using Emby.Dlna.Common ;
using MediaBrowser.Model.Dlna ;
using MediaBrowser.Model.Extensions ;
using System ;
using System.Collections.Generic ;
using System.Globalization ;
using System.Linq ;
using System.Security ;
using System.Text ;
namespace Emby.Dlna.Server
public class DescriptionXmlBuilder
private readonly DeviceProfile _profile ;
private readonly CultureInfo _usCulture = new CultureInfo ( "en-US" ) ;
private readonly string _serverUdn ;
private readonly string _serverAddress ;
private readonly string _serverName ;
private readonly string _serverId ;
public DescriptionXmlBuilder ( DeviceProfile profile , string serverUdn , string serverAddress , string serverName , string serverId )
if ( string . IsNullOrWhiteSpace ( serverUdn ) )
throw new ArgumentNullException ( "serverUdn" ) ;
if ( string . IsNullOrWhiteSpace ( serverAddress ) )
throw new ArgumentNullException ( "serverAddress" ) ;
_profile = profile ;
_serverUdn = serverUdn ;
_serverAddress = serverAddress ;
_serverName = serverName ;
_serverId = serverId ;
private bool EnableAbsoluteUrls
get { return false ; }
public string GetXml ( )
var builder = new StringBuilder ( ) ;
builder . Append ( "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>" ) ;
builder . Append ( "<root" ) ;
var attributes = _profile . XmlRootAttributes . ToList ( ) ;
attributes . Insert ( 0 , new XmlAttribute
Name = "xmlns:dlna" ,
Value = "urn:schemas-dlna-org:device-1-0"
} ) ;
attributes . Insert ( 0 , new XmlAttribute
Name = "xmlns" ,
Value = "urn:schemas-upnp-org:device-1-0"
} ) ;
foreach ( var att in attributes )
builder . AppendFormat ( " {0}=\"{1}\"" , att . Name , att . Value ) ;
builder . Append ( ">" ) ;
builder . Append ( "<specVersion>" ) ;
builder . Append ( "<major>1</major>" ) ;
builder . Append ( "<minor>0</minor>" ) ;
builder . Append ( "</specVersion>" ) ;
AppendDeviceInfo ( builder ) ;
builder . Append ( "</root>" ) ;
return builder . ToString ( ) ;
private void AppendDeviceInfo ( StringBuilder builder )
builder . Append ( "<device>" ) ;
AppendDeviceProperties ( builder ) ;
AppendIconList ( builder ) ;
AppendServiceList ( builder ) ;
builder . Append ( "</device>" ) ;
private static readonly char [ ] s_escapeChars = new char [ ]
'<' ,
'>' ,
'"' ,
'\'' ,
} ;
private static readonly string [ ] s_escapeStringPairs = new string [ ]
"<" ,
"<" ,
">" ,
">" ,
"\"" ,
""" ,
"'" ,
"'" ,
"&" ,
} ;
private static string GetEscapeSequence ( char c )
int num = s_escapeStringPairs . Length ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < num ; i + = 2 )
string text = s_escapeStringPairs [ i ] ;
string result = s_escapeStringPairs [ i + 1 ] ;
if ( text [ 0 ] = = c )
return result ;
return c . ToString ( ) ;
/// <summary>Replaces invalid XML characters in a string with their valid XML equivalent.</summary>
/// <returns>The input string with invalid characters replaced.</returns>
/// <param name="str">The string within which to escape invalid characters. </param>
public static string Escape ( string str )
if ( str = = null )
return null ;
StringBuilder stringBuilder = null ;
int length = str . Length ;
int num = 0 ;
while ( true )
int num2 = str . IndexOfAny ( s_escapeChars , num ) ;
if ( num2 = = - 1 )
break ;
if ( stringBuilder = = null )
stringBuilder = new StringBuilder ( ) ;
stringBuilder . Append ( str , num , num2 - num ) ;
stringBuilder . Append ( GetEscapeSequence ( str [ num2 ] ) ) ;
num = num2 + 1 ;
if ( stringBuilder = = null )
return str ;
stringBuilder . Append ( str , num , length - num ) ;
return stringBuilder . ToString ( ) ;
private void AppendDeviceProperties ( StringBuilder builder )
builder . Append ( "<deviceType>urn:schemas-upnp-org:device:MediaServer:1</deviceType>" ) ;
builder . Append ( "<dlna:X_DLNACAP>" + Escape ( _profile . XDlnaCap ? ? string . Empty ) + "</dlna:X_DLNACAP>" ) ;
builder . Append ( "<dlna:X_DLNADOC xmlns:dlna=\"urn:schemas-dlna-org:device-1-0\">M-DMS-1.50</dlna:X_DLNADOC>" ) ;
builder . Append ( "<dlna:X_DLNADOC xmlns:dlna=\"urn:schemas-dlna-org:device-1-0\">" + Escape ( _profile . XDlnaDoc ? ? string . Empty ) + "</dlna:X_DLNADOC>" ) ;
builder . Append ( "<friendlyName>" + Escape ( GetFriendlyName ( ) ) + "</friendlyName>" ) ;
builder . Append ( "<manufacturer>" + Escape ( _profile . Manufacturer ? ? string . Empty ) + "</manufacturer>" ) ;
builder . Append ( "<manufacturerURL>" + Escape ( _profile . ManufacturerUrl ? ? string . Empty ) + "</manufacturerURL>" ) ;
builder . Append ( "<modelDescription>" + Escape ( _profile . ModelDescription ? ? string . Empty ) + "</modelDescription>" ) ;
builder . Append ( "<modelName>" + Escape ( _profile . ModelName ? ? string . Empty ) + "</modelName>" ) ;
builder . Append ( "<modelNumber>" + Escape ( _profile . ModelNumber ? ? string . Empty ) + "</modelNumber>" ) ;
builder . Append ( "<modelURL>" + Escape ( _profile . ModelUrl ? ? string . Empty ) + "</modelURL>" ) ;
if ( string . IsNullOrWhiteSpace ( _profile . SerialNumber ) )
builder . Append ( "<serialNumber>" + Escape ( _serverId ) + "</serialNumber>" ) ;
builder . Append ( "<serialNumber>" + Escape ( _profile . SerialNumber ) + "</serialNumber>" ) ;
builder . Append ( "<UDN>uuid:" + Escape ( _serverUdn ) + "</UDN>" ) ;
builder . Append ( "<presentationURL>" + Escape ( _serverAddress ) + "</presentationURL>" ) ;
if ( ! EnableAbsoluteUrls )
//builder.Append("<URLBase>" + Escape(_serverAddress) + "</URLBase>");
if ( ! string . IsNullOrWhiteSpace ( _profile . SonyAggregationFlags ) )
builder . Append ( "<av:aggregationFlags xmlns:av=\"urn:schemas-sony-com:av\">" + Escape ( _profile . SonyAggregationFlags ) + "</av:aggregationFlags>" ) ;
private string GetFriendlyName ( )
if ( string . IsNullOrWhiteSpace ( _profile . FriendlyName ) )
return "Emby - " + _serverName ;
var characterList = new List < char > ( ) ;
foreach ( var c in _serverName )
if ( char . IsLetterOrDigit ( c ) | | c = = '-' )
characterList . Add ( c ) ;
var characters = characterList . ToArray ( ) ;
var serverName = new string ( characters ) ;
var name = ( _profile . FriendlyName ? ? string . Empty ) . Replace ( "${HostName}" , serverName , StringComparison . OrdinalIgnoreCase ) ;
return name ;
private void AppendIconList ( StringBuilder builder )
builder . Append ( "<iconList>" ) ;
foreach ( var icon in GetIcons ( ) )
builder . Append ( "<icon>" ) ;
builder . Append ( "<mimetype>" + Escape ( icon . MimeType ? ? string . Empty ) + "</mimetype>" ) ;
builder . Append ( "<width>" + Escape ( icon . Width . ToString ( _usCulture ) ) + "</width>" ) ;
builder . Append ( "<height>" + Escape ( icon . Height . ToString ( _usCulture ) ) + "</height>" ) ;
builder . Append ( "<depth>" + Escape ( icon . Depth ? ? string . Empty ) + "</depth>" ) ;
builder . Append ( "<url>" + BuildUrl ( icon . Url ) + "</url>" ) ;
builder . Append ( "</icon>" ) ;
builder . Append ( "</iconList>" ) ;
private void AppendServiceList ( StringBuilder builder )
builder . Append ( "<serviceList>" ) ;
foreach ( var service in GetServices ( ) )
builder . Append ( "<service>" ) ;
builder . Append ( "<serviceType>" + Escape ( service . ServiceType ? ? string . Empty ) + "</serviceType>" ) ;
builder . Append ( "<serviceId>" + Escape ( service . ServiceId ? ? string . Empty ) + "</serviceId>" ) ;
builder . Append ( "<SCPDURL>" + BuildUrl ( service . ScpdUrl ) + "</SCPDURL>" ) ;
builder . Append ( "<controlURL>" + BuildUrl ( service . ControlUrl ) + "</controlURL>" ) ;
builder . Append ( "<eventSubURL>" + BuildUrl ( service . EventSubUrl ) + "</eventSubURL>" ) ;
builder . Append ( "</service>" ) ;
builder . Append ( "</serviceList>" ) ;
private string BuildUrl ( string url )
if ( string . IsNullOrWhiteSpace ( url ) )
return string . Empty ;
url = url . TrimStart ( '/' ) ;
url = "/dlna/" + _serverUdn + "/" + url ;
if ( EnableAbsoluteUrls )
url = _serverAddress . TrimEnd ( '/' ) + url ;
return Escape ( url ) ;
private IEnumerable < DeviceIcon > GetIcons ( )
var list = new List < DeviceIcon > ( ) ;
list . Add ( new DeviceIcon
MimeType = "image/png" ,
Depth = "24" ,
Width = 240 ,
Height = 240 ,
Url = "icons/logo240.png"
} ) ;
list . Add ( new DeviceIcon
MimeType = "image/jpeg" ,
Depth = "24" ,
Width = 240 ,
Height = 240 ,
Url = "icons/logo240.jpg"
} ) ;
list . Add ( new DeviceIcon
MimeType = "image/png" ,
Depth = "24" ,
Width = 120 ,
Height = 120 ,
Url = "icons/logo120.png"
} ) ;
list . Add ( new DeviceIcon
MimeType = "image/jpeg" ,
Depth = "24" ,
Width = 120 ,
Height = 120 ,
Url = "icons/logo120.jpg"
} ) ;
list . Add ( new DeviceIcon
MimeType = "image/png" ,
Depth = "24" ,
Width = 48 ,
Height = 48 ,
Url = "icons/logo48.png"
} ) ;
list . Add ( new DeviceIcon
MimeType = "image/jpeg" ,
Depth = "24" ,
Width = 48 ,
Height = 48 ,
Url = "icons/logo48.jpg"
} ) ;
return list ;
private IEnumerable < DeviceService > GetServices ( )
var list = new List < DeviceService > ( ) ;
list . Add ( new DeviceService
ServiceType = "urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:ContentDirectory:1" ,
ServiceId = "urn:upnp-org:serviceId:ContentDirectory" ,
ScpdUrl = "contentdirectory/contentdirectory.xml" ,
ControlUrl = "contentdirectory/control" ,
EventSubUrl = "contentdirectory/events"
} ) ;
list . Add ( new DeviceService
ServiceType = "urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:ConnectionManager:1" ,
ServiceId = "urn:upnp-org:serviceId:ConnectionManager" ,
ScpdUrl = "connectionmanager/connectionmanager.xml" ,
ControlUrl = "connectionmanager/control" ,
EventSubUrl = "connectionmanager/events"
} ) ;
if ( _profile . EnableMSMediaReceiverRegistrar )
list . Add ( new DeviceService
ServiceType = "" ,
ServiceId = "" ,
ScpdUrl = "mediareceiverregistrar/mediareceiverregistrar.xml" ,
ControlUrl = "mediareceiverregistrar/control" ,
EventSubUrl = "mediareceiverregistrar/events"
} ) ;
return list ;
public override string ToString ( )
return GetXml ( ) ;