You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

116 lines
3.5 KiB

/* eslint-disable no-underscore-dangle */
import cache from "memory-cache";
import { xml2json } from "xml-js";
import { formatApiCall } from "utils/proxy/api-helpers";
import { httpProxy } from "utils/proxy/http";
import getServiceWidget from "utils/config/service-helpers";
import createLogger from "utils/logger";
import widgets from "widgets/widgets";
const proxyName = "plexProxyHandler";
const librariesCacheKey = `${proxyName}__libraries`;
const moviesCacheKey = `${proxyName}__movies`;
const tvCacheKey = `${proxyName}__tv`;
const logger = createLogger(proxyName);
async function getWidget(req) {
const { group, service } = req.query;
if (!group || !service) {
logger.debug("Invalid or missing service '%s' or group '%s'", service, group);
return null;
const widget = await getServiceWidget(group, service);
if (!widget) {
logger.debug("Invalid or missing widget for service '%s' in group '%s'", service, group);
return null;
return widget;
async function fetchFromPlexAPI(endpoint, widget) {
const api = widgets?.[widget.type]?.api;
if (!api) {
return [403, null];
const url = new URL(formatApiCall(api, { endpoint, ...widget }));
const [status, contentType, data] = await httpProxy(url);
if (status !== 200) {
logger.error("HTTP %d communicating with Plex. Data: %s", status, data.toString());
return [status, data];
try {
const dataDecoded = xml2json(data.toString(), { compact: true });
return [status, JSON.parse(dataDecoded), contentType];
} catch (e) {
logger.error("Error decoding Plex API data. Data: %s", data.toString());
return [status, null];
export default async function plexProxyHandler(req, res) {
const widget = await getWidget(req);
if (!widget) {
return res.status(400).json({ error: "Invalid proxy service type" });
logger.debug("Getting streams from Plex API");
let streams;
let [status, apiData] = await fetchFromPlexAPI("/status/sessions", widget);
if (status !== 200) {
return res.status(status).json({error: {message: "HTTP error communicating with Plex API", data: Buffer.from(apiData).toString()}});
if (apiData && apiData.MediaContainer) {
streams = apiData.MediaContainer._attributes.size;
let libraries = cache.get(librariesCacheKey);
if (libraries === null) {
logger.debug("Getting libraries from Plex API");
[status, apiData] = await fetchFromPlexAPI("/library/sections", widget);
if (apiData && apiData.MediaContainer) {
libraries = apiData.MediaContainer.Directory;
cache.put(librariesCacheKey, libraries, 1000 * 60 * 60 * 6);
let movies = cache.get(moviesCacheKey);
let tv = cache.get(tvCacheKey);
if (movies === null || tv === null) {
movies = 0;
tv = 0;
logger.debug("Getting movie + tv counts from Plex API");
libraries.filter(l => ["movie", "show"].includes(l._attributes.type)).forEach(async (library) => {
[status, apiData] = await fetchFromPlexAPI(`/library/sections/${library._attributes.key}/all`, widget);
if (apiData && apiData.MediaContainer) {
const size = parseInt(apiData.MediaContainer._attributes.size, 10);
if (library._attributes.type === "movie") {
movies += size;
} else if (library._attributes.type === "show") {
tv += size;
cache.put(tvCacheKey, tv, 1000 * 60 * 10);
cache.put(moviesCacheKey, movies, 1000 * 60 * 10);
const data = {
return res.status(status).send(data);