using System ;
using MediaBrowser.Common.Net ;
using MediaBrowser.Model.Logging ;
using MediaBrowser.Server.Startup.Common ;
using MediaBrowser.ServerApplication.Networking ;
using System.Collections.Generic ;
using System.Diagnostics ;
using System.IO ;
using System.Reflection ;
using System.Windows.Forms ;
using CommonIO ;
using MediaBrowser.Controller.Power ;
using MediaBrowser.Model.System ;
using MediaBrowser.Server.Implementations.Persistence ;
using MediaBrowser.Server.Startup.Common.FFMpeg ;
using OperatingSystem = MediaBrowser . Server . Startup . Common . OperatingSystem ;
namespace MediaBrowser.ServerApplication.Native
public class WindowsApp : INativeApp
private readonly IFileSystem _fileSystem ;
private readonly ILogger _logger ;
public WindowsApp ( IFileSystem fileSystem , ILogger logger )
_fileSystem = fileSystem ;
_logger = logger ;
public List < Assembly > GetAssembliesWithParts ( )
var list = new List < Assembly > ( ) ;
if ( ! System . Environment . Is64BitProcess )
list . Add ( GetType ( ) . Assembly ) ;
return list ;
public void AuthorizeServer ( int udpPort , int httpServerPort , int httpsPort , string applicationPath , string tempDirectory )
ServerAuthorization . AuthorizeServer ( udpPort , httpServerPort , httpsPort , applicationPath , tempDirectory ) ;
public NativeEnvironment Environment
return new NativeEnvironment
OperatingSystem = OperatingSystem . Windows ,
SystemArchitecture = System . Environment . Is64BitOperatingSystem ? Architecture . X64 : Architecture . X86 ,
OperatingSystemVersionString = System . Environment . OSVersion . VersionString
} ;
public bool SupportsLibraryMonitor
get { return true ; }
public bool SupportsRunningAsService
return true ;
public bool IsRunningAsService
get ;
set ;
public bool CanSelfRestart
return MainStartup . CanSelfRestart ;
public bool SupportsAutoRunAtStartup
return true ;
public bool CanSelfUpdate
return MainStartup . CanSelfUpdate ;
public void Shutdown ( )
MainStartup . Shutdown ( ) ;
public void Restart ( StartupOptions startupOptions )
MainStartup . Restart ( ) ;
public void ConfigureAutoRun ( bool autorun )
var shortcutPath = Path . Combine ( System . Environment . GetFolderPath ( System . Environment . SpecialFolder . StartMenu ) , "Emby" , "Emby Server.lnk" ) ;
var startupPath = System . Environment . GetFolderPath ( System . Environment . SpecialFolder . Startup ) ;
if ( autorun )
//Copy our shortut into the startup folder for this user
var targetPath = Path . Combine ( startupPath , Path . GetFileName ( shortcutPath ) ? ? "Emby Server.lnk" ) ;
_fileSystem . CreateDirectory ( Path . GetDirectoryName ( targetPath ) ) ;
File . Copy ( shortcutPath , targetPath , true ) ;
//Remove our shortcut from the startup folder for this user
_fileSystem . DeleteFile ( Path . Combine ( startupPath , Path . GetFileName ( shortcutPath ) ? ? "Emby Server.lnk" ) ) ;
public INetworkManager CreateNetworkManager ( ILogger logger )
return new NetworkManager ( logger ) ;
public void PreventSystemStandby ( )
MainStartup . Invoke ( Standby . PreventSleep ) ;
public void AllowSystemStandby ( )
MainStartup . Invoke ( Standby . AllowSleep ) ;
public IPowerManagement GetPowerManagement ( )
return new WindowsPowerManagement ( _logger ) ;
public FFMpegInstallInfo GetFfmpegInstallInfo ( )
var info = new FFMpegInstallInfo ( ) ;
info . FFMpegFilename = "ffmpeg.exe" ;
info . FFProbeFilename = "ffprobe.exe" ;
info . Version = "0" ;
return info ;
public void LaunchUrl ( string url )
var process = new Process
StartInfo = new ProcessStartInfo
FileName = url
} ,
EnableRaisingEvents = true ,
} ;
process . Exited + = ProcessExited ;
process . Start ( ) ;
catch ( Exception ex )
_logger . ErrorException ( "Error launching url: {0}" , ex , url ) ;
throw ;
public IDbConnector GetDbConnector ( )
return new DbConnector ( _logger ) ;
/// <summary>
/// Processes the exited.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="sender">The sender.</param>
/// <param name="e">The <see cref="EventArgs" /> instance containing the event data.</param>
private static void ProcessExited ( object sender , EventArgs e )
( ( Process ) sender ) . Dispose ( ) ;
public void EnableLoopback ( string appName )
LoopUtil . Run ( appName ) ;
private bool Confirm ( )
return MessageBox . Show ( "Emby has detected that Windows Firewall has been configured in a way that may prevent your other devices from accessing Emby Server. Click OK to remove this rule, or cancel to proceed anyway." , "Windows Firewall" , MessageBoxButtons . OKCancel ) = = DialogResult . OK ;
public bool PortsRequireAuthorization ( string applicationPath )
var appNameSrch = Path . GetFileName ( applicationPath ) ;
var startInfo = new ProcessStartInfo
FileName = "netsh" ,
Arguments = "advfirewall firewall show rule \"" + appNameSrch + "\"" ,
CreateNoWindow = true ,
UseShellExecute = false ,
WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle . Hidden ,
ErrorDialog = false ,
RedirectStandardOutput = true
} ;
using ( var process = Process . Start ( startInfo ) )
process . Start ( ) ;
var data = process . StandardOutput . ReadToEnd ( ) ? ? string . Empty ;
if ( data . IndexOf ( "Block" , StringComparison . OrdinalIgnoreCase ) ! = - 1 )
_logger . Info ( "Found windows firewall rule: " + data ) ;
return Confirm ( ) ;
//var parts = data.Split('\n');
//return parts.Length > 4;
//return Confirm();
return false ;
catch ( Exception ex )
_logger . ErrorException ( "Error querying windows firewall" , ex ) ;
// Hate having to do this
process . Kill ( ) ;
catch ( Exception ex1 )
_logger . ErrorException ( "Error killing process" , ex1 ) ;
throw ;