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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.IO;
namespace DvdLib.Ifo
public class Title
public uint TitleNumber { get; private set; }
public uint AngleCount { get; private set; }
public ushort ChapterCount { get; private set; }
public byte VideoTitleSetNumber { get; private set; }
private ushort _parentalManagementMask;
private byte _titleNumberInVTS;
private uint _vtsStartSector; // relative to start of entire disk
public ProgramChain EntryProgramChain { get; private set; }
public readonly List<ProgramChain> ProgramChains;
public readonly List<Chapter> Chapters;
public Title(uint titleNum)
ProgramChains = new List<ProgramChain>();
Chapters = new List<Chapter>();
Chapters = new List<Chapter>();
TitleNumber = titleNum;
public bool IsVTSTitle(uint vtsNum, uint vtsTitleNum)
return (vtsNum == VideoTitleSetNumber && vtsTitleNum == _titleNumberInVTS);
internal void ParseTT_SRPT(BinaryReader br)
byte titleType = br.ReadByte();
// TODO parse Title Type
AngleCount = br.ReadByte();
ChapterCount = br.ReadUInt16();
_parentalManagementMask = br.ReadUInt16();
VideoTitleSetNumber = br.ReadByte();
_titleNumberInVTS = br.ReadByte();
_vtsStartSector = br.ReadUInt32();
internal void AddPgc(BinaryReader br, long startByte, bool entryPgc, uint pgcNum)
long curPos = br.BaseStream.Position;
br.BaseStream.Seek(startByte, SeekOrigin.Begin);
ProgramChain pgc = new ProgramChain(pgcNum);
if (entryPgc) EntryProgramChain = pgc;
br.BaseStream.Seek(curPos, SeekOrigin.Begin);