Your ROOT_URL in app.ini is but you are visiting
You should set ROOT_URL correctly, otherwise the web may not work correctly.
[ApiMember(Name = "MinPlayers", Description = "Optional filter by minimum number of game players.", IsRequired = false, DataType = "int", ParameterType = "query", Verb = "GET")]
[ApiMember(Name = "MaxPlayers", Description = "Optional filter by maximum number of game players.", IsRequired = false, DataType = "int", ParameterType = "query", Verb = "GET")]
[ApiMember(Name = "HasParentalRating", Description = "Optional filter by items that have or do not have a parental rating", IsRequired = false, DataType = "bool", ParameterType = "query", Verb = "GET")]
[ApiMember(Name = "IsHD", Description = "Optional filter by items that are HD or not.", IsRequired = false, DataType = "bool", ParameterType = "query", Verb = "GET")]
[ApiMember(Name = "LocationTypes", Description = "Optional. If specified, results will be filtered based on LocationType. This allows multiple, comma delimeted.", IsRequired = false, DataType = "string", ParameterType = "query", Verb = "GET", AllowMultiple = true)]
[ApiMember(Name = "ExcludeLocationTypes", Description = "Optional. If specified, results will be filtered based on LocationType. This allows multiple, comma delimeted.", IsRequired = false, DataType = "string", ParameterType = "query", Verb = "GET", AllowMultiple = true)]
[ApiMember(Name = "IsMissing", Description = "Optional filter by items that are missing episodes or not.", IsRequired = false, DataType = "bool", ParameterType = "query", Verb = "GET")]
[ApiMember(Name = "IsUnaired", Description = "Optional filter by items that are unaired episodes or not.", IsRequired = false, DataType = "bool", ParameterType = "query", Verb = "GET")]
[ApiMember(Name = "IsVirtualUnaired", Description = "Optional filter by items that are virtual unaired episodes or not.", IsRequired = false, DataType = "bool", ParameterType = "query", Verb = "GET")]
[ApiMember(Name = "HasOverview", Description = "Optional filter by items that have an overview or not.", IsRequired = false, DataType = "bool", ParameterType = "query", Verb = "GET")]
[ApiMember(Name = "HasImdbId", Description = "Optional filter by items that have an imdb id or not.", IsRequired = false, DataType = "bool", ParameterType = "query", Verb = "GET")]
[ApiMember(Name = "HasTmdbId", Description = "Optional filter by items that have a tmdb id or not.", IsRequired = false, DataType = "bool", ParameterType = "query", Verb = "GET")]
[ApiMember(Name = "HasTvdbId", Description = "Optional filter by items that have a tvdb id or not.", IsRequired = false, DataType = "bool", ParameterType = "query", Verb = "GET")]
[ApiMember(Name = "IsInBoxSet", Description = "Optional filter by items that are in boxsets, or not.", IsRequired = false, DataType = "bool", ParameterType = "query", Verb = "GET")]
/// Skips over a given number of items within the results. Use for paging.
/// </summary>
/// <value>The start index.</value>
[ApiMember(Name = "StartIndex", Description = "Optional. The record index to start at. All items with a lower index will be dropped from the results.", IsRequired = false, DataType = "int", ParameterType = "query", Verb = "GET")]
/// <summary>
/// The maximum number of items to return
/// </summary>
/// <value>The limit.</value>
[ApiMember(Name = "Limit", Description = "Optional. The maximum number of records to return", IsRequired = false, DataType = "int", ParameterType = "query", Verb = "GET")]
/// <summary>
/// Whether or not to perform the query recursively
/// </summary>
/// <value><c>true</c> if recursive; otherwise, <c>false</c>.</value>
[ApiMember(Name = "Recursive", Description = "When searching within folders, this determines whether or not the search will be recursive. true/false", IsRequired = false, DataType = "boolean", ParameterType = "query", Verb = "GET")]
/// Specify this to localize the search to a specific item or folder. Omit to use the root.
/// </summary>
/// <value>The parent id.</value>
[ApiMember(Name = "ParentId", Description = "Specify this to localize the search to a specific item or folder. Omit to use the root", IsRequired = false, DataType = "string", ParameterType = "query", Verb = "GET")]
/// <summary>
/// Fields to return within the items, in addition to basic information
[ApiMember(Name = "ImageTypeLimit", Description = "Optional, the max number of images to return, per image type", IsRequired = false, DataType = "int", ParameterType = "query", Verb = "GET")]
[ApiMember(Name = "EnableImageTypes", Description = "Optional. The image types to include in the output.", IsRequired = false, DataType = "string", ParameterType = "query", Verb = "GET")]
/// Limit results to items containing a specific person
/// </summary>
/// <value>The person.</value>
[ApiMember(Name = "Person", Description = "Optional. If specified, results will be filtered to include only those containing the specified person.", IsRequired = false, DataType = "string", ParameterType = "query", Verb = "GET")]
[ApiMember(Name = "PersonIds", Description = "Optional. If specified, results will be filtered to include only those containing the specified person.", IsRequired = false, DataType = "string", ParameterType = "query", Verb = "GET")]
/// <summary>
/// If the Person filter is used, this can also be used to restrict to a specific person type
/// </summary>
/// <value>The type of the person.</value>
[ApiMember(Name = "PersonTypes", Description = "Optional. If specified, along with Person, results will be filtered to include only those containing the specified person and PersonType. Allows multiple, comma-delimited", IsRequired = false, DataType = "string", ParameterType = "query", Verb = "GET")]
/// <summary>
/// Limit results to items containing specific studios
/// </summary>
/// <value>The studios.</value>
[ApiMember(Name = "Studios", Description = "Optional. If specified, results will be filtered based on studio. This allows multiple, pipe delimeted.", IsRequired = false, DataType = "string", ParameterType = "query", Verb = "GET", AllowMultiple = true)]
[ApiMember(Name = "StudioIds", Description = "Optional. If specified, results will be filtered based on studio. This allows multiple, pipe delimeted.", IsRequired = false, DataType = "string", ParameterType = "query", Verb = "GET", AllowMultiple = true)]
/// <summary>
/// Gets or sets the studios.
/// </summary>
/// <value>The studios.</value>
[ApiMember(Name = "Artists", Description = "Optional. If specified, results will be filtered based on artist. This allows multiple, pipe delimeted.", IsRequired = false, DataType = "string", ParameterType = "query", Verb = "GET", AllowMultiple = true)]
[ApiMember(Name = "ArtistIds", Description = "Optional. If specified, results will be filtered based on artist. This allows multiple, pipe delimeted.", IsRequired = false, DataType = "string", ParameterType = "query", Verb = "GET", AllowMultiple = true)]
[ApiMember(Name = "Albums", Description = "Optional. If specified, results will be filtered based on album. This allows multiple, pipe delimeted.", IsRequired = false, DataType = "string", ParameterType = "query", Verb = "GET", AllowMultiple = true)]
[ApiMember(Name = "Ids", Description = "Optional. If specific items are needed, specify a list of item id's to retrieve. This allows multiple, comma delimited.", IsRequired = false, DataType = "string", ParameterType = "query", Verb = "GET", AllowMultiple = true)]
[ApiMember(Name = "NameStartsWithOrGreater", Description = "Optional filter by items whose name is sorted equally or greater than a given input string.", IsRequired = false, DataType = "string", ParameterType = "query", Verb = "GET")]
[ApiMember(Name = "NameStartsWith", Description = "Optional filter by items whose name is sorted equally than a given input string.", IsRequired = false, DataType = "string", ParameterType = "query", Verb = "GET")]
[ApiMember(Name = "NameLessThan", Description = "Optional filter by items whose name is equally or lesser than a given input string.", IsRequired = false, DataType = "string", ParameterType = "query", Verb = "GET")]