using System ;
using System.Collections.Generic ;
using System.IO ;
using System.Linq ;
using Emby.Server.Implementations ;
using Emby.Server.Implementations.Serialization ;
using MediaBrowser.Common.Configuration ;
using MediaBrowser.Model.Configuration ;
using Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection ;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging ;
namespace Jellyfin.Server.Migrations
/// <summary>
/// The class that knows which migrations to apply and how to apply them.
/// </summary>
public sealed class MigrationRunner
/// <summary>
/// The list of known pre-startup migrations, in order of applicability.
/// </summary>
private static readonly Type [ ] _preStartupMigrationTypes =
typeof ( PreStartupRoutines . CreateNetworkConfiguration ) ,
typeof ( PreStartupRoutines . MigrateMusicBrainzTimeout ) ,
typeof ( PreStartupRoutines . MigrateNetworkConfiguration ) ,
typeof ( PreStartupRoutines . MigrateEncodingOptions )
} ;
/// <summary>
/// The list of known migrations, in order of applicability.
/// </summary>
private static readonly Type [ ] _migrationTypes =
typeof ( Routines . DisableTranscodingThrottling ) ,
typeof ( Routines . CreateUserLoggingConfigFile ) ,
typeof ( Routines . MigrateActivityLogDb ) ,
typeof ( Routines . RemoveDuplicateExtras ) ,
typeof ( Routines . AddDefaultPluginRepository ) ,
typeof ( Routines . MigrateUserDb ) ,
typeof ( Routines . ReaddDefaultPluginRepository ) ,
typeof ( Routines . MigrateDisplayPreferencesDb ) ,
typeof ( Routines . RemoveDownloadImagesInAdvance ) ,
typeof ( Routines . MigrateAuthenticationDb ) ,
typeof ( Routines . FixPlaylistOwner ) ,
typeof ( Routines . MigrateRatingLevels ) ,
typeof ( Routines . AddDefaultCastReceivers ) ,
typeof ( Routines . UpdateDefaultPluginRepository ) ,
typeof ( Routines . FixAudioData ) ,
typeof ( Routines . MoveTrickplayFiles )
} ;
/// <summary>
/// Run all needed migrations.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="host">CoreAppHost that hosts current version.</param>
/// <param name="loggerFactory">Factory for making the logger.</param>
public static void Run ( CoreAppHost host , ILoggerFactory loggerFactory )
var logger = loggerFactory . CreateLogger < MigrationRunner > ( ) ;
var migrations = _migrationTypes
. Select ( m = > ActivatorUtilities . CreateInstance ( host . ServiceProvider , m ) )
. OfType < IMigrationRoutine > ( )
. ToArray ( ) ;
var migrationOptions = host . ConfigurationManager . GetConfiguration < MigrationOptions > ( MigrationsListStore . StoreKey ) ;
HandleStartupWizardCondition ( migrations , migrationOptions , host . ConfigurationManager . Configuration . IsStartupWizardCompleted , logger ) ;
PerformMigrations ( migrations , migrationOptions , options = > host . ConfigurationManager . SaveConfiguration ( MigrationsListStore . StoreKey , options ) , logger ) ;
/// <summary>
/// Run all needed pre-startup migrations.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="appPaths">Application paths.</param>
/// <param name="loggerFactory">Factory for making the logger.</param>
public static void RunPreStartup ( ServerApplicationPaths appPaths , ILoggerFactory loggerFactory )
var logger = loggerFactory . CreateLogger < MigrationRunner > ( ) ;
var migrations = _preStartupMigrationTypes
. Select ( m = > Activator . CreateInstance ( m , appPaths , loggerFactory ) )
. OfType < IMigrationRoutine > ( )
. ToArray ( ) ;
var xmlSerializer = new MyXmlSerializer ( ) ;
var migrationConfigPath = Path . Join ( appPaths . ConfigurationDirectoryPath , MigrationsListStore . StoreKey . ToLowerInvariant ( ) + ".xml" ) ;
var migrationOptions = File . Exists ( migrationConfigPath )
? ( MigrationOptions ) xmlSerializer . DeserializeFromFile ( typeof ( MigrationOptions ) , migrationConfigPath ) !
: new MigrationOptions ( ) ;
// We have to deserialize it manually since the configuration manager may overwrite it
var serverConfig = File . Exists ( appPaths . SystemConfigurationFilePath )
? ( ServerConfiguration ) xmlSerializer . DeserializeFromFile ( typeof ( ServerConfiguration ) , appPaths . SystemConfigurationFilePath ) !
: new ServerConfiguration ( ) ;
HandleStartupWizardCondition ( migrations , migrationOptions , serverConfig . IsStartupWizardCompleted , logger ) ;
PerformMigrations ( migrations , migrationOptions , options = > xmlSerializer . SerializeToFile ( options , migrationConfigPath ) , logger ) ;
private static void HandleStartupWizardCondition ( IEnumerable < IMigrationRoutine > migrations , MigrationOptions migrationOptions , bool isStartWizardCompleted , ILogger logger )
if ( isStartWizardCompleted )
return ;
// If startup wizard is not finished, this is a fresh install.
var onlyOldInstalls = migrations . Where ( m = > ! m . PerformOnNewInstall ) . ToArray ( ) ;
logger . LogInformation ( "Marking following migrations as applied because this is a fresh install: {@OnlyOldInstalls}" , onlyOldInstalls . Select ( m = > m . Name ) ) ;
migrationOptions . Applied . AddRange ( onlyOldInstalls . Select ( m = > ( m . Id , m . Name ) ) ) ;
private static void PerformMigrations ( IMigrationRoutine [ ] migrations , MigrationOptions migrationOptions , Action < MigrationOptions > saveConfiguration , ILogger logger )
// save already applied migrations, and skip them thereafter
saveConfiguration ( migrationOptions ) ;
var appliedMigrationIds = migrationOptions . Applied . Select ( m = > m . Id ) . ToHashSet ( ) ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < migrations . Length ; i + + )
var migrationRoutine = migrations [ i ] ;
if ( appliedMigrationIds . Contains ( migrationRoutine . Id ) )
logger . LogDebug ( "Skipping migration '{Name}' since it is already applied" , migrationRoutine . Name ) ;
continue ;
logger . LogInformation ( "Applying migration '{Name}'" , migrationRoutine . Name ) ;
migrationRoutine . Perform ( ) ;
catch ( Exception ex )
logger . LogError ( ex , "Could not apply migration '{Name}'" , migrationRoutine . Name ) ;
throw ;
// Mark the migration as completed
logger . LogInformation ( "Migration '{Name}' applied successfully" , migrationRoutine . Name ) ;
migrationOptions . Applied . Add ( ( migrationRoutine . Id , migrationRoutine . Name ) ) ;
saveConfiguration ( migrationOptions ) ;
logger . LogDebug ( "Migration '{Name}' marked as applied in configuration." , migrationRoutine . Name ) ;