#nullable disable
#pragma warning disable CS1591
using System ;
using System.Collections.Generic ;
using System.IO ;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http ;
namespace MediaBrowser.Model.Services
public interface IRequest
HttpResponse Response { get ; }
/// <summary>
/// The name of the service being called (e.g. Request DTO Name)
/// </summary>
string OperationName { get ; set ; }
/// <summary>
/// The Verb / HttpMethod or Action for this request
/// </summary>
string Verb { get ; }
/// <summary>
/// The request ContentType.
/// </summary>
string ContentType { get ; }
bool IsLocal { get ; }
string UserAgent { get ; }
/// <summary>
/// The expected Response ContentType for this request.
/// </summary>
string ResponseContentType { get ; set ; }
/// <summary>
/// Attach any data to this request that all filters and services can access.
/// </summary>
Dictionary < string , object > Items { get ; }
IHeaderDictionary Headers { get ; }
IQueryCollection QueryString { get ; }
string RawUrl { get ; }
string AbsoluteUri { get ; }
/// <summary>
/// The Remote Ip as reported by X-Forwarded-For, X-Real-IP or Request.UserHostAddress
/// </summary>
string RemoteIp { get ; }
/// <summary>
/// The value of the Authorization Header used to send the Api Key, null if not available.
/// </summary>
string Authorization { get ; }
string [ ] AcceptTypes { get ; }
string PathInfo { get ; }
Stream InputStream { get ; }
long ContentLength { get ; }
/// <summary>
/// The value of the Referrer, null if not available.
/// </summary>
Uri UrlReferrer { get ; }
public interface IHttpFile
string Name { get ; }
string FileName { get ; }
long ContentLength { get ; }
string ContentType { get ; }
Stream InputStream { get ; }
public interface IRequiresRequest
IRequest Request { get ; set ; }