using System ;
using System.Collections.Generic ;
using System.IO ;
using System.Linq ;
using System.Net ;
using System.Net.Sockets ;
using System.Reflection ;
using System.Security.Claims ;
using Emby.Server.Implementations ;
using Jellyfin.Api.Auth ;
using Jellyfin.Api.Auth.AnonymousLanAccessPolicy ;
using Jellyfin.Api.Auth.DefaultAuthorizationPolicy ;
using Jellyfin.Api.Auth.FirstTimeSetupPolicy ;
using Jellyfin.Api.Auth.LocalAccessOrRequiresElevationPolicy ;
using Jellyfin.Api.Auth.SyncPlayAccessPolicy ;
using Jellyfin.Api.Auth.UserPermissionPolicy ;
using Jellyfin.Api.Constants ;
using Jellyfin.Api.Controllers ;
using Jellyfin.Api.Formatters ;
using Jellyfin.Api.ModelBinders ;
using Jellyfin.Data.Enums ;
using Jellyfin.Extensions.Json ;
using Jellyfin.Networking.Configuration ;
using Jellyfin.Server.Configuration ;
using Jellyfin.Server.Filters ;
using MediaBrowser.Common.Net ;
using MediaBrowser.Model.Entities ;
using MediaBrowser.Model.Session ;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authentication ;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authorization ;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Builder ;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Cors.Infrastructure ;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.HttpOverrides ;
using Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection ;
using Microsoft.OpenApi.Any ;
using Microsoft.OpenApi.Interfaces ;
using Microsoft.OpenApi.Models ;
using Swashbuckle.AspNetCore.SwaggerGen ;
using AuthenticationSchemes = Jellyfin . Api . Constants . AuthenticationSchemes ;
namespace Jellyfin.Server.Extensions
/// <summary>
/// API specific extensions for the service collection.
/// </summary>
public static class ApiServiceCollectionExtensions
/// <summary>
/// Adds jellyfin API authorization policies to the DI container.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="serviceCollection">The service collection.</param>
/// <returns>The updated service collection.</returns>
public static IServiceCollection AddJellyfinApiAuthorization ( this IServiceCollection serviceCollection )
// The default handler must be first so that it is evaluated first
serviceCollection . AddSingleton < IAuthorizationHandler , DefaultAuthorizationHandler > ( ) ;
serviceCollection . AddSingleton < IAuthorizationHandler , UserPermissionHandler > ( ) ;
serviceCollection . AddSingleton < IAuthorizationHandler , FirstTimeSetupHandler > ( ) ;
serviceCollection . AddSingleton < IAuthorizationHandler , AnonymousLanAccessHandler > ( ) ;
serviceCollection . AddSingleton < IAuthorizationHandler , SyncPlayAccessHandler > ( ) ;
return serviceCollection . AddAuthorizationCore ( options = >
options . DefaultPolicy = new AuthorizationPolicyBuilder ( )
. AddAuthenticationSchemes ( AuthenticationSchemes . CustomAuthentication )
. AddRequirements ( new DefaultAuthorizationRequirement ( ) )
. Build ( ) ;
options . AddPolicy ( Policies . AnonymousLanAccessPolicy , new AnonymousLanAccessRequirement ( ) ) ;
options . AddPolicy ( Policies . CollectionManagement , new UserPermissionRequirement ( PermissionKind . EnableCollectionManagement ) ) ;
options . AddPolicy ( Policies . Download , new UserPermissionRequirement ( PermissionKind . EnableContentDownloading ) ) ;
options . AddPolicy ( Policies . FirstTimeSetupOrDefault , new FirstTimeSetupRequirement ( requireAdmin : false ) ) ;
options . AddPolicy ( Policies . FirstTimeSetupOrElevated , new FirstTimeSetupRequirement ( ) ) ;
options . AddPolicy ( Policies . FirstTimeSetupOrIgnoreParentalControl , new FirstTimeSetupRequirement ( false , false ) ) ;
options . AddPolicy ( Policies . IgnoreParentalControl , new DefaultAuthorizationRequirement ( validateParentalSchedule : false ) ) ;
options . AddPolicy ( Policies . LiveTvAccess , new UserPermissionRequirement ( PermissionKind . EnableLiveTvAccess ) ) ;
options . AddPolicy ( Policies . LiveTvManagement , new UserPermissionRequirement ( PermissionKind . EnableLiveTvManagement ) ) ;
options . AddPolicy ( Policies . LocalAccessOrRequiresElevation , new LocalAccessOrRequiresElevationRequirement ( ) ) ;
options . AddPolicy ( Policies . SyncPlayHasAccess , new SyncPlayAccessRequirement ( SyncPlayAccessRequirementType . HasAccess ) ) ;
options . AddPolicy ( Policies . SyncPlayCreateGroup , new SyncPlayAccessRequirement ( SyncPlayAccessRequirementType . CreateGroup ) ) ;
options . AddPolicy ( Policies . SyncPlayJoinGroup , new SyncPlayAccessRequirement ( SyncPlayAccessRequirementType . JoinGroup ) ) ;
options . AddPolicy ( Policies . SyncPlayIsInGroup , new SyncPlayAccessRequirement ( SyncPlayAccessRequirementType . IsInGroup ) ) ;
options . AddPolicy (
Policies . RequiresElevation ,
policy = > policy . AddAuthenticationSchemes ( AuthenticationSchemes . CustomAuthentication )
. RequireClaim ( ClaimTypes . Role , UserRoles . Administrator ) ) ;
} ) ;
/// <summary>
/// Adds custom legacy authentication to the service collection.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="serviceCollection">The service collection.</param>
/// <returns>The updated service collection.</returns>
public static AuthenticationBuilder AddCustomAuthentication ( this IServiceCollection serviceCollection )
return serviceCollection . AddAuthentication ( AuthenticationSchemes . CustomAuthentication )
. AddScheme < AuthenticationSchemeOptions , CustomAuthenticationHandler > ( AuthenticationSchemes . CustomAuthentication , null ) ;
/// <summary>
/// Extension method for adding the jellyfin API to the service collection.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="serviceCollection">The service collection.</param>
/// <param name="pluginAssemblies">An IEnumerable containing all plugin assemblies with API controllers.</param>
/// <param name="config">The <see cref="NetworkConfiguration"/>.</param>
/// <returns>The MVC builder.</returns>
public static IMvcBuilder AddJellyfinApi ( this IServiceCollection serviceCollection , IEnumerable < Assembly > pluginAssemblies , NetworkConfiguration config )
IMvcBuilder mvcBuilder = serviceCollection
. AddCors ( )
. AddTransient < ICorsPolicyProvider , CorsPolicyProvider > ( )
. Configure < ForwardedHeadersOptions > ( options = >
// Enable debug logging on Microsoft.AspNetCore.HttpOverrides.ForwardedHeadersMiddleware to help investigate issues.
options . ForwardedHeaders = ForwardedHeaders . XForwardedFor | ForwardedHeaders . XForwardedProto | ForwardedHeaders . XForwardedHost ;
if ( config . KnownProxies . Length = = 0 )
options . KnownNetworks . Clear ( ) ;
options . KnownProxies . Clear ( ) ;
AddProxyAddresses ( config , config . KnownProxies , options ) ;
// Only set forward limit if we have some known proxies or some known networks.
if ( options . KnownProxies . Count ! = 0 | | options . KnownNetworks . Count ! = 0 )
options . ForwardLimit = null ;
} )
. AddMvc ( opts = >
// Allow requester to change between camelCase and PascalCase
opts . RespectBrowserAcceptHeader = true ;
opts . OutputFormatters . Insert ( 0 , new CamelCaseJsonProfileFormatter ( ) ) ;
opts . OutputFormatters . Insert ( 0 , new PascalCaseJsonProfileFormatter ( ) ) ;
opts . OutputFormatters . Add ( new CssOutputFormatter ( ) ) ;
opts . OutputFormatters . Add ( new XmlOutputFormatter ( ) ) ;
opts . ModelBinderProviders . Insert ( 0 , new NullableEnumModelBinderProvider ( ) ) ;
} )
// Clear app parts to avoid other assemblies being picked up
. ConfigureApplicationPartManager ( a = > a . ApplicationParts . Clear ( ) )
. AddApplicationPart ( typeof ( StartupController ) . Assembly )
. AddJsonOptions ( options = >
// Update all properties that are set in JsonDefaults
var jsonOptions = JsonDefaults . PascalCaseOptions ;
// From JsonDefaults
options . JsonSerializerOptions . ReadCommentHandling = jsonOptions . ReadCommentHandling ;
options . JsonSerializerOptions . WriteIndented = jsonOptions . WriteIndented ;
options . JsonSerializerOptions . DefaultIgnoreCondition = jsonOptions . DefaultIgnoreCondition ;
options . JsonSerializerOptions . NumberHandling = jsonOptions . NumberHandling ;
options . JsonSerializerOptions . Converters . Clear ( ) ;
foreach ( var converter in jsonOptions . Converters )
options . JsonSerializerOptions . Converters . Add ( converter ) ;
// From JsonDefaults.PascalCase
options . JsonSerializerOptions . PropertyNamingPolicy = jsonOptions . PropertyNamingPolicy ;
} ) ;
foreach ( Assembly pluginAssembly in pluginAssemblies )
mvcBuilder . AddApplicationPart ( pluginAssembly ) ;
return mvcBuilder . AddControllersAsServices ( ) ;
/// <summary>
/// Adds Swagger to the service collection.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="serviceCollection">The service collection.</param>
/// <returns>The updated service collection.</returns>
public static IServiceCollection AddJellyfinApiSwagger ( this IServiceCollection serviceCollection )
return serviceCollection . AddSwaggerGen ( c = >
var version = typeof ( ApplicationHost ) . Assembly . GetName ( ) . Version ? . ToString ( 3 ) ? ? "0.0.1" ;
c . SwaggerDoc ( "api-docs" , new OpenApiInfo
Title = "Jellyfin API" ,
Version = version ,
Extensions = new Dictionary < string , IOpenApiExtension >
"x-jellyfin-version" ,
new OpenApiString ( version )
} ) ;
c . AddSecurityDefinition ( AuthenticationSchemes . CustomAuthentication , new OpenApiSecurityScheme
Type = SecuritySchemeType . ApiKey ,
In = ParameterLocation . Header ,
Name = "Authorization" ,
Description = "API key header parameter"
} ) ;
// Add all xml doc files to swagger generator.
var xmlFiles = Directory . GetFiles (
AppContext . BaseDirectory ,
"*.xml" ,
SearchOption . TopDirectoryOnly ) ;
foreach ( var xmlFile in xmlFiles )
c . IncludeXmlComments ( xmlFile ) ;
// Order actions by route path, then by http method.
c . OrderActionsBy ( description = >
$"{description.ActionDescriptor.RouteValues[" controller "]}_{description.RelativePath}" ) ;
// Use method name as operationId
c . CustomOperationIds (
description = >
description . TryGetMethodInfo ( out MethodInfo methodInfo ) ;
// Attribute name, method name, none.
return description ? . ActionDescriptor . AttributeRouteInfo ? . Name
? ? methodInfo ? . Name
? ? null ;
} ) ;
// Allow parameters to properly be nullable.
c . UseAllOfToExtendReferenceSchemas ( ) ;
c . SupportNonNullableReferenceTypes ( ) ;
// TODO - remove when all types are supported in System.Text.Json
c . AddSwaggerTypeMappings ( ) ;
c . OperationFilter < SecurityRequirementsOperationFilter > ( ) ;
c . OperationFilter < FileResponseFilter > ( ) ;
c . OperationFilter < FileRequestFilter > ( ) ;
c . OperationFilter < ParameterObsoleteFilter > ( ) ;
c . DocumentFilter < AdditionalModelFilter > ( ) ;
} ) ;
private static void AddPolicy ( this AuthorizationOptions authorizationOptions , string policyName , IAuthorizationRequirement authorizationRequirement )
authorizationOptions . AddPolicy ( policyName , policy = >
policy . AddAuthenticationSchemes ( AuthenticationSchemes . CustomAuthentication ) . AddRequirements ( authorizationRequirement ) ;
} ) ;
/// <summary>
/// Sets up the proxy configuration based on the addresses in <paramref name="allowedProxies"/>.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="config">The <see cref="NetworkConfiguration"/> containing the config settings.</param>
/// <param name="allowedProxies">The string array to parse.</param>
/// <param name="options">The <see cref="ForwardedHeadersOptions"/> instance.</param>
internal static void AddProxyAddresses ( NetworkConfiguration config , string [ ] allowedProxies , ForwardedHeadersOptions options )
for ( var i = 0 ; i < allowedProxies . Length ; i + + )
if ( IPNetAddress . TryParse ( allowedProxies [ i ] , out var addr ) )
AddIpAddress ( config , options , addr . Address , addr . PrefixLength ) ;
else if ( IPHost . TryParse ( allowedProxies [ i ] , out var host ) )
foreach ( var address in host . GetAddresses ( ) )
AddIpAddress ( config , options , address , address . AddressFamily = = AddressFamily . InterNetwork ? 32 : 128 ) ;
private static void AddIpAddress ( NetworkConfiguration config , ForwardedHeadersOptions options , IPAddress addr , int prefixLength )
if ( ( ! config . EnableIPV4 & & addr . AddressFamily = = AddressFamily . InterNetwork ) | | ( ! config . EnableIPV6 & & addr . AddressFamily = = AddressFamily . InterNetworkV6 ) )
return ;
// In order for dual-mode sockets to be used, IP6 has to be enabled in JF and an interface has to have an IP6 address.
if ( addr . AddressFamily = = AddressFamily . InterNetwork & & config . EnableIPV6 )
// If the server is using dual-mode sockets, IPv4 addresses are supplied in an IPv6 format.
// .
addr = addr . MapToIPv6 ( ) ;
if ( prefixLength = = 32 )
options . KnownProxies . Add ( addr ) ;
options . KnownNetworks . Add ( new IPNetwork ( addr , prefixLength ) ) ;
private static void AddSwaggerTypeMappings ( this SwaggerGenOptions options )
/ *
* TODO remove when System . Text . Json properly supports non - string keys .
* Used in BaseItemDto . ImageBlurHashes
* /
options . MapType < Dictionary < ImageType , string > > ( ( ) = >
new OpenApiSchema
Type = "object" ,
AdditionalProperties = new OpenApiSchema
Type = "string"
} ) ;
/ *
* Support BlurHash dictionary
* /
options . MapType < Dictionary < ImageType , Dictionary < string , string > > > ( ( ) = >
new OpenApiSchema
Type = "object" ,
Properties = typeof ( ImageType ) . GetEnumNames ( ) . ToDictionary (
name = > name ,
_ = > new OpenApiSchema
Type = "object" ,
AdditionalProperties = new OpenApiSchema
Type = "string"
} )
} ) ;
// Support dictionary with nullable string value.
options . MapType < Dictionary < string , string? > > ( ( ) = >
new OpenApiSchema
Type = "object" ,
AdditionalProperties = new OpenApiSchema
Type = "string" ,
Nullable = true
} ) ;
// Manually describe Flags enum.
options . MapType < TranscodeReason > ( ( ) = >
new OpenApiSchema
Type = "array" ,
Items = new OpenApiSchema
Reference = new OpenApiReference
Id = nameof ( TranscodeReason ) ,
Type = ReferenceType . Schema ,
} ) ;
// Swashbuckle doesn't use JsonOptions to describe responses, so we need to manually describe it.
options . MapType < Version > ( ( ) = > new OpenApiSchema
Type = "string"
} ) ;