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10 years ago
using MediaBrowser.Common;
using MediaBrowser.Common.Configuration;
10 years ago
using MediaBrowser.Common.Events;
using MediaBrowser.Controller.Configuration;
10 years ago
using MediaBrowser.Controller.Dlna;
using MediaBrowser.Dlna.Server;
using MediaBrowser.Model.Logging;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
10 years ago
using System.Globalization;
using System.Linq;
using System.Net;
using System.Net.Sockets;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading;
10 years ago
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Microsoft.Win32;
namespace MediaBrowser.Dlna.Ssdp
10 years ago
public class SsdpHandler : IDisposable, ISsdpHandler
private Socket _multicastSocket;
private readonly ILogger _logger;
private readonly IServerConfigurationManager _config;
const string SSDPAddr = "";
const int SSDPPort = 1900;
private readonly string _serverSignature;
private readonly IPAddress _ssdpIp = IPAddress.Parse(SSDPAddr);
private readonly IPEndPoint _ssdpEndp = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse(SSDPAddr), SSDPPort);
private Timer _notificationTimer;
private bool _isDisposed;
9 years ago
private readonly Dictionary<string, List<UpnpDevice>> _devices = new Dictionary<string, List<UpnpDevice>>();
10 years ago
private readonly IApplicationHost _appHost;
private readonly int _unicastPort = 1901;
private UdpClient _unicastClient;
10 years ago
public SsdpHandler(ILogger logger, IServerConfigurationManager config, IApplicationHost appHost)
_logger = logger;
_config = config;
10 years ago
_appHost = appHost;
_config.NamedConfigurationUpdated += _config_ConfigurationUpdated;
10 years ago
_serverSignature = GenerateServerSignature();
private string GenerateServerSignature()
var os = Environment.OSVersion;
var pstring = os.Platform.ToString();
switch (os.Platform)
case PlatformID.Win32NT:
case PlatformID.Win32S:
case PlatformID.Win32Windows:
pstring = "WIN";
return String.Format(
"{0}{1}/{2}.{3} UPnP/1.0 DLNADOC/1.5 Emby/{4}",
10 years ago
IntPtr.Size * 8,
void _config_ConfigurationUpdated(object sender, ConfigurationUpdateEventArgs e)
if (string.Equals(e.Key, "dlna", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
public IEnumerable<UpnpDevice> RegisteredDevices
9 years ago
lock (_devices)
var devices = _devices.ToList();
9 years ago
return devices.SelectMany(i => i.Value).ToList();
public void Start()
SystemEvents.PowerModeChanged -= SystemEvents_PowerModeChanged;
SystemEvents.PowerModeChanged += SystemEvents_PowerModeChanged;
void SystemEvents_PowerModeChanged(object sender, PowerModeChangedEventArgs e)
if (e.Mode == PowerModes.Resume)
public async void SendDatagram(string msg,
EndPoint endpoint,
EndPoint localAddress,
bool isBroadcast,
int sendCount = 3)
var enableDebugLogging = _config.GetDlnaConfiguration().EnableDebugLog;
for (var i = 0; i < sendCount; i++)
if (i > 0)
9 years ago
await Task.Delay(500).ConfigureAwait(false);
var dgram = new Datagram(endpoint, localAddress, _logger, msg, isBroadcast, enableDebugLogging);
private void RestartSocketListener()
if (_isDisposed)
_multicastSocket = CreateMulticastSocket();
_logger.Info("MultiCast socket created");
catch (Exception ex)
_logger.ErrorException("Error creating MultiCast socket", ex);
public void Dispose()
_config.NamedConfigurationUpdated -= _config_ConfigurationUpdated;
SystemEvents.PowerModeChanged -= SystemEvents_PowerModeChanged;
_isDisposed = true;
private void DisposeSocket()
if (_multicastSocket != null)
_multicastSocket = null;
private Socket CreateMulticastSocket()
var socket = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Dgram, ProtocolType.Udp);
socket.SetSocketOption(SocketOptionLevel.Socket, SocketOptionName.Broadcast, true);
socket.SetSocketOption(SocketOptionLevel.Socket, SocketOptionName.ReuseAddress, true);
socket.SetSocketOption(SocketOptionLevel.IP, SocketOptionName.MulticastTimeToLive, 4);
socket.SetSocketOption(SocketOptionLevel.IP, SocketOptionName.AddMembership, new MulticastOption(_ssdpIp, 0));
socket.Bind(new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, SSDPPort));
return socket;
private void NotifyAll()
var enableDebugLogging = _config.GetDlnaConfiguration().EnableDebugLog;
if (enableDebugLogging)
_logger.Debug("Sending alive notifications");
foreach (var d in RegisteredDevices)
NotifyDevice(d, "alive", enableDebugLogging);
private void NotifyDevice(UpnpDevice dev, string type, bool logMessage)
const string header = "NOTIFY * HTTP/1.1";
11 years ago
var values = new Dictionary<string, string>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
// If needed later for non-server devices, these headers will need to be dynamic
values["HOST"] = "";
values["CACHE-CONTROL"] = "max-age = 600";
values["LOCATION"] = dev.Descriptor.ToString();
values["SERVER"] = _serverSignature;
values["NTS"] = "ssdp:" + type;
values["NT"] = dev.Type;
values["USN"] = dev.USN;
if (logMessage)
_logger.Debug("{0} said {1}", dev.USN, type);
var msg = new SsdpMessageBuilder().BuildMessage(header, values);
SendDatagram(msg, _ssdpEndp, new IPEndPoint(dev.Address, 0), true, 2);
//SendUnicastRequest(msg, 1);
public void RegisterNotification(string uuid, Uri descriptionUri, IPAddress address, IEnumerable<string> services)
9 years ago
lock (_devices)
List<UpnpDevice> list;
List<UpnpDevice> dl;
if (_devices.TryGetValue(uuid, out dl))
list = dl;
list = new List<UpnpDevice>();
_devices[uuid] = list;
9 years ago
list.AddRange(services.Select(i => new UpnpDevice(uuid, i, descriptionUri, address)));
9 years ago
_logger.Debug("Registered mount {0} at {1}", uuid, descriptionUri);
public void UnregisterNotification(string uuid)
9 years ago
lock (_devices)
9 years ago
List<UpnpDevice> dl;
if (_devices.TryGetValue(uuid, out dl))
9 years ago
foreach (var d in dl.ToList())
NotifyDevice(d, "byebye", true);
9 years ago
_logger.Debug("Unregistered mount {0}", uuid);
private readonly object _notificationTimerSyncLock = new object();
private int _aliveNotifierIntervalMs;
private void ReloadAliveNotifier()
var config = _config.GetDlnaConfiguration();
if (!config.BlastAliveMessages)
11 years ago
11 years ago
var intervalMs = config.BlastAliveMessageIntervalSeconds * 1000;
if (_notificationTimer == null || _aliveNotifierIntervalMs != intervalMs)
lock (_notificationTimerSyncLock)
if (_notificationTimer == null)
_logger.Debug("Starting alive notifier");
const int initialDelayMs = 3000;
_notificationTimer = new Timer(state => NotifyAll(), null, initialDelayMs, intervalMs);
_logger.Debug("Updating alive notifier");
_notificationTimer.Change(intervalMs, intervalMs);
_aliveNotifierIntervalMs = intervalMs;
private void StopAliveNotifier()
lock (_notificationTimerSyncLock)
if (_notificationTimer != null)
_logger.Debug("Stopping alive notifier");
_notificationTimer = null;
public class UdpState
public UdpClient UdpClient;
public IPEndPoint EndPoint;