimeTicks =
session.NowPlayingItem?.RunTimeTicks ?? session.NowPlayingItem?.CurrentProgram?.RunTimeTicks ?? 0;
const { IsVideoDirect, VideoDecoderIsHardware, VideoEncoderIsHardware } = session?.TranscodingInfo || {
IsVideoDirect: true,
}; // if no transcodinginfo its videodirect
const percent = Math.min(1, PositionTicks / RunTimeTicks) * 100;
return (
<div className="text-theme-700 dark:text-theme-200 relative h-5 w-full rounded-md bg-theme-200/50 dark:bg-theme-900/20 mt-1 flex">
className="absolute h-5 rounded-md bg-theme-200 dark:bg-theme-900/40 z-0"
width: `${percent}%`,
<div className="text-xs z-10 self-center ml-1">
{IsPaused && (
onClick={() => {
playCommand(session, "Unpause");
className="inline-block w-4 h-4 cursor-pointer -mt-[1px] mr-1 opacity-80"
{!IsPaused && (
onClick={() => {
playCommand(session, "Pause");
className="inline-block w-4 h-4 cursor-pointer -mt-[1px] mr-1 opacity-80"
<div className="grow text-xs z-10 self-center relative w-full h-4">
<div className="absolute w-full whitespace-nowrap text-ellipsis overflow-hidden">
{SeriesName && ` - ${SeriesName}`}
<div className="self-center text-xs flex justify-end mr-1 z-10">{IsMuted && <BsVolumeMuteFill />}</div>
<div className="self-center text-xs flex justify-end mr-1 z-10">{ticksToString(PositionTicks)}</div>
<div className="self-center items-center text-xs flex justify-end mr-1.5 pl-1 z-10">
{IsVideoDirect && <MdOutlineSmartDisplay className="opacity-50" />}
{!IsVideoDirect && (!VideoDecoderIsHardware || !VideoEncoderIsHardware) && <BsCpu className="opacity-50" />}
{!IsVideoDirect && VideoDecoderIsHardware && VideoEncoderIsHardware && <BsFillCpuFill className="opacity-50" />}
function CountBlocks({ service, countData }) {
const { t } = useTranslation();
// allows filtering
// eslint-disable-next-line no-param-reassign
if (service.widget?.type === "jellyfin") service.widget.type = "emby";
if (!countData) {
return (
<Container service={service}>
<Block label="emby.movies" />
<Block label="emby.series" />
<Block label="emby.episodes" />
<Block label="emby.songs" />
return (
<Container service={service}>
<Block label="emby.movies" value={t("common.number", { value: countData.MovieCount })} />
<Block label="emby.series" value={t("common.number", { value: countData.SeriesCount })} />
<Block label="emby.episodes" value={t("common.number", { value: countData.EpisodeCount })} />
<Block label="emby.songs" value={t("common.number", { value: countData.SongCount })} />
export default function Component({ service }) {
const { t } = useTranslation();
const { widget } = service;
const {
data: sessionsData,
error: sessionsError,
mutate: sessionMutate,
} = useWidgetAPI(widget, "Sessions", {
refreshInterval: 5000,
const { data: countData, error: countError } = useWidgetAPI(widget, "Count", {
refreshInterval: 60000,
async function handlePlayCommand(session, command) {
const url = formatProxyUrlWithSegments(widget, "PlayControl", {
sessionId: session.Id,
await fetch(url).then(() => {
if (sessionsError || countError) {
return <Container service={service} error={sessionsError ?? countError} />;
const enableBlocks = service.widget?.enableBlocks;
const enableNowPlaying = service.widget?.enableNowPlaying ?? true;
if (!sessionsData || !countData) {
return (
{enableBlocks && <CountBlocks service={service} countData={null} />}
{enableNowPlaying && (
<div className="flex flex-col pb-1">
<div className="text-theme-700 dark:text-theme-200 text-xs relative h-5 w-full rounded-md bg-theme-200/50 dark:bg-theme-900/20 mt-1">
<span className="absolute left-2 text-xs mt-[2px]">-</span>
<div className="text-theme-700 dark:text-theme-200 text-xs relative h-5 w-full rounded-md bg-theme-200/50 dark:bg-theme-900/20 mt-1">
<span className="absolute left-2 text-xs mt-[2px]">-</span>
if (enableNowPlaying) {
const playing = sessionsData
.filter((session) => session?.NowPlayingItem)
.sort((a, b) => {
if (a.PlayState.PositionTicks > b.PlayState.PositionTicks) {
return 1;
if (a.PlayState.PositionTicks < b.PlayState.PositionTicks) {
return -1;
return 0;
if (playing.length === 0) {
return (
{enableBlocks && <CountBlocks service={service} countData={countData} />}
<div className="flex flex-col pb-1 mx-1">
<div className="text-theme-700 dark:text-theme-200 text-xs relative h-5 w-full rounded-md bg-theme-200/50 dark:bg-theme-900/20 mt-1">
<span className="absolute left-2 text-xs mt-[2px]">{t("emby.no_active")}</span>
<div className="text-theme-700 dark:text-theme-200 text-xs relative h-5 w-full rounded-md bg-theme-200/50 dark:bg-theme-900/20 mt-1">
<span className="absolute left-2 text-xs mt-[2px]">-</span>
if (playing.length === 1) {
const session = playing[0];
return (
{enableBlocks && <CountBlocks service={service} countData={countData} />}
<div className="flex flex-col pb-1 mx-1">
playCommand={(currentSession, command) => handlePlayCommand(currentSession, command)}
if (playing.length > 0)
return (
{enableBlocks && <CountBlocks service={service} countData={countData} />}
<div className="flex flex-col pb-1 mx-1">
{ => (
playCommand={(currentSession, command) => handlePlayCommand(currentSession, command)}
if (enableBlocks) {
return <CountBlocks service={service} countData={countData} />;