#pragma warning disable CS1591
using System ;
using System.Collections.Generic ;
using System.Linq ;
using System.Threading ;
using System.Threading.Tasks ;
using MediaBrowser.Common.Configuration ;
using MediaBrowser.Controller.Configuration ;
using MediaBrowser.Controller.Dto ;
using MediaBrowser.Controller.Entities ;
using MediaBrowser.Controller.Library ;
using MediaBrowser.Controller.Subtitles ;
using MediaBrowser.Model.Entities ;
using MediaBrowser.Model.Providers ;
using MediaBrowser.Model.Serialization ;
using MediaBrowser.Model.Tasks ;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging ;
using MediaBrowser.Model.Globalization ;
namespace MediaBrowser.Providers.MediaInfo
public class SubtitleScheduledTask : IScheduledTask
private readonly ILibraryManager _libraryManager ;
private readonly IServerConfigurationManager _config ;
private readonly ISubtitleManager _subtitleManager ;
private readonly IMediaSourceManager _mediaSourceManager ;
private readonly ILogger < SubtitleScheduledTask > _logger ;
private readonly IJsonSerializer _json ;
private readonly ILocalizationManager _localization ;
public SubtitleScheduledTask (
ILibraryManager libraryManager ,
IJsonSerializer json ,
IServerConfigurationManager config ,
ISubtitleManager subtitleManager ,
ILogger < SubtitleScheduledTask > logger ,
IMediaSourceManager mediaSourceManager ,
ILocalizationManager localization )
_libraryManager = libraryManager ;
_config = config ;
_subtitleManager = subtitleManager ;
_logger = logger ;
_mediaSourceManager = mediaSourceManager ;
_json = json ;
_localization = localization ;
private SubtitleOptions GetOptions ( )
return _config . GetConfiguration < SubtitleOptions > ( "subtitles" ) ;
public async Task Execute ( CancellationToken cancellationToken , IProgress < double > progress )
var options = GetOptions ( ) ;
var types = new [ ] { "Episode" , "Movie" } ;
var dict = new Dictionary < Guid , BaseItem > ( ) ;
foreach ( var library in _libraryManager . RootFolder . Children . ToList ( ) )
var libraryOptions = _libraryManager . GetLibraryOptions ( library ) ;
string [ ] subtitleDownloadLanguages ;
bool SkipIfEmbeddedSubtitlesPresent ;
bool SkipIfAudioTrackMatches ;
bool RequirePerfectMatch ;
if ( libraryOptions . SubtitleDownloadLanguages = = null )
subtitleDownloadLanguages = options . DownloadLanguages ;
SkipIfEmbeddedSubtitlesPresent = options . SkipIfEmbeddedSubtitlesPresent ;
SkipIfAudioTrackMatches = options . SkipIfAudioTrackMatches ;
RequirePerfectMatch = options . RequirePerfectMatch ;
subtitleDownloadLanguages = libraryOptions . SubtitleDownloadLanguages ;
SkipIfEmbeddedSubtitlesPresent = libraryOptions . SkipSubtitlesIfEmbeddedSubtitlesPresent ;
SkipIfAudioTrackMatches = libraryOptions . SkipSubtitlesIfAudioTrackMatches ;
RequirePerfectMatch = libraryOptions . RequirePerfectSubtitleMatch ;
foreach ( var lang in subtitleDownloadLanguages )
var query = new InternalItemsQuery
MediaTypes = new string [ ] { MediaType . Video } ,
IsVirtualItem = false ,
IncludeItemTypes = types ,
DtoOptions = new DtoOptions ( true ) ,
SourceTypes = new [ ] { SourceType . Library } ,
Parent = library ,
Recursive = true
} ;
if ( SkipIfAudioTrackMatches )
query . HasNoAudioTrackWithLanguage = lang ;
if ( SkipIfEmbeddedSubtitlesPresent )
// Exclude if it already has any subtitles of the same language
query . HasNoSubtitleTrackWithLanguage = lang ;
// Exclude if it already has external subtitles of the same language
query . HasNoExternalSubtitleTrackWithLanguage = lang ;
var videosByLanguage = _libraryManager . GetItemList ( query ) ;
foreach ( var video in videosByLanguage )
dict [ video . Id ] = video ;
var videos = dict . Values . ToList ( ) ;
if ( videos . Count = = 0 )
return ;
var numComplete = 0 ;
foreach ( var video in videos )
cancellationToken . ThrowIfCancellationRequested ( ) ;
await DownloadSubtitles ( video as Video , options , cancellationToken ) . ConfigureAwait ( false ) ;
catch ( Exception ex )
_logger . LogError ( ex , "Error downloading subtitles for {Path}" , video . Path ) ;
// Update progress
numComplete + + ;
double percent = numComplete ;
percent / = videos . Count ;
progress . Report ( 100 * percent ) ;
private async Task < bool > DownloadSubtitles ( Video video , SubtitleOptions options , CancellationToken cancellationToken )
var mediaStreams = video . GetMediaStreams ( ) ;
var libraryOptions = _libraryManager . GetLibraryOptions ( video ) ;
string [ ] subtitleDownloadLanguages ;
bool SkipIfEmbeddedSubtitlesPresent ;
bool SkipIfAudioTrackMatches ;
bool RequirePerfectMatch ;
if ( libraryOptions . SubtitleDownloadLanguages = = null )
subtitleDownloadLanguages = options . DownloadLanguages ;
SkipIfEmbeddedSubtitlesPresent = options . SkipIfEmbeddedSubtitlesPresent ;
SkipIfAudioTrackMatches = options . SkipIfAudioTrackMatches ;
RequirePerfectMatch = options . RequirePerfectMatch ;
subtitleDownloadLanguages = libraryOptions . SubtitleDownloadLanguages ;
SkipIfEmbeddedSubtitlesPresent = libraryOptions . SkipSubtitlesIfEmbeddedSubtitlesPresent ;
SkipIfAudioTrackMatches = libraryOptions . SkipSubtitlesIfAudioTrackMatches ;
RequirePerfectMatch = libraryOptions . RequirePerfectSubtitleMatch ;
var downloadedLanguages = await new SubtitleDownloader ( _logger ,
_subtitleManager )
. DownloadSubtitles ( video ,
mediaStreams ,
SkipIfEmbeddedSubtitlesPresent ,
SkipIfAudioTrackMatches ,
RequirePerfectMatch ,
subtitleDownloadLanguages ,
libraryOptions . DisabledSubtitleFetchers ,
libraryOptions . SubtitleFetcherOrder ,
cancellationToken ) . ConfigureAwait ( false ) ;
// Rescan
if ( downloadedLanguages . Count > 0 )
await video . RefreshMetadata ( cancellationToken ) . ConfigureAwait ( false ) ;
return false ;
return true ;
public IEnumerable < TaskTriggerInfo > GetDefaultTriggers ( )
return new [ ] {
// Every so often
new TaskTriggerInfo { Type = TaskTriggerInfo . TriggerInterval , IntervalTicks = TimeSpan . FromHours ( 24 ) . Ticks }
} ;
public string Name = > _localization . GetLocalizedString ( "TaskDownloadMissingSubtitles" ) ;
public string Description = > _localization . GetLocalizedString ( "TaskDownloadMissingSubtitlesDescription" ) ;
public string Category = > _localization . GetLocalizedString ( "TasksLibraryCategory" ) ;
public string Key = > "DownloadSubtitles" ;
public bool IsHidden = > false ;
public bool IsEnabled = > true ;
public bool IsLogged = > true ;