You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

172 lines
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import useSWR from "swr";
import { useContext } from "react";
import { FaMemory, FaRegClock, FaThermometerHalf } from "react-icons/fa";
import { FiCpu, FiHardDrive } from "react-icons/fi";
import { useTranslation } from "next-i18next";
import UsageBar from "../resources/usage-bar";
import Error from "../widget/error";
import SingleResource from "../widget/single_resource";
import WidgetIcon from "../widget/widget_icon";
import ResourceValue from "../widget/resource_value";
import ResourceLabel from "../widget/resource_label";
import Resources from "../widget/resources";
import WidgetLabel from "../widget/widget_label";
import { SettingsContext } from "utils/contexts/settings";
const cpuSensorLabels = ["cpu_thermal", "Core", "Tctl"];
function convertToFahrenheit(t) {
return t * 9/5 + 32
export default function Widget({ options }) {
const { t, i18n } = useTranslation();
const { settings } = useContext(SettingsContext);
const { data, error } = useSWR(
`/api/widgets/glances?${new URLSearchParams({ lang: i18n.language, ...options }).toString()}`, {
refreshInterval: 1500,
if (error || data?.error) {
return <Error options={options} />
if (!data) {
return <Resources options={options}>
<WidgetIcon icon={FiCpu} />
<UsageBar percent="0" />
<WidgetIcon icon={FaMemory} />
<UsageBar percent="0" />
{options.cputemp &&
<WidgetIcon icon={FaThermometerHalf} />
<UsageBar percent="0" />
{options.uptime &&
<WidgetIcon icon={FaRegClock} />
<UsageBar percent="0" />
{options.label && <WidgetLabel label={options.label} />}
const unit = options.units === "imperial" ? "fahrenheit" : "celsius";
let mainTemp = 0;
let maxTemp = 80;
const cpuSensors = data.sensors?.filter(s => cpuSensorLabels.some(label => s.label.startsWith(label)) && s.type === "temperature_core");
if (options.cputemp && cpuSensors) {
try {
mainTemp = cpuSensors.reduce((acc, s) => acc + s.value, 0) / cpuSensors.length;
maxTemp = Math.max(cpuSensors.reduce((acc, s) => acc + s.warning, 0) / cpuSensors.length, maxTemp);
if (unit === "fahrenheit") {
mainTemp = convertToFahrenheit(mainTemp);
maxTemp = convertToFahrenheit(maxTemp);
} catch (e) {
// cpu sensor retrieval failed
const tempPercent = Math.round((mainTemp / maxTemp) * 100);
let disks = [];
if (options.disk) {
disks = Array.isArray(options.disk)
? => data.fs.find((d) => d.mnt_point === disk)).filter((d) => d)
: [data.fs.find((d) => d.mnt_point === options.disk)].filter((d) => d);
return (
<Resources options={options} target={ ?? "_blank"}>
<WidgetIcon icon={FiCpu} />
<ResourceValue>{t("common.number", {
style: "unit",
unit: "percent",
maximumFractionDigits: 0,
<ResourceValue>{t("common.number", {
value: data.load.min15,
style: "unit",
unit: "percent",
maximumFractionDigits: 0,
<UsageBar percent={} />
<WidgetIcon icon={FaMemory} />
<ResourceValue>{t("common.bytes", {
maximumFractionDigits: 1,
binary: true,
<ResourceValue>{t("common.bytes", {
maximumFractionDigits: 1,
binary: true,
<UsageBar percent={data.mem.percent} />
{ => (
<SingleResource key={disk.mnt_point}>
<WidgetIcon icon={FiHardDrive} />
<ResourceValue>{t("common.bytes", { value: })}</ResourceValue>
<ResourceValue>{t("common.bytes", { value: disk.size })}</ResourceValue>
<UsageBar percent={disk.percent} />
{options.cputemp && mainTemp > 0 &&
<WidgetIcon icon={FaThermometerHalf} />
<ResourceValue>{t("common.number", {
value: mainTemp,
maximumFractionDigits: 1,
style: "unit",
<ResourceValue>{t("common.number", {
value: maxTemp,
maximumFractionDigits: 1,
style: "unit",
<UsageBar percent={tempPercent} />
{options.uptime && data.uptime &&
<WidgetIcon icon={FaRegClock} />
<ResourceValue>{data.uptime.replace(" days,", t("glances.days")).replace(/:\d\d:\d\d$/g, t("glances.hours"))}</ResourceValue>
<UsageBar percent={Math.round((new Date().getSeconds() / 60) * 100)} />
{options.label && <WidgetLabel label={options.label} />}