using System ;
using System.Collections.Generic ;
using System.Linq ;
using Jellyfin.Data.Entities ;
using Jellyfin.Data.Enums ;
using MediaBrowser.Common.Extensions ;
using MediaBrowser.Controller.Dto ;
using MediaBrowser.Controller.Entities ;
using MediaBrowser.Controller.Net ;
using MediaBrowser.Controller.Session ;
using MediaBrowser.Model.Dto ;
using MediaBrowser.Model.Querying ;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http ;
namespace Jellyfin.Api.Helpers
/// <summary>
/// Request Extensions.
/// </summary>
public static class RequestHelpers
/// <summary>
/// Get Order By.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="sortBy">Sort By. Comma delimited string.</param>
/// <param name="requestedSortOrder">Sort Order. Comma delimited string.</param>
/// <returns>Order By.</returns>
public static ( string , SortOrder ) [ ] GetOrderBy ( IReadOnlyList < string > sortBy , IReadOnlyList < SortOrder > requestedSortOrder )
if ( sortBy . Count = = 0 )
return Array . Empty < ValueTuple < string , SortOrder > > ( ) ;
var result = new ( string , SortOrder ) [ sortBy . Count ] ;
var i = 0 ;
// Add elements which have a SortOrder specified
for ( ; i < requestedSortOrder . Count ; i + + )
result [ i ] = ( sortBy [ i ] , requestedSortOrder [ i ] ) ;
// Add remaining elements with the first specified SortOrder
// or the default one if no SortOrders are specified
var order = requestedSortOrder . Count > 0 ? requestedSortOrder [ 0 ] : SortOrder . Ascending ;
for ( ; i < sortBy . Count ; i + + )
result [ i ] = ( sortBy [ i ] , order ) ;
return result ;
/// <summary>
/// Checks if the user can update an entry.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="authContext">Instance of the <see cref="IAuthorizationContext"/> interface.</param>
/// <param name="requestContext">The <see cref="HttpRequest"/>.</param>
/// <param name="userId">The user id.</param>
/// <param name="restrictUserPreferences">Whether to restrict the user preferences.</param>
/// <returns>A <see cref="bool"/> whether the user can update the entry.</returns>
internal static bool AssertCanUpdateUser ( IAuthorizationContext authContext , HttpRequest requestContext , Guid userId , bool restrictUserPreferences )
var auth = authContext . GetAuthorizationInfo ( requestContext ) ;
var authenticatedUser = auth . User ;
// If they're going to update the record of another user, they must be an administrator
if ( ( ! userId . Equals ( auth . UserId ) & & ! authenticatedUser . HasPermission ( PermissionKind . IsAdministrator ) )
| | ( restrictUserPreferences & & ! authenticatedUser . EnableUserPreferenceAccess ) )
return false ;
return true ;
internal static SessionInfo GetSession ( ISessionManager sessionManager , IAuthorizationContext authContext , HttpRequest request )
var authorization = authContext . GetAuthorizationInfo ( request ) ;
var user = authorization . User ;
var session = sessionManager . LogSessionActivity (
authorization . Client ,
authorization . Version ,
authorization . DeviceId ,
authorization . Device ,
request . HttpContext . GetNormalizedRemoteIp ( ) . ToString ( ) ,
user ) ;
if ( session = = null )
throw new ArgumentException ( "Session not found." ) ;
return session ;
internal static QueryResult < BaseItemDto > CreateQueryResult (
QueryResult < ( BaseItem , ItemCounts ) > result ,
DtoOptions dtoOptions ,
IDtoService dtoService ,
bool includeItemTypes ,
User ? user )
var dtos = result . Items . Select ( i = >
var ( baseItem , counts ) = i ;
var dto = dtoService . GetItemByNameDto ( baseItem , dtoOptions , null , user ) ;
if ( includeItemTypes )
dto . ChildCount = counts . ItemCount ;
dto . ProgramCount = counts . ProgramCount ;
dto . SeriesCount = counts . SeriesCount ;
dto . EpisodeCount = counts . EpisodeCount ;
dto . MovieCount = counts . MovieCount ;
dto . TrailerCount = counts . TrailerCount ;
dto . AlbumCount = counts . AlbumCount ;
dto . SongCount = counts . SongCount ;
dto . ArtistCount = counts . ArtistCount ;
return dto ;
} ) ;
return new QueryResult < BaseItemDto >
Items = dtos . ToArray ( ) ,
TotalRecordCount = result . TotalRecordCount
} ;
internal static string [ ] GetItemTypeStrings ( IReadOnlyList < BaseItemKind > itemKinds )
if ( itemKinds . Count = = 0 )
return Array . Empty < string > ( ) ;
var itemTypes = new string [ itemKinds . Count ] ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < itemKinds . Count ; i + + )
itemTypes [ i ] = itemKinds [ i ] . ToString ( ) ;
return itemTypes ;