using System ;
using System.IO ;
using Emby.Naming.Common ;
using Jellyfin.Extensions ;
namespace Emby.Naming.AudioBook
/// <summary>
/// Resolve specifics (path, container, partNumber, chapterNumber) about audiobook file.
/// </summary>
public class AudioBookResolver
private readonly NamingOptions _options ;
/// <summary>
/// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="AudioBookResolver"/> class.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="options"><see cref="NamingOptions"/> containing AudioFileExtensions and also used to pass to AudioBookFilePathParser.</param>
public AudioBookResolver ( NamingOptions options )
_options = options ;
/// <summary>
/// Resolve specifics (path, container, partNumber, chapterNumber) about audiobook file.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="path">Path to audiobook file.</param>
/// <returns>Returns <see cref="AudioBookResolver"/> object.</returns>
public AudioBookFileInfo ? Resolve ( string path )
if ( path . Length = = 0 | | Path . GetFileNameWithoutExtension ( path ) . Length = = 0 )
// Return null to indicate this path will not be used, instead of stopping whole process with exception
return null ;
var extension = Path . GetExtension ( path ) ;
// Check supported extensions
if ( ! _options . AudioFileExtensions . Contains ( extension , StringComparison . OrdinalIgnoreCase ) )
return null ;
var container = extension . TrimStart ( '.' ) ;
var parsingResult = new AudioBookFilePathParser ( _options ) . Parse ( path ) ;
return new AudioBookFileInfo (
path ,
container ,
chapterNumber : parsingResult . ChapterNumber ,
partNumber : parsingResult . PartNumber ) ;