using System ;
using System.Globalization ;
using System.Threading.Tasks ;
using Jellyfin.Data.Entities ;
using MediaBrowser.Controller.Events ;
using MediaBrowser.Controller.Library ;
using MediaBrowser.Model.Activity ;
using MediaBrowser.Model.Dto ;
using MediaBrowser.Model.Entities ;
using MediaBrowser.Model.Globalization ;
using MediaBrowser.Model.Notifications ;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging ;
namespace Jellyfin.Server.Implementations.Events.Consumers.Session
/// <summary>
/// Creates an activity log entry whenever a user stops playback.
/// </summary>
public class PlaybackStopLogger : IEventConsumer < PlaybackStopEventArgs >
private readonly ILogger < PlaybackStopLogger > _logger ;
private readonly ILocalizationManager _localizationManager ;
private readonly IActivityManager _activityManager ;
/// <summary>
/// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="PlaybackStopLogger"/> class.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="logger">The logger.</param>
/// <param name="localizationManager">The localization manager.</param>
/// <param name="activityManager">The activity manager.</param>
public PlaybackStopLogger ( ILogger < PlaybackStopLogger > logger , ILocalizationManager localizationManager , IActivityManager activityManager )
_logger = logger ;
_localizationManager = localizationManager ;
_activityManager = activityManager ;
/// <inheritdoc />
public async Task OnEvent ( PlaybackStopEventArgs eventArgs )
var item = eventArgs . MediaInfo ;
if ( item = = null )
_logger . LogWarning ( "PlaybackStopped reported with null media info." ) ;
return ;
if ( eventArgs . Item ! = null & & eventArgs . Item . IsThemeMedia )
// Don't report theme song or local trailer playback
return ;
if ( eventArgs . Users . Count = = 0 )
return ;
var user = eventArgs . Users [ 0 ] ;
var notificationType = GetPlaybackStoppedNotificationType ( item . MediaType ) ;
if ( notificationType = = null )
return ;
await _activityManager . CreateAsync ( new ActivityLog (
string . Format (
CultureInfo . InvariantCulture ,
_localizationManager . GetLocalizedString ( "UserStoppedPlayingItemWithValues" ) ,
user . Username ,
GetItemName ( item ) ,
eventArgs . DeviceName ) ,
notificationType ,
user . Id ) )
. ConfigureAwait ( false ) ;
private static string GetItemName ( BaseItemDto item )
var name = item . Name ;
if ( ! string . IsNullOrEmpty ( item . SeriesName ) )
name = item . SeriesName + " - " + name ;
if ( item . Artists ! = null & & item . Artists . Count > 0 )
name = item . Artists [ 0 ] + " - " + name ;
return name ;
private static string? GetPlaybackStoppedNotificationType ( string mediaType )
if ( string . Equals ( mediaType , MediaType . Audio , StringComparison . OrdinalIgnoreCase ) )
return NotificationType . AudioPlaybackStopped . ToString ( ) ;
if ( string . Equals ( mediaType , MediaType . Video , StringComparison . OrdinalIgnoreCase ) )
return NotificationType . VideoPlaybackStopped . ToString ( ) ;
return null ;