# restart.sh - Jellyfin server restart script
# Part of the Jellyfin project (https://github.com/jellyfin)
# This script restarts the Jellyfin daemon on Linux when using
# the Restart button on the admin dashboard. It supports the
# systemctl, service, and traditional /etc/init.d (sysv) restart
# methods, chosen automatically by which one is found first (in
# that order).
# This script is used by the Debian/Ubuntu/Fedora/CentOS packages.
# This is the Right Way(tm) to check if we are booted with
# systemd, according to sd_booted(3)
if [ -d /run/systemd/system ] ; then
cmd = systemctl
# Everything else is really hard to figure out, so we just use
# service(8) if it's available - that works with most init
# systems/distributions I know of, including FreeBSD
if type service >/dev/null 2>& 1; then
cmd = service
# If even service(8) isn't available, we just try /etc/init.d
# and hope for the best
if [ -d /etc/init.d ] ; then
cmd = sysv
echo "Unable to detect a way to restart Jellyfin; bailing out" 1>& 2
echo "Please report this bug to https://github.com/jellyfin/jellyfin/issues" 1>& 2
exit 1
if type sudo >/dev/null 2>& 1; then
sudo_command = sudo
sudo_command =
echo " Detected service control platform ' $cmd '; using it to restart Jellyfin... "
case $cmd in
'systemctl' )
# Without systemd-run here, `jellyfin.service`'s shutdown terminates this process too
$sudo_command systemd-run systemctl restart jellyfin
; ;
'service' )
echo " sleep 0.5; $sudo_command service jellyfin start " | at now
; ;
'sysv' )
echo "sleep 0.5; /usr/bin/sudo /etc/init.d/jellyfin start" | at now
; ;
exit 0