using MediaBrowser.Controller.Providers ;
using MediaBrowser.Model.Configuration ;
using MediaBrowser.Model.Dto ;
using MediaBrowser.Model.Entities ;
using MediaBrowser.Model.MediaInfo ;
using MediaBrowser.Model.Users ;
using System ;
using System.Collections.Generic ;
using System.Linq ;
using System.Runtime.Serialization ;
namespace MediaBrowser.Controller.Entities.Audio
/// <summary>
/// Class Audio
/// </summary>
public class Audio : BaseItem ,
IHasAlbumArtist ,
IHasArtist ,
IHasMusicGenres ,
IHasLookupInfo < SongInfo > ,
IHasTags ,
IHasMediaSources ,
IThemeMedia ,
public string FormatName { get ; set ; }
public long? Size { get ; set ; }
public string Container { get ; set ; }
public int? TotalBitrate { get ; set ; }
public List < string > Tags { get ; set ; }
public ExtraType ExtraType { get ; set ; }
public bool IsThemeMedia { get ; set ; }
public Audio ( )
Artists = new List < string > ( ) ;
AlbumArtists = new List < string > ( ) ;
Tags = new List < string > ( ) ;
public override bool SupportsAddingToPlaylist
get { return LocationType = = LocationType . FileSystem & & RunTimeTicks . HasValue ; }
/// <summary>
/// Gets or sets a value indicating whether this instance has embedded image.
/// </summary>
/// <value><c>true</c> if this instance has embedded image; otherwise, <c>false</c>.</value>
public bool HasEmbeddedImage { get ; set ; }
/// <summary>
/// Override this to true if class should be grouped under a container in indicies
/// The container class should be defined via IndexContainer
/// </summary>
/// <value><c>true</c> if [group in index]; otherwise, <c>false</c>.</value>
public override bool GroupInIndex
return true ;
/// <summary>
/// Override this to return the folder that should be used to construct a container
/// for this item in an index. GroupInIndex should be true as well.
/// </summary>
/// <value>The index container.</value>
public override Folder IndexContainer
return LatestItemsIndexContainer ? ? new MusicAlbum { Name = "Unknown Album" } ;
protected override bool SupportsOwnedItems
return false ;
public override Folder LatestItemsIndexContainer
return Parents . OfType < MusicAlbum > ( ) . FirstOrDefault ( ) ;
public bool IsArchive
if ( string . IsNullOrWhiteSpace ( Path ) )
return false ;
var ext = System . IO . Path . GetExtension ( Path ) ? ? string . Empty ;
return new [ ] { ".zip" , ".rar" , ".7z" } . Contains ( ext , StringComparer . OrdinalIgnoreCase ) ;
public override bool CanDownload ( )
var locationType = LocationType ;
return locationType ! = LocationType . Remote & &
locationType ! = LocationType . Virtual ;
/// <summary>
/// Gets or sets the artist.
/// </summary>
/// <value>The artist.</value>
public List < string > Artists { get ; set ; }
public List < string > AlbumArtists { get ; set ; }
public List < string > AllArtists
var list = AlbumArtists . ToList ( ) ;
list . AddRange ( Artists ) ;
return list ;
/// <summary>
/// Gets or sets the album.
/// </summary>
/// <value>The album.</value>
public string Album { get ; set ; }
/// <summary>
/// Gets the type of the media.
/// </summary>
/// <value>The type of the media.</value>
public override string MediaType
return Model . Entities . MediaType . Audio ;
/// <summary>
/// Creates the name of the sort.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>System.String.</returns>
protected override string CreateSortName ( )
return ( ParentIndexNumber ! = null ? ParentIndexNumber . Value . ToString ( "0000 - " ) : "" )
+ ( IndexNumber ! = null ? IndexNumber . Value . ToString ( "0000 - " ) : "" ) + Name ;
/// <summary>
/// Gets the user data key.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>System.String.</returns>
protected override string CreateUserDataKey ( )
var parent = FindParent < MusicAlbum > ( ) ;
if ( parent ! = null )
var parentKey = parent . GetUserDataKey ( ) ;
if ( IndexNumber . HasValue )
var songKey = ( ParentIndexNumber ! = null ? ParentIndexNumber . Value . ToString ( "0000 - " ) : "" )
+ ( IndexNumber . Value . ToString ( "0000 - " ) ) ;
return parentKey + songKey ;
return base . CreateUserDataKey ( ) ;
protected override bool GetBlockUnratedValue ( UserPolicy config )
return config . BlockUnratedItems . Contains ( UnratedItem . Music ) ;
public SongInfo GetLookupInfo ( )
var info = GetItemLookupInfo < SongInfo > ( ) ;
info . AlbumArtists = AlbumArtists ;
info . Album = Album ;
info . Artists = Artists ;
return info ;
public virtual IEnumerable < MediaSourceInfo > GetMediaSources ( bool enablePathSubstitution )
var result = new List < MediaSourceInfo >
GetVersionInfo ( this , enablePathSubstitution )
} ;
return result ;
private static MediaSourceInfo GetVersionInfo ( Audio i , bool enablePathSubstituion )
var locationType = i . LocationType ;
var info = new MediaSourceInfo
Id = i . Id . ToString ( "N" ) ,
Protocol = locationType = = LocationType . Remote ? MediaProtocol . Http : MediaProtocol . File ,
MediaStreams = MediaSourceManager . GetMediaStreams ( i . Id ) . ToList ( ) ,
Name = i . Name ,
Path = enablePathSubstituion ? GetMappedPath ( i . Path , locationType ) : i . Path ,
RunTimeTicks = i . RunTimeTicks ,
Container = i . Container ,
Size = i . Size ,
Formats = ( i . FormatName ? ? string . Empty ) . Split ( new [ ] { ',' } , StringSplitOptions . RemoveEmptyEntries ) . ToList ( )
} ;
if ( string . IsNullOrEmpty ( info . Container ) )
if ( ! string . IsNullOrWhiteSpace ( i . Path ) & & locationType ! = LocationType . Remote & & locationType ! = LocationType . Virtual )
info . Container = System . IO . Path . GetExtension ( i . Path ) . TrimStart ( '.' ) ;
var bitrate = i . TotalBitrate ? ?
info . MediaStreams . Where ( m = > m . Type = = MediaStreamType . Audio )
. Select ( m = > m . BitRate ? ? 0 )
. Sum ( ) ;
if ( bitrate > 0 )
info . Bitrate = bitrate ;
return info ;