using Emby.Naming.Common ;
using Emby.Naming.Video ;
using MediaBrowser.Model.Entities ;
using Xunit ;
namespace Jellyfin.Naming.Tests.Video
public class ExtraTests
private readonly NamingOptions _videoOptions = new NamingOptions ( ) ;
// Requirements
// movie-deleted = ExtraType deletedscene
// All of the above rules should be configurable through the options objects (ideally, even the ExtraTypes)
public void TestKodiExtras ( )
Test ( "trailer.mp4" , ExtraType . Trailer , _videoOptions ) ;
Test ( "300-trailer.mp4" , ExtraType . Trailer , _videoOptions ) ;
Test ( "theme.mp3" , ExtraType . ThemeSong , _videoOptions ) ;
public void TestExpandedExtras ( )
Test ( "trailer.mp4" , ExtraType . Trailer , _videoOptions ) ;
Test ( "trailer.mp3" , null , _videoOptions ) ;
Test ( "300-trailer.mp4" , ExtraType . Trailer , _videoOptions ) ;
Test ( "theme.mp3" , ExtraType . ThemeSong , _videoOptions ) ;
Test ( "theme.mkv" , null , _videoOptions ) ;
Test ( "300-scene.mp4" , ExtraType . Scene , _videoOptions ) ;
Test ( "300-scene2.mp4" , ExtraType . Scene , _videoOptions ) ;
Test ( "300-clip.mp4" , ExtraType . Clip , _videoOptions ) ;
Test ( "300-deleted.mp4" , ExtraType . DeletedScene , _videoOptions ) ;
Test ( "300-deletedscene.mp4" , ExtraType . DeletedScene , _videoOptions ) ;
Test ( "300-interview.mp4" , ExtraType . Interview , _videoOptions ) ;
Test ( "300-behindthescenes.mp4" , ExtraType . BehindTheScenes , _videoOptions ) ;
[InlineData(ExtraType.BehindTheScenes, "behind the scenes" )]
[InlineData(ExtraType.DeletedScene, "deleted scenes" )]
[InlineData(ExtraType.Interview, "interviews" )]
[InlineData(ExtraType.Scene, "scenes" )]
[InlineData(ExtraType.Sample, "samples" )]
[InlineData(ExtraType.Clip, "shorts" )]
[InlineData(ExtraType.Clip, "featurettes" )]
[InlineData(ExtraType.Unknown, "extras" )]
public void TestDirectories ( ExtraType type , string dirName )
Test ( dirName + "/300.mp4" , type , _videoOptions ) ;
Test ( "300/" + dirName + "/something.mkv" , type , _videoOptions ) ;
Test ( "/data/something/Movies/300/" + dirName + "/whoknows.mp4" , type , _videoOptions ) ;
[InlineData("not a scene")]
[InlineData("The Big Short")]
public void TestNonExtraDirectories ( string dirName )
Test ( dirName + "/300.mp4" , null , _videoOptions ) ;
Test ( "300/" + dirName + "/something.mkv" , null , _videoOptions ) ;
Test ( "/data/something/Movies/300/" + dirName + "/whoknows.mp4" , null , _videoOptions ) ;
Test ( "/data/something/Movies/" + dirName + "/" + dirName + ".mp4" , null , _videoOptions ) ;
public void TestSample ( )
Test ( "300-sample.mp4" , ExtraType . Sample , _videoOptions ) ;
private void Test ( string input , ExtraType ? expectedType , NamingOptions videoOptions )
var parser = GetExtraTypeParser ( videoOptions ) ;
var extraType = parser . GetExtraInfo ( input ) . ExtraType ;
if ( expectedType = = null )
Assert . Null ( extraType ) ;
Assert . Equal ( expectedType , extraType ) ;
private ExtraResolver GetExtraTypeParser ( NamingOptions videoOptions )
return new ExtraResolver ( videoOptions ) ;