using System ;
using System.Collections.Generic ;
using System.IO ;
using System.Linq ;
using System.Text.Json ;
using System.Text.Json.Serialization ;
using Jellyfin.Data.Entities ;
using Jellyfin.Data.Enums ;
using Jellyfin.Server.Implementations ;
using MediaBrowser.Controller ;
using MediaBrowser.Controller.Library ;
using MediaBrowser.Model.Dto ;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging ;
using SQLitePCL.pretty ;
namespace Jellyfin.Server.Migrations.Routines
/// <summary>
/// The migration routine for migrating the display preferences database to EF Core.
/// </summary>
public class MigrateDisplayPreferencesDb : IMigrationRoutine
private const string DbFilename = "displaypreferences.db" ;
private readonly ILogger < MigrateDisplayPreferencesDb > _logger ;
private readonly IServerApplicationPaths _paths ;
private readonly JellyfinDbProvider _provider ;
private readonly JsonSerializerOptions _jsonOptions ;
private readonly IUserManager _userManager ;
/// <summary>
/// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="MigrateDisplayPreferencesDb"/> class.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="logger">The logger.</param>
/// <param name="paths">The server application paths.</param>
/// <param name="provider">The database provider.</param>
/// <param name="userManager">The user manager.</param>
public MigrateDisplayPreferencesDb (
ILogger < MigrateDisplayPreferencesDb > logger ,
IServerApplicationPaths paths ,
JellyfinDbProvider provider ,
IUserManager userManager )
_logger = logger ;
_paths = paths ;
_provider = provider ;
_userManager = userManager ;
_jsonOptions = new JsonSerializerOptions ( ) ;
_jsonOptions . Converters . Add ( new JsonStringEnumConverter ( ) ) ;
/// <inheritdoc />
public Guid Id = > Guid . Parse ( "06387815-C3CC-421F-A888-FB5F9992BEA8" ) ;
/// <inheritdoc />
public string Name = > "MigrateDisplayPreferencesDatabase" ;
/// <inheritdoc />
public bool PerformOnNewInstall = > false ;
/// <inheritdoc />
public void Perform ( )
HomeSectionType [ ] defaults =
HomeSectionType . SmallLibraryTiles ,
HomeSectionType . Resume ,
HomeSectionType . ResumeAudio ,
HomeSectionType . LiveTv ,
HomeSectionType . NextUp ,
HomeSectionType . LatestMedia ,
HomeSectionType . None ,
} ;
var chromecastDict = new Dictionary < string , ChromecastVersion > ( StringComparer . OrdinalIgnoreCase )
{ "stable" , ChromecastVersion . Stable } ,
{ "nightly" , ChromecastVersion . Unstable } ,
{ "unstable" , ChromecastVersion . Unstable }
} ;
var displayPrefs = new HashSet < string > ( StringComparer . OrdinalIgnoreCase ) ;
var customDisplayPrefs = new HashSet < string > ( StringComparer . OrdinalIgnoreCase ) ;
var dbFilePath = Path . Combine ( _paths . DataPath , DbFilename ) ;
using ( var connection = SQLite3 . Open ( dbFilePath , ConnectionFlags . ReadOnly , null ) )
using var dbContext = _provider . CreateContext ( ) ;
var results = connection . Query ( "SELECT * FROM userdisplaypreferences" ) ;
foreach ( var result in results )
var dto = JsonSerializer . Deserialize < DisplayPreferencesDto > ( result [ 3 ] . ToBlob ( ) , _jsonOptions ) ;
if ( dto = = null )
continue ;
var itemId = new Guid ( result [ 1 ] . ToBlob ( ) ) ;
var dtoUserId = new Guid ( result [ 1 ] . ToBlob ( ) ) ;
var client = result [ 2 ] . ToString ( ) ;
var displayPreferencesKey = $"{dtoUserId}|{itemId}|{client}" ;
if ( displayPrefs . Contains ( displayPreferencesKey ) )
// Duplicate display preference.
continue ;
displayPrefs . Add ( displayPreferencesKey ) ;
var existingUser = _userManager . GetUserById ( dtoUserId ) ;
if ( existingUser = = null )
_logger . LogWarning ( "User with ID {UserId} does not exist in the database, skipping migration." , dtoUserId ) ;
continue ;
var chromecastVersion = dto . CustomPrefs . TryGetValue ( "chromecastVersion" , out var version )
& & ! string . IsNullOrEmpty ( version )
? chromecastDict [ version ]
: ChromecastVersion . Stable ;
dto . CustomPrefs . Remove ( "chromecastVersion" ) ;
var displayPreferences = new DisplayPreferences ( dtoUserId , itemId , client )
IndexBy = Enum . TryParse < IndexingKind > ( dto . IndexBy , true , out var indexBy ) ? indexBy : null ,
ShowBackdrop = dto . ShowBackdrop ,
ShowSidebar = dto . ShowSidebar ,
ScrollDirection = dto . ScrollDirection ,
ChromecastVersion = chromecastVersion ,
SkipForwardLength = dto . CustomPrefs . TryGetValue ( "skipForwardLength" , out var length ) & & int . TryParse ( length , out var skipForwardLength )
? skipForwardLength
: 30000 ,
SkipBackwardLength = dto . CustomPrefs . TryGetValue ( "skipBackLength" , out length ) & & ! string . IsNullOrEmpty ( length ) & & int . TryParse ( length , out var skipBackwardLength )
? skipBackwardLength
: 10000 ,
EnableNextVideoInfoOverlay = dto . CustomPrefs . TryGetValue ( "enableNextVideoInfoOverlay" , out var enabled ) & & ! string . IsNullOrEmpty ( enabled )
? bool . Parse ( enabled )
: true ,
DashboardTheme = dto . CustomPrefs . TryGetValue ( "dashboardtheme" , out var theme ) ? theme : string . Empty ,
TvHome = dto . CustomPrefs . TryGetValue ( "tvhome" , out var home ) ? home : string . Empty
} ;
dto . CustomPrefs . Remove ( "skipForwardLength" ) ;
dto . CustomPrefs . Remove ( "skipBackLength" ) ;
dto . CustomPrefs . Remove ( "enableNextVideoInfoOverlay" ) ;
dto . CustomPrefs . Remove ( "dashboardtheme" ) ;
dto . CustomPrefs . Remove ( "tvhome" ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < 7 ; i + + )
var key = "homesection" + i ;
dto . CustomPrefs . TryGetValue ( key , out var homeSection ) ;
displayPreferences . HomeSections . Add ( new HomeSection
Order = i ,
Type = Enum . TryParse < HomeSectionType > ( homeSection , true , out var type ) ? type : defaults [ i ]
} ) ;
dto . CustomPrefs . Remove ( key ) ;
var defaultLibraryPrefs = new ItemDisplayPreferences ( displayPreferences . UserId , Guid . Empty , displayPreferences . Client )
SortBy = dto . SortBy ? ? "SortName" ,
SortOrder = dto . SortOrder ,
RememberIndexing = dto . RememberIndexing ,
RememberSorting = dto . RememberSorting ,
} ;
dbContext . Add ( defaultLibraryPrefs ) ;
foreach ( var key in dto . CustomPrefs . Keys . Where ( key = > key . StartsWith ( "landing-" , StringComparison . Ordinal ) ) )
if ( ! Guid . TryParse ( key . AsSpan ( ) . Slice ( "landing-" . Length ) , out var landingItemId ) )
continue ;
var libraryDisplayPreferences = new ItemDisplayPreferences ( displayPreferences . UserId , landingItemId , displayPreferences . Client )
SortBy = dto . SortBy ? ? "SortName" ,
SortOrder = dto . SortOrder ,
RememberIndexing = dto . RememberIndexing ,
RememberSorting = dto . RememberSorting ,
} ;
if ( Enum . TryParse < ViewType > ( dto . ViewType , true , out var viewType ) )
libraryDisplayPreferences . ViewType = viewType ;
dto . CustomPrefs . Remove ( key ) ;
dbContext . ItemDisplayPreferences . Add ( libraryDisplayPreferences ) ;
foreach ( var ( key , value ) in dto . CustomPrefs )
// Custom display preferences can have a key collision.
var indexKey = $"{displayPreferences.UserId}|{itemId}|{displayPreferences.Client}|{key}" ;
if ( ! customDisplayPrefs . Contains ( indexKey ) )
dbContext . Add ( new CustomItemDisplayPreferences ( displayPreferences . UserId , itemId , displayPreferences . Client , key , value ) ) ;
customDisplayPrefs . Add ( indexKey ) ;
dbContext . Add ( displayPreferences ) ;
dbContext . SaveChanges ( ) ;
File . Move ( dbFilePath , dbFilePath + ".old" ) ;
var journalPath = dbFilePath + "-journal" ;
if ( File . Exists ( journalPath ) )
File . Move ( journalPath , dbFilePath + ".old-journal" ) ;
catch ( IOException e )
_logger . LogError ( e , "Error renaming legacy display preferences database to 'displaypreferences.db.old'" ) ;