#pragma warning disable CS1591
using System ;
using System.Collections.Generic ;
using System.IO ;
using System.Net ;
using System.Net.Mime ;
using MediaBrowser.Common.Extensions ;
using MediaBrowser.Common.Net ;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http ;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.Extensions ;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging ;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Primitives ;
using Microsoft.Net.Http.Headers ;
using IHttpRequest = MediaBrowser . Model . Services . IHttpRequest ;
namespace Emby.Server.Implementations.SocketSharp
public class WebSocketSharpRequest : IHttpRequest
private const string FormUrlEncoded = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" ;
private const string MultiPartFormData = "multipart/form-data" ;
private const string Soap11 = "text/xml; charset=utf-8" ;
private string _remoteIp ;
private Dictionary < string , object > _items ;
private string _responseContentType ;
public WebSocketSharpRequest ( HttpRequest httpRequest , HttpResponse httpResponse , string operationName )
this . OperationName = operationName ;
this . Request = httpRequest ;
this . Response = httpResponse ;
public string Accept = > StringValues . IsNullOrEmpty ( Request . Headers [ HeaderNames . Accept ] ) ? null : Request . Headers [ HeaderNames . Accept ] . ToString ( ) ;
public string Authorization = > StringValues . IsNullOrEmpty ( Request . Headers [ HeaderNames . Authorization ] ) ? null : Request . Headers [ HeaderNames . Authorization ] . ToString ( ) ;
public HttpRequest Request { get ; }
public HttpResponse Response { get ; }
public string OperationName { get ; set ; }
public string RawUrl = > Request . GetEncodedPathAndQuery ( ) ;
public string AbsoluteUri = > Request . GetDisplayUrl ( ) . TrimEnd ( '/' ) ;
public string RemoteIp
if ( _remoteIp ! = null )
return _remoteIp ;
IPAddress ip ;
// "Real" remote ip might be in X-Forwarded-For of X-Real-Ip
// (if the server is behind a reverse proxy for example)
if ( ! IPAddress . TryParse ( GetHeader ( CustomHeaderNames . XForwardedFor ) , out ip ) )
if ( ! IPAddress . TryParse ( GetHeader ( CustomHeaderNames . XRealIP ) , out ip ) )
ip = Request . HttpContext . Connection . RemoteIpAddress ;
// Default to the loopback address if no RemoteIpAddress is specified (i.e. during integration tests)
ip ? ? = IPAddress . Loopback ;
return _remoteIp = NormalizeIp ( ip ) . ToString ( ) ;
public string [ ] AcceptTypes = > Request . Headers . GetCommaSeparatedValues ( HeaderNames . Accept ) ;
public Dictionary < string , object > Items = > _items ? ? ( _items = new Dictionary < string , object > ( ) ) ;
public string ResponseContentType
get = >
? ? ( _responseContentType = GetResponseContentType ( Request ) ) ;
set = > _responseContentType = value ;
public string PathInfo = > Request . Path . Value ;
public string UserAgent = > Request . Headers [ HeaderNames . UserAgent ] ;
public IHeaderDictionary Headers = > Request . Headers ;
public IQueryCollection QueryString = > Request . Query ;
public bool IsLocal = >
( Request . HttpContext . Connection . LocalIpAddress = = null
& & Request . HttpContext . Connection . RemoteIpAddress = = null )
| | Request . HttpContext . Connection . LocalIpAddress . Equals ( Request . HttpContext . Connection . RemoteIpAddress ) ;
public string HttpMethod = > Request . Method ;
public string Verb = > HttpMethod ;
public string ContentType = > Request . ContentType ;
public Uri UrlReferrer = > Request . GetTypedHeaders ( ) . Referer ;
public Stream InputStream = > Request . Body ;
public long ContentLength = > Request . ContentLength ? ? 0 ;
private string GetHeader ( string name ) = > Request . Headers [ name ] . ToString ( ) ;
private static IPAddress NormalizeIp ( IPAddress ip )
if ( ip . IsIPv4MappedToIPv6 )
return ip . MapToIPv4 ( ) ;
return ip ;
public static string GetResponseContentType ( HttpRequest httpReq )
var specifiedContentType = GetQueryStringContentType ( httpReq ) ;
if ( ! string . IsNullOrEmpty ( specifiedContentType ) )
return specifiedContentType ;
const string ServerDefaultContentType = MediaTypeNames . Application . Json ;
var acceptContentTypes = httpReq . Headers . GetCommaSeparatedValues ( HeaderNames . Accept ) ;
string defaultContentType = null ;
if ( HasAnyOfContentTypes ( httpReq , FormUrlEncoded , MultiPartFormData ) )
defaultContentType = ServerDefaultContentType ;
var acceptsAnything = false ;
var hasDefaultContentType = defaultContentType ! = null ;
if ( acceptContentTypes ! = null )
foreach ( ReadOnlySpan < char > acceptsType in acceptContentTypes )
ReadOnlySpan < char > contentType = acceptsType ;
var index = contentType . IndexOf ( ';' ) ;
if ( index ! = - 1 )
contentType = contentType . Slice ( 0 , index ) ;
contentType = contentType . Trim ( ) ;
acceptsAnything = contentType . Equals ( "*/*" , StringComparison . OrdinalIgnoreCase ) ;
if ( acceptsAnything )
break ;
if ( acceptsAnything )
if ( hasDefaultContentType )
return defaultContentType ;
return ServerDefaultContentType ;
if ( acceptContentTypes = = null & & httpReq . ContentType = = Soap11 )
return Soap11 ;
// We could also send a '406 Not Acceptable', but this is allowed also
return ServerDefaultContentType ;
public static bool HasAnyOfContentTypes ( HttpRequest request , params string [ ] contentTypes )
if ( contentTypes = = null | | request . ContentType = = null )
return false ;
foreach ( var contentType in contentTypes )
if ( IsContentType ( request , contentType ) )
return true ;
return false ;
public static bool IsContentType ( HttpRequest request , string contentType )
return request . ContentType . StartsWith ( contentType , StringComparison . OrdinalIgnoreCase ) ;
private static string GetQueryStringContentType ( HttpRequest httpReq )
ReadOnlySpan < char > format = httpReq . Query [ "format" ] . ToString ( ) ;
if ( format = = ReadOnlySpan < char > . Empty )
const int FormatMaxLength = 4 ;
ReadOnlySpan < char > pi = httpReq . Path . ToString ( ) ;
if ( pi = = null | | pi . Length < = FormatMaxLength )
return null ;
if ( pi [ 0 ] = = '/' )
pi = pi . Slice ( 1 ) ;
format = pi . LeftPart ( '/' ) ;
if ( format . Length > FormatMaxLength )
return null ;
format = format . LeftPart ( '.' ) ;
if ( format . Contains ( "json" , StringComparison . OrdinalIgnoreCase ) )
return "application/json" ;
else if ( format . Contains ( "xml" , StringComparison . OrdinalIgnoreCase ) )
return "application/xml" ;
return null ;