using System ;
using System.Collections.Generic ;
using System.Globalization ;
using System.Linq ;
using System.Threading ;
using System.Threading.Tasks ;
using MediaBrowser.Common.Configuration ;
using MediaBrowser.Common.Extensions ;
using MediaBrowser.Controller.Configuration ;
using MediaBrowser.Controller.Entities ;
using MediaBrowser.Controller.Library ;
using MediaBrowser.Controller.Notifications ;
using MediaBrowser.Model.Dto ;
using MediaBrowser.Model.Notifications ;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging ;
namespace Emby.Notifications
/// <summary>
/// NotificationManager class.
/// </summary>
public class NotificationManager : INotificationManager
private readonly ILogger _logger ;
private readonly IUserManager _userManager ;
private readonly IServerConfigurationManager _config ;
private INotificationService [ ] _services = Array . Empty < INotificationService > ( ) ;
private INotificationTypeFactory [ ] _typeFactories = Array . Empty < INotificationTypeFactory > ( ) ;
/// <summary>
/// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="NotificationManager" /> class.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="logger">The logger.</param>
/// <param name="userManager">The user manager.</param>
/// <param name="config">The server configuration manager.</param>
public NotificationManager (
ILogger < NotificationManager > logger ,
IUserManager userManager ,
IServerConfigurationManager config )
_logger = logger ;
_userManager = userManager ;
_config = config ;
private NotificationOptions GetConfiguration ( )
return _config . GetConfiguration < NotificationOptions > ( "notifications" ) ;
/// <inheritdoc />
public Task SendNotification ( NotificationRequest request , CancellationToken cancellationToken )
return SendNotification ( request , null , cancellationToken ) ;
/// <inheritdoc />
public Task SendNotification ( NotificationRequest request , BaseItem ? relatedItem , CancellationToken cancellationToken )
var notificationType = request . NotificationType ;
var options = string . IsNullOrEmpty ( notificationType ) ?
null :
GetConfiguration ( ) . GetOptions ( notificationType ) ;
var users = GetUserIds ( request , options )
. Select ( i = > _userManager . GetUserById ( i ) )
. Where ( i = > relatedItem = = null | | relatedItem . IsVisibleStandalone ( i ) )
. ToArray ( ) ;
var title = request . Name ;
var description = request . Description ;
var tasks = _services . Where ( i = > IsEnabled ( i , notificationType ) )
. Select ( i = > SendNotification ( request , i , users , title , description , cancellationToken ) ) ;
return Task . WhenAll ( tasks ) ;
private Task SendNotification (
NotificationRequest request ,
INotificationService service ,
IEnumerable < User > users ,
string title ,
string description ,
CancellationToken cancellationToken )
users = users . Where ( i = > IsEnabledForUser ( service , i ) )
. ToList ( ) ;
var tasks = users . Select ( i = > SendNotification ( request , service , title , description , i , cancellationToken ) ) ;
return Task . WhenAll ( tasks ) ;
private IEnumerable < Guid > GetUserIds ( NotificationRequest request , NotificationOption ? options )
if ( request . SendToUserMode . HasValue )
switch ( request . SendToUserMode . Value )
case SendToUserType . Admins :
return _userManager . Users . Where ( i = > i . Policy . IsAdministrator )
. Select ( i = > i . Id ) ;
case SendToUserType . All :
return _userManager . UsersIds ;
case SendToUserType . Custom :
return request . UserIds ;
default :
throw new ArgumentException ( "Unrecognized SendToUserMode: " + request . SendToUserMode . Value ) ;
if ( options ! = null & & ! string . IsNullOrEmpty ( request . NotificationType ) )
var config = GetConfiguration ( ) ;
return _userManager . Users
. Where ( i = > config . IsEnabledToSendToUser ( request . NotificationType , i . Id . ToString ( "N" , CultureInfo . InvariantCulture ) , i . Policy ) )
. Select ( i = > i . Id ) ;
return request . UserIds ;
private async Task SendNotification (
NotificationRequest request ,
INotificationService service ,
string title ,
string description ,
User user ,
CancellationToken cancellationToken )
var notification = new UserNotification
Date = request . Date ,
Description = description ,
Level = request . Level ,
Name = title ,
Url = request . Url ,
User = user
} ;
_logger . LogDebug ( "Sending notification via {0} to user {1}" , service . Name , user . Name ) ;
await service . SendNotification ( notification , cancellationToken ) . ConfigureAwait ( false ) ;
catch ( Exception ex )
_logger . LogError ( ex , "Error sending notification to {0}" , service . Name ) ;
private bool IsEnabledForUser ( INotificationService service , User user )
return service . IsEnabledForUser ( user ) ;
catch ( Exception ex )
_logger . LogError ( ex , "Error in IsEnabledForUser" ) ;
return false ;
private bool IsEnabled ( INotificationService service , string notificationType )
if ( string . IsNullOrEmpty ( notificationType ) )
return true ;
return GetConfiguration ( ) . IsServiceEnabled ( service . Name , notificationType ) ;
/// <inheritdoc />
public void AddParts ( IEnumerable < INotificationService > services , IEnumerable < INotificationTypeFactory > notificationTypeFactories )
_services = services . ToArray ( ) ;
_typeFactories = notificationTypeFactories . ToArray ( ) ;
/// <inheritdoc />
public List < NotificationTypeInfo > GetNotificationTypes ( )
var list = _typeFactories . Select ( i = >
return i . GetNotificationTypes ( ) . ToList ( ) ;
catch ( Exception ex )
_logger . LogError ( ex , "Error in GetNotificationTypes" ) ;
return new List < NotificationTypeInfo > ( ) ;
} ) . SelectMany ( i = > i ) . ToList ( ) ;
var config = GetConfiguration ( ) ;
foreach ( var i in list )
i . Enabled = config . IsEnabled ( i . Type ) ;
return list ;
/// <inheritdoc />
public IEnumerable < NameIdPair > GetNotificationServices ( )
return _services . Select ( i = > new NameIdPair
Name = i . Name ,
Id = i . Name . GetMD5 ( ) . ToString ( "N" , CultureInfo . InvariantCulture )
} ) . OrderBy ( i = > i . Name ) ;