using MediaBrowser.Model.Dto ;
using MediaBrowser.Model.Entities ;
using MediaBrowser.Model.Extensions ;
using MediaBrowser.Model.Logging ;
using MediaBrowser.Model.MediaInfo ;
using MediaBrowser.Model.Session ;
using System ;
using System.Collections.Generic ;
using System.Globalization ;
using System.Linq ;
namespace MediaBrowser.Model.Dlna
public class StreamBuilder
private readonly ILogger _logger ;
private readonly ITranscoderSupport _transcoderSupport ;
public StreamBuilder ( ITranscoderSupport transcoderSupport , ILogger logger )
_transcoderSupport = transcoderSupport ;
_logger = logger ;
public StreamBuilder ( ILogger logger )
: this ( new FullTranscoderSupport ( ) , logger )
public StreamInfo BuildAudioItem ( AudioOptions options )
ValidateAudioInput ( options ) ;
List < MediaSourceInfo > mediaSources = new List < MediaSourceInfo > ( ) ;
foreach ( MediaSourceInfo i in options . MediaSources )
if ( string . IsNullOrEmpty ( options . MediaSourceId ) | |
StringHelper . EqualsIgnoreCase ( i . Id , options . MediaSourceId ) )
mediaSources . Add ( i ) ;
List < StreamInfo > streams = new List < StreamInfo > ( ) ;
foreach ( MediaSourceInfo i in mediaSources )
StreamInfo streamInfo = BuildAudioItem ( i , options ) ;
if ( streamInfo ! = null )
streams . Add ( streamInfo ) ;
foreach ( StreamInfo stream in streams )
stream . DeviceId = options . DeviceId ;
stream . DeviceProfileId = options . Profile . Id ;
return GetOptimalStream ( streams , options . GetMaxBitrate ( true ) ) ;
public StreamInfo BuildVideoItem ( VideoOptions options )
ValidateInput ( options ) ;
List < MediaSourceInfo > mediaSources = new List < MediaSourceInfo > ( ) ;
foreach ( MediaSourceInfo i in options . MediaSources )
if ( string . IsNullOrEmpty ( options . MediaSourceId ) | |
StringHelper . EqualsIgnoreCase ( i . Id , options . MediaSourceId ) )
mediaSources . Add ( i ) ;
List < StreamInfo > streams = new List < StreamInfo > ( ) ;
foreach ( MediaSourceInfo i in mediaSources )
StreamInfo streamInfo = BuildVideoItem ( i , options ) ;
if ( streamInfo ! = null )
streams . Add ( streamInfo ) ;
foreach ( StreamInfo stream in streams )
stream . DeviceId = options . DeviceId ;
stream . DeviceProfileId = options . Profile . Id ;
return GetOptimalStream ( streams , options . GetMaxBitrate ( false ) ) ;
private StreamInfo GetOptimalStream ( List < StreamInfo > streams , long? maxBitrate )
streams = StreamInfoSorter . SortMediaSources ( streams , maxBitrate ) ;
foreach ( StreamInfo stream in streams )
return stream ;
return null ;
private StreamInfo BuildAudioItem ( MediaSourceInfo item , AudioOptions options )
StreamInfo playlistItem = new StreamInfo
ItemId = options . ItemId ,
MediaType = DlnaProfileType . Audio ,
MediaSource = item ,
RunTimeTicks = item . RunTimeTicks ,
Context = options . Context ,
DeviceProfile = options . Profile
} ;
if ( options . ForceDirectPlay )
playlistItem . PlayMethod = PlayMethod . DirectPlay ;
playlistItem . Container = item . Container ;
return playlistItem ;
if ( options . ForceDirectStream )
playlistItem . PlayMethod = PlayMethod . DirectStream ;
playlistItem . Container = item . Container ;
return playlistItem ;
MediaStream audioStream = item . GetDefaultAudioStream ( null ) ;
List < PlayMethod > directPlayMethods = GetAudioDirectPlayMethods ( item , audioStream , options ) ;
ConditionProcessor conditionProcessor = new ConditionProcessor ( ) ;
int? inputAudioChannels = audioStream = = null ? null : audioStream . Channels ;
int? inputAudioBitrate = audioStream = = null ? null : audioStream . BitDepth ;
int? inputAudioSampleRate = audioStream = = null ? null : audioStream . SampleRate ;
if ( directPlayMethods . Count > 0 )
string audioCodec = audioStream = = null ? null : audioStream . Codec ;
// Make sure audio codec profiles are satisfied
if ( ! string . IsNullOrEmpty ( audioCodec ) )
List < ProfileCondition > conditions = new List < ProfileCondition > ( ) ;
foreach ( CodecProfile i in options . Profile . CodecProfiles )
if ( i . Type = = CodecType . Audio & & i . ContainsCodec ( audioCodec , item . Container ) )
bool applyConditions = true ;
foreach ( ProfileCondition applyCondition in i . ApplyConditions )
if ( ! conditionProcessor . IsAudioConditionSatisfied ( applyCondition , inputAudioChannels , inputAudioBitrate , inputAudioSampleRate ) )
LogConditionFailure ( options . Profile , "AudioCodecProfile" , applyCondition , item ) ;
applyConditions = false ;
break ;
if ( applyConditions )
foreach ( ProfileCondition c in i . Conditions )
conditions . Add ( c ) ;
bool all = true ;
foreach ( ProfileCondition c in conditions )
if ( ! conditionProcessor . IsAudioConditionSatisfied ( c , inputAudioChannels , inputAudioBitrate , inputAudioSampleRate ) )
LogConditionFailure ( options . Profile , "AudioCodecProfile" , c , item ) ;
all = false ;
break ;
if ( all )
if ( directPlayMethods . Contains ( PlayMethod . DirectStream ) )
playlistItem . PlayMethod = PlayMethod . DirectStream ;
playlistItem . Container = item . Container ;
return playlistItem ;
TranscodingProfile transcodingProfile = null ;
foreach ( TranscodingProfile i in options . Profile . TranscodingProfiles )
if ( i . Type = = playlistItem . MediaType & & i . Context = = options . Context )
if ( _transcoderSupport . CanEncodeToAudioCodec ( i . AudioCodec ? ? i . Container ) )
transcodingProfile = i ;
break ;
if ( transcodingProfile ! = null )
if ( ! item . SupportsTranscoding )
return null ;
playlistItem . PlayMethod = PlayMethod . Transcode ;
playlistItem . TranscodeSeekInfo = transcodingProfile . TranscodeSeekInfo ;
playlistItem . EstimateContentLength = transcodingProfile . EstimateContentLength ;
playlistItem . Container = transcodingProfile . Container ;
if ( string . IsNullOrEmpty ( transcodingProfile . AudioCodec ) )
playlistItem . AudioCodecs = new string [ ] { } ;
playlistItem . AudioCodecs = transcodingProfile . AudioCodec . Split ( ',' ) ;
playlistItem . SubProtocol = transcodingProfile . Protocol ;
List < CodecProfile > audioCodecProfiles = new List < CodecProfile > ( ) ;
foreach ( CodecProfile i in options . Profile . CodecProfiles )
if ( i . Type = = CodecType . Audio & & i . ContainsCodec ( transcodingProfile . AudioCodec , transcodingProfile . Container ) )
audioCodecProfiles . Add ( i ) ;
if ( audioCodecProfiles . Count > = 1 ) break ;
List < ProfileCondition > audioTranscodingConditions = new List < ProfileCondition > ( ) ;
foreach ( CodecProfile i in audioCodecProfiles )
bool applyConditions = true ;
foreach ( ProfileCondition applyCondition in i . ApplyConditions )
if ( ! conditionProcessor . IsAudioConditionSatisfied ( applyCondition , inputAudioChannels , inputAudioBitrate , inputAudioSampleRate ) )
LogConditionFailure ( options . Profile , "AudioCodecProfile" , applyCondition , item ) ;
applyConditions = false ;
break ;
if ( applyConditions )
foreach ( ProfileCondition c in i . Conditions )
audioTranscodingConditions . Add ( c ) ;
ApplyTranscodingConditions ( playlistItem , audioTranscodingConditions ) ;
// Honor requested max channels
if ( options . MaxAudioChannels . HasValue )
int currentValue = playlistItem . MaxAudioChannels ? ? options . MaxAudioChannels . Value ;
playlistItem . MaxAudioChannels = Math . Min ( options . MaxAudioChannels . Value , currentValue ) ;
long transcodingBitrate = options . AudioTranscodingBitrate ? ?
options . Profile . MusicStreamingTranscodingBitrate ? ?
128000 ;
var configuredBitrate = options . GetMaxBitrate ( true ) ;
if ( configuredBitrate . HasValue )
transcodingBitrate = Math . Min ( configuredBitrate . Value , transcodingBitrate ) ;
var longBitrate = Math . Min ( transcodingBitrate , playlistItem . AudioBitrate ? ? transcodingBitrate ) ;
playlistItem . AudioBitrate = longBitrate > int . MaxValue ? int . MaxValue : Convert . ToInt32 ( longBitrate ) ;
return playlistItem ;
private long? GetBitrateForDirectPlayCheck ( MediaSourceInfo item , AudioOptions options , bool isAudio )
if ( item . Protocol = = MediaProtocol . File )
return options . Profile . MaxStaticBitrate ;
return options . GetMaxBitrate ( isAudio ) ;
private List < PlayMethod > GetAudioDirectPlayMethods ( MediaSourceInfo item , MediaStream audioStream , AudioOptions options )
DirectPlayProfile directPlayProfile = null ;
foreach ( DirectPlayProfile i in options . Profile . DirectPlayProfiles )
if ( i . Type = = DlnaProfileType . Audio & & IsAudioDirectPlaySupported ( i , item , audioStream ) )
directPlayProfile = i ;
break ;
List < PlayMethod > playMethods = new List < PlayMethod > ( ) ;
if ( directPlayProfile ! = null )
// While options takes the network and other factors into account. Only applies to direct stream
if ( item . SupportsDirectStream & & IsAudioEligibleForDirectPlay ( item , options . GetMaxBitrate ( true ) , PlayMethod . DirectStream ) & & options . EnableDirectStream )
playMethods . Add ( PlayMethod . DirectStream ) ;
// The profile describes what the device supports
// If device requirements are satisfied then allow both direct stream and direct play
if ( item . SupportsDirectPlay & &
IsAudioEligibleForDirectPlay ( item , GetBitrateForDirectPlayCheck ( item , options , true ) , PlayMethod . DirectPlay ) & & options . EnableDirectPlay )
playMethods . Add ( PlayMethod . DirectPlay ) ;
_logger . Info ( "Profile: {0}, No direct play profiles found for Path: {1}" ,
options . Profile . Name ? ? "Unknown Profile" ,
item . Path ? ? "Unknown path" ) ;
return playMethods ;
private int? GetDefaultSubtitleStreamIndex ( MediaSourceInfo item , SubtitleProfile [ ] subtitleProfiles )
int highestScore = - 1 ;
foreach ( MediaStream stream in item . MediaStreams )
if ( stream . Type = = MediaStreamType . Subtitle & & stream . Score . HasValue )
if ( stream . Score . Value > highestScore )
highestScore = stream . Score . Value ;
List < MediaStream > topStreams = new List < MediaStream > ( ) ;
foreach ( MediaStream stream in item . MediaStreams )
if ( stream . Type = = MediaStreamType . Subtitle & & stream . Score . HasValue & & stream . Score . Value = = highestScore )
topStreams . Add ( stream ) ;
// If multiple streams have an equal score, try to pick the most efficient one
if ( topStreams . Count > 1 )
foreach ( MediaStream stream in topStreams )
foreach ( SubtitleProfile profile in subtitleProfiles )
if ( profile . Method = = SubtitleDeliveryMethod . External & & StringHelper . EqualsIgnoreCase ( profile . Format , stream . Codec ) )
return stream . Index ;
// If no optimization panned out, just use the original default
return item . DefaultSubtitleStreamIndex ;
private StreamInfo BuildVideoItem ( MediaSourceInfo item , VideoOptions options )
StreamInfo playlistItem = new StreamInfo
ItemId = options . ItemId ,
MediaType = DlnaProfileType . Video ,
MediaSource = item ,
RunTimeTicks = item . RunTimeTicks ,
Context = options . Context ,
DeviceProfile = options . Profile
} ;
playlistItem . SubtitleStreamIndex = options . SubtitleStreamIndex ? ? GetDefaultSubtitleStreamIndex ( item , options . Profile . SubtitleProfiles ) ;
MediaStream subtitleStream = playlistItem . SubtitleStreamIndex . HasValue ? item . GetMediaStream ( MediaStreamType . Subtitle , playlistItem . SubtitleStreamIndex . Value ) : null ;
MediaStream audioStream = item . GetDefaultAudioStream ( options . AudioStreamIndex ? ? item . DefaultAudioStreamIndex ) ;
int? audioStreamIndex = null ;
if ( audioStream ! = null )
audioStreamIndex = audioStream . Index ;
MediaStream videoStream = item . VideoStream ;
// TODO: This doesn't accout for situation of device being able to handle media bitrate, but wifi connection not fast enough
bool isEligibleForDirectPlay = options . EnableDirectPlay & & ( options . ForceDirectPlay | | IsEligibleForDirectPlay ( item , GetBitrateForDirectPlayCheck ( item , options , true ) , subtitleStream , options , PlayMethod . DirectPlay ) ) ;
bool isEligibleForDirectStream = options . EnableDirectStream & & ( options . ForceDirectStream | | IsEligibleForDirectPlay ( item , options . GetMaxBitrate ( false ) , subtitleStream , options , PlayMethod . DirectStream ) ) ;
_logger . Info ( "Profile: {0}, Path: {1}, isEligibleForDirectPlay: {2}, isEligibleForDirectStream: {3}" ,
options . Profile . Name ? ? "Unknown Profile" ,
item . Path ? ? "Unknown path" ,
isEligibleForDirectPlay ,
isEligibleForDirectStream ) ;
if ( isEligibleForDirectPlay | | isEligibleForDirectStream )
// See if it can be direct played
PlayMethod ? directPlay = GetVideoDirectPlayProfile ( options , item , videoStream , audioStream , isEligibleForDirectPlay , isEligibleForDirectStream ) ;
if ( directPlay ! = null )
playlistItem . PlayMethod = directPlay . Value ;
playlistItem . Container = item . Container ;
if ( subtitleStream ! = null )
SubtitleProfile subtitleProfile = GetSubtitleProfile ( subtitleStream , options . Profile . SubtitleProfiles , directPlay . Value , null , null ) ;
playlistItem . SubtitleDeliveryMethod = subtitleProfile . Method ;
playlistItem . SubtitleFormat = subtitleProfile . Format ;
return playlistItem ;
// Can't direct play, find the transcoding profile
TranscodingProfile transcodingProfile = null ;
foreach ( TranscodingProfile i in options . Profile . TranscodingProfiles )
if ( i . Type = = playlistItem . MediaType & & i . Context = = options . Context )
transcodingProfile = i ;
break ;
if ( transcodingProfile ! = null )
if ( ! item . SupportsTranscoding )
return null ;
if ( subtitleStream ! = null )
SubtitleProfile subtitleProfile = GetSubtitleProfile ( subtitleStream , options . Profile . SubtitleProfiles , PlayMethod . Transcode , transcodingProfile . Protocol , transcodingProfile . Container ) ;
playlistItem . SubtitleDeliveryMethod = subtitleProfile . Method ;
playlistItem . SubtitleFormat = subtitleProfile . Format ;
playlistItem . SubtitleCodecs = new [ ] { subtitleProfile . Format } ;
playlistItem . PlayMethod = PlayMethod . Transcode ;
playlistItem . Container = transcodingProfile . Container ;
playlistItem . EstimateContentLength = transcodingProfile . EstimateContentLength ;
playlistItem . TranscodeSeekInfo = transcodingProfile . TranscodeSeekInfo ;
playlistItem . AudioCodecs = transcodingProfile . AudioCodec . Split ( ',' ) ;
playlistItem . VideoCodecs = transcodingProfile . VideoCodec . Split ( ',' ) ;
playlistItem . CopyTimestamps = transcodingProfile . CopyTimestamps ;
playlistItem . EnableSubtitlesInManifest = transcodingProfile . EnableSubtitlesInManifest ;
playlistItem . BreakOnNonKeyFrames = transcodingProfile . BreakOnNonKeyFrames ;
if ( transcodingProfile . MinSegments > 0 )
playlistItem . MinSegments = transcodingProfile . MinSegments ;
if ( transcodingProfile . SegmentLength > 0 )
playlistItem . SegmentLength = transcodingProfile . SegmentLength ;
if ( ! string . IsNullOrEmpty ( transcodingProfile . MaxAudioChannels ) )
int transcodingMaxAudioChannels ;
if ( int . TryParse ( transcodingProfile . MaxAudioChannels , NumberStyles . Any , CultureInfo . InvariantCulture , out transcodingMaxAudioChannels ) )
playlistItem . TranscodingMaxAudioChannels = transcodingMaxAudioChannels ;
playlistItem . SubProtocol = transcodingProfile . Protocol ;
playlistItem . AudioStreamIndex = audioStreamIndex ;
ConditionProcessor conditionProcessor = new ConditionProcessor ( ) ;
List < ProfileCondition > videoTranscodingConditions = new List < ProfileCondition > ( ) ;
foreach ( CodecProfile i in options . Profile . CodecProfiles )
if ( i . Type = = CodecType . Video & & i . ContainsCodec ( transcodingProfile . VideoCodec , transcodingProfile . Container ) )
bool applyConditions = true ;
foreach ( ProfileCondition applyCondition in i . ApplyConditions )
bool? isSecondaryAudio = audioStream = = null ? null : item . IsSecondaryAudio ( audioStream ) ;
int? inputAudioBitrate = audioStream = = null ? null : audioStream . BitRate ;
int? audioChannels = audioStream = = null ? null : audioStream . Channels ;
string audioProfile = audioStream = = null ? null : audioStream . Profile ;
int? inputAudioSampleRate = audioStream = = null ? null : audioStream . SampleRate ;
if ( ! conditionProcessor . IsVideoAudioConditionSatisfied ( applyCondition , audioChannels , inputAudioBitrate , inputAudioSampleRate , audioProfile , isSecondaryAudio ) )
LogConditionFailure ( options . Profile , "AudioCodecProfile" , applyCondition , item ) ;
applyConditions = false ;
break ;
if ( applyConditions )
foreach ( ProfileCondition c in i . Conditions )
videoTranscodingConditions . Add ( c ) ;
break ;
ApplyTranscodingConditions ( playlistItem , videoTranscodingConditions ) ;
List < ProfileCondition > audioTranscodingConditions = new List < ProfileCondition > ( ) ;
foreach ( CodecProfile i in options . Profile . CodecProfiles )
if ( i . Type = = CodecType . VideoAudio & & i . ContainsCodec ( playlistItem . TargetAudioCodec , transcodingProfile . Container ) )
bool applyConditions = true ;
foreach ( ProfileCondition applyCondition in i . ApplyConditions )
int? width = videoStream = = null ? null : videoStream . Width ;
int? height = videoStream = = null ? null : videoStream . Height ;
int? bitDepth = videoStream = = null ? null : videoStream . BitDepth ;
int? videoBitrate = videoStream = = null ? null : videoStream . BitRate ;
double? videoLevel = videoStream = = null ? null : videoStream . Level ;
string videoProfile = videoStream = = null ? null : videoStream . Profile ;
float? videoFramerate = videoStream = = null ? null : videoStream . AverageFrameRate ? ? videoStream . AverageFrameRate ;
bool? isAnamorphic = videoStream = = null ? null : videoStream . IsAnamorphic ;
bool? isInterlaced = videoStream = = null ? ( bool? ) null : videoStream . IsInterlaced ;
string videoCodecTag = videoStream = = null ? null : videoStream . CodecTag ;
bool? isAvc = videoStream = = null ? null : videoStream . IsAVC ;
TransportStreamTimestamp ? timestamp = videoStream = = null ? TransportStreamTimestamp . None : item . Timestamp ;
int? packetLength = videoStream = = null ? null : videoStream . PacketLength ;
int? refFrames = videoStream = = null ? null : videoStream . RefFrames ;
int? numAudioStreams = item . GetStreamCount ( MediaStreamType . Audio ) ;
int? numVideoStreams = item . GetStreamCount ( MediaStreamType . Video ) ;
if ( ! conditionProcessor . IsVideoConditionSatisfied ( applyCondition , width , height , bitDepth , videoBitrate , videoProfile , videoLevel , videoFramerate , packetLength , timestamp , isAnamorphic , isInterlaced , refFrames , numVideoStreams , numAudioStreams , videoCodecTag , isAvc ) )
LogConditionFailure ( options . Profile , "VideoCodecProfile" , applyCondition , item ) ;
applyConditions = false ;
break ;
if ( applyConditions )
foreach ( ProfileCondition c in i . Conditions )
audioTranscodingConditions . Add ( c ) ;
break ;
ApplyTranscodingConditions ( playlistItem , audioTranscodingConditions ) ;
// Honor requested max channels
if ( options . MaxAudioChannels . HasValue )
int currentValue = playlistItem . MaxAudioChannels ? ? options . MaxAudioChannels . Value ;
playlistItem . MaxAudioChannels = Math . Min ( options . MaxAudioChannels . Value , currentValue ) ;
int audioBitrate = GetAudioBitrate ( playlistItem . SubProtocol , options . GetMaxBitrate ( false ) , playlistItem . TargetAudioChannels , playlistItem . TargetAudioCodec , audioStream ) ;
playlistItem . AudioBitrate = Math . Min ( playlistItem . AudioBitrate ? ? audioBitrate , audioBitrate ) ;
var maxBitrateSetting = options . GetMaxBitrate ( false ) ;
// Honor max rate
if ( maxBitrateSetting . HasValue )
var videoBitrate = maxBitrateSetting . Value ;
if ( playlistItem . AudioBitrate . HasValue )
videoBitrate - = playlistItem . AudioBitrate . Value ;
// Make sure the video bitrate is lower than bitrate settings but at least 64k
long currentValue = playlistItem . VideoBitrate ? ? videoBitrate ;
var longBitrate = Math . Max ( Math . Min ( videoBitrate , currentValue ) , 64000 ) ;
playlistItem . VideoBitrate = longBitrate > int . MaxValue ? int . MaxValue : Convert . ToInt32 ( longBitrate ) ;
return playlistItem ;
private int GetDefaultAudioBitrateIfUnknown ( MediaStream audioStream )
if ( ( audioStream . Channels ? ? 0 ) > = 6 )
return 384000 ;
return 192000 ;
private int GetAudioBitrate ( string subProtocol , long? maxTotalBitrate , int? targetAudioChannels , string targetAudioCodec , MediaStream audioStream )
int defaultBitrate = audioStream = = null ? 192000 : audioStream . BitRate ? ? GetDefaultAudioBitrateIfUnknown ( audioStream ) ;
// Reduce the bitrate if we're downmixing
if ( targetAudioChannels . HasValue & & audioStream ! = null & & audioStream . Channels . HasValue & & targetAudioChannels . Value < audioStream . Channels . Value )
defaultBitrate = StringHelper . EqualsIgnoreCase ( targetAudioCodec , "ac3" ) ? 192000 : 128000 ;
if ( StringHelper . EqualsIgnoreCase ( subProtocol , "hls" ) )
defaultBitrate = Math . Min ( 384000 , defaultBitrate ) ;
defaultBitrate = Math . Min ( 448000 , defaultBitrate ) ;
int encoderAudioBitrateLimit = int . MaxValue ;
if ( audioStream ! = null )
// Seeing webm encoding failures when source has 1 audio channel and 22k bitrate.
// Any attempts to transcode over 64k will fail
if ( audioStream . Channels . HasValue & &
audioStream . Channels . Value = = 1 )
if ( ( audioStream . BitRate ? ? 0 ) < 64000 )
encoderAudioBitrateLimit = 64000 ;
if ( maxTotalBitrate . HasValue )
if ( maxTotalBitrate . Value < 640000 )
defaultBitrate = Math . Min ( 128000 , defaultBitrate ) ;
return Math . Min ( defaultBitrate , encoderAudioBitrateLimit ) ;
private PlayMethod ? GetVideoDirectPlayProfile ( VideoOptions options ,
MediaSourceInfo mediaSource ,
MediaStream videoStream ,
MediaStream audioStream ,
bool isEligibleForDirectPlay ,
bool isEligibleForDirectStream )
DeviceProfile profile = options . Profile ;
if ( options . ForceDirectPlay )
return PlayMethod . DirectPlay ;
if ( options . ForceDirectStream )
return PlayMethod . DirectStream ;
if ( videoStream = = null )
_logger . Info ( "Profile: {0}, Cannot direct stream with no known video stream. Path: {1}" ,
profile . Name ? ? "Unknown Profile" ,
mediaSource . Path ? ? "Unknown path" ) ;
return null ;
// See if it can be direct played
DirectPlayProfile directPlay = null ;
foreach ( DirectPlayProfile i in profile . DirectPlayProfiles )
if ( i . Type = = DlnaProfileType . Video & & IsVideoDirectPlaySupported ( i , mediaSource , videoStream , audioStream ) )
directPlay = i ;
break ;
if ( directPlay = = null )
_logger . Info ( "Profile: {0}, No direct play profiles found for Path: {1}" ,
profile . Name ? ? "Unknown Profile" ,
mediaSource . Path ? ? "Unknown path" ) ;
return null ;
string container = mediaSource . Container ;
List < ProfileCondition > conditions = new List < ProfileCondition > ( ) ;
foreach ( ContainerProfile i in profile . ContainerProfiles )
if ( i . Type = = DlnaProfileType . Video & &
i . ContainsContainer ( container ) )
foreach ( ProfileCondition c in i . Conditions )
conditions . Add ( c ) ;
ConditionProcessor conditionProcessor = new ConditionProcessor ( ) ;
int? width = videoStream = = null ? null : videoStream . Width ;
int? height = videoStream = = null ? null : videoStream . Height ;
int? bitDepth = videoStream = = null ? null : videoStream . BitDepth ;
int? videoBitrate = videoStream = = null ? null : videoStream . BitRate ;
double? videoLevel = videoStream = = null ? null : videoStream . Level ;
string videoProfile = videoStream = = null ? null : videoStream . Profile ;
float? videoFramerate = videoStream = = null ? null : videoStream . AverageFrameRate ? ? videoStream . AverageFrameRate ;
bool? isAnamorphic = videoStream = = null ? null : videoStream . IsAnamorphic ;
bool? isInterlaced = videoStream = = null ? ( bool? ) null : videoStream . IsInterlaced ;
string videoCodecTag = videoStream = = null ? null : videoStream . CodecTag ;
bool? isAvc = videoStream = = null ? null : videoStream . IsAVC ;
int? audioBitrate = audioStream = = null ? null : audioStream . BitRate ;
int? audioChannels = audioStream = = null ? null : audioStream . Channels ;
string audioProfile = audioStream = = null ? null : audioStream . Profile ;
int? audioSampleRate = audioStream = = null ? null : audioStream . SampleRate ;
TransportStreamTimestamp ? timestamp = videoStream = = null ? TransportStreamTimestamp . None : mediaSource . Timestamp ;
int? packetLength = videoStream = = null ? null : videoStream . PacketLength ;
int? refFrames = videoStream = = null ? null : videoStream . RefFrames ;
int? numAudioStreams = mediaSource . GetStreamCount ( MediaStreamType . Audio ) ;
int? numVideoStreams = mediaSource . GetStreamCount ( MediaStreamType . Video ) ;
// Check container conditions
foreach ( ProfileCondition i in conditions )
if ( ! conditionProcessor . IsVideoConditionSatisfied ( i , width , height , bitDepth , videoBitrate , videoProfile , videoLevel , videoFramerate , packetLength , timestamp , isAnamorphic , isInterlaced , refFrames , numVideoStreams , numAudioStreams , videoCodecTag , isAvc ) )
LogConditionFailure ( profile , "VideoContainerProfile" , i , mediaSource ) ;
return null ;
string videoCodec = videoStream = = null ? null : videoStream . Codec ;
if ( string . IsNullOrEmpty ( videoCodec ) )
_logger . Info ( "Profile: {0}, DirectPlay=false. Reason=Unknown video codec. Path: {1}" ,
profile . Name ? ? "Unknown Profile" ,
mediaSource . Path ? ? "Unknown path" ) ;
return null ;
conditions = new List < ProfileCondition > ( ) ;
foreach ( CodecProfile i in profile . CodecProfiles )
if ( i . Type = = CodecType . Video & & i . ContainsCodec ( videoCodec , container ) )
bool applyConditions = true ;
foreach ( ProfileCondition applyCondition in i . ApplyConditions )
if ( ! conditionProcessor . IsVideoConditionSatisfied ( applyCondition , width , height , bitDepth , videoBitrate , videoProfile , videoLevel , videoFramerate , packetLength , timestamp , isAnamorphic , isInterlaced , refFrames , numVideoStreams , numAudioStreams , videoCodecTag , isAvc ) )
LogConditionFailure ( profile , "VideoCodecProfile" , applyCondition , mediaSource ) ;
applyConditions = false ;
break ;
if ( applyConditions )
foreach ( ProfileCondition c in i . Conditions )
conditions . Add ( c ) ;
foreach ( ProfileCondition i in conditions )
if ( ! conditionProcessor . IsVideoConditionSatisfied ( i , width , height , bitDepth , videoBitrate , videoProfile , videoLevel , videoFramerate , packetLength , timestamp , isAnamorphic , isInterlaced , refFrames , numVideoStreams , numAudioStreams , videoCodecTag , isAvc ) )
LogConditionFailure ( profile , "VideoCodecProfile" , i , mediaSource ) ;
return null ;
if ( audioStream ! = null )
string audioCodec = audioStream . Codec ;
if ( string . IsNullOrEmpty ( audioCodec ) )
_logger . Info ( "Profile: {0}, DirectPlay=false. Reason=Unknown audio codec. Path: {1}" ,
profile . Name ? ? "Unknown Profile" ,
mediaSource . Path ? ? "Unknown path" ) ;
return null ;
conditions = new List < ProfileCondition > ( ) ;
bool? isSecondaryAudio = audioStream = = null ? null : mediaSource . IsSecondaryAudio ( audioStream ) ;
foreach ( CodecProfile i in profile . CodecProfiles )
if ( i . Type = = CodecType . VideoAudio & & i . ContainsCodec ( audioCodec , container ) )
bool applyConditions = true ;
foreach ( ProfileCondition applyCondition in i . ApplyConditions )
if ( ! conditionProcessor . IsVideoAudioConditionSatisfied ( applyCondition , audioChannels , audioBitrate , audioSampleRate , audioProfile , isSecondaryAudio ) )
LogConditionFailure ( profile , "VideoAudioCodecProfile" , applyCondition , mediaSource ) ;
applyConditions = false ;
break ;
if ( applyConditions )
foreach ( ProfileCondition c in i . Conditions )
conditions . Add ( c ) ;
foreach ( ProfileCondition i in conditions )
if ( ! conditionProcessor . IsVideoAudioConditionSatisfied ( i , audioChannels , audioBitrate , audioSampleRate , audioProfile , isSecondaryAudio ) )
LogConditionFailure ( profile , "VideoAudioCodecProfile" , i , mediaSource ) ;
return null ;
if ( isEligibleForDirectStream & & mediaSource . SupportsDirectStream )
return PlayMethod . DirectStream ;
return null ;
private void LogConditionFailure ( DeviceProfile profile , string type , ProfileCondition condition , MediaSourceInfo mediaSource )
_logger . Info ( "Profile: {0}, DirectPlay=false. Reason={1}.{2} Condition: {3}. ConditionValue: {4}. IsRequired: {5}. Path: {6}" ,
type ,
profile . Name ? ? "Unknown Profile" ,
condition . Property ,
condition . Condition ,
condition . Value ? ? string . Empty ,
condition . IsRequired ,
mediaSource . Path ? ? "Unknown path" ) ;
private bool IsEligibleForDirectPlay ( MediaSourceInfo item ,
long? maxBitrate ,
MediaStream subtitleStream ,
VideoOptions options ,
PlayMethod playMethod )
if ( subtitleStream ! = null )
SubtitleProfile subtitleProfile = GetSubtitleProfile ( subtitleStream , options . Profile . SubtitleProfiles , playMethod , null , null ) ;
if ( subtitleProfile . Method ! = SubtitleDeliveryMethod . External & & subtitleProfile . Method ! = SubtitleDeliveryMethod . Embed )
_logger . Info ( "Not eligible for {0} due to unsupported subtitles" , playMethod ) ;
return false ;
return IsAudioEligibleForDirectPlay ( item , maxBitrate , playMethod ) ;
public static SubtitleProfile GetSubtitleProfile ( MediaStream subtitleStream , SubtitleProfile [ ] subtitleProfiles , PlayMethod playMethod , string transcodingSubProtocol , string transcodingContainer )
if ( ! subtitleStream . IsExternal & & ( playMethod ! = PlayMethod . Transcode | | ! string . Equals ( transcodingSubProtocol , "hls" , StringComparison . OrdinalIgnoreCase ) ) )
// Look for supported embedded subs of the same format
foreach ( SubtitleProfile profile in subtitleProfiles )
if ( ! profile . SupportsLanguage ( subtitleStream . Language ) )
continue ;
if ( profile . Method ! = SubtitleDeliveryMethod . Embed )
continue ;
if ( playMethod = = PlayMethod . Transcode & & ! IsSubtitleEmbedSupported ( subtitleStream , profile , transcodingSubProtocol , transcodingContainer ) )
continue ;
if ( subtitleStream . IsTextSubtitleStream = = MediaStream . IsTextFormat ( profile . Format ) & & StringHelper . EqualsIgnoreCase ( profile . Format , subtitleStream . Codec ) )
return profile ;
// Look for supported embedded subs of a convertible format
foreach ( SubtitleProfile profile in subtitleProfiles )
if ( ! profile . SupportsLanguage ( subtitleStream . Language ) )
continue ;
if ( profile . Method ! = SubtitleDeliveryMethod . Embed )
continue ;
if ( playMethod = = PlayMethod . Transcode & & ! IsSubtitleEmbedSupported ( subtitleStream , profile , transcodingSubProtocol , transcodingContainer ) )
continue ;
if ( subtitleStream . IsTextSubtitleStream & & subtitleStream . SupportsSubtitleConversionTo ( profile . Format ) )
return profile ;
// Look for an external or hls profile that matches the stream type (text/graphical) and doesn't require conversion
return GetExternalSubtitleProfile ( subtitleStream , subtitleProfiles , playMethod , false ) ? ? GetExternalSubtitleProfile ( subtitleStream , subtitleProfiles , playMethod , true ) ? ? new SubtitleProfile
Method = SubtitleDeliveryMethod . Encode ,
Format = subtitleStream . Codec
} ;
private static bool IsSubtitleEmbedSupported ( MediaStream subtitleStream , SubtitleProfile subtitleProfile , string transcodingSubProtocol , string transcodingContainer )
if ( string . Equals ( transcodingContainer , "ts" , StringComparison . OrdinalIgnoreCase ) )
return false ;
if ( string . Equals ( transcodingContainer , "mpegts" , StringComparison . OrdinalIgnoreCase ) )
return false ;
if ( string . Equals ( transcodingContainer , "mp4" , StringComparison . OrdinalIgnoreCase ) )
return false ;
if ( string . Equals ( transcodingContainer , "mkv" , StringComparison . OrdinalIgnoreCase ) )
return true ;
return false ;
private static SubtitleProfile GetExternalSubtitleProfile ( MediaStream subtitleStream , SubtitleProfile [ ] subtitleProfiles , PlayMethod playMethod , bool allowConversion )
foreach ( SubtitleProfile profile in subtitleProfiles )
if ( profile . Method ! = SubtitleDeliveryMethod . External & & profile . Method ! = SubtitleDeliveryMethod . Hls )
continue ;
if ( profile . Method = = SubtitleDeliveryMethod . Hls & & playMethod ! = PlayMethod . Transcode )
continue ;
if ( ! profile . SupportsLanguage ( subtitleStream . Language ) )
continue ;
if ( ( profile . Method = = SubtitleDeliveryMethod . External & & subtitleStream . IsTextSubtitleStream = = MediaStream . IsTextFormat ( profile . Format ) ) | |
( profile . Method = = SubtitleDeliveryMethod . Hls & & subtitleStream . IsTextSubtitleStream ) )
bool requiresConversion = ! StringHelper . EqualsIgnoreCase ( subtitleStream . Codec , profile . Format ) ;
if ( ! requiresConversion )
return profile ;
if ( ! allowConversion )
continue ;
if ( subtitleStream . IsTextSubtitleStream & & subtitleStream . SupportsExternalStream & & subtitleStream . SupportsSubtitleConversionTo ( profile . Format ) )
return profile ;
return null ;
private bool IsAudioEligibleForDirectPlay ( MediaSourceInfo item , long? maxBitrate , PlayMethod playMethod )
// Don't restrict by bitrate if coming from an external domain
if ( item . IsRemote )
return true ;
if ( ! maxBitrate . HasValue )
_logger . Info ( "Cannot " + playMethod + " due to unknown supported bitrate" ) ;
return false ;
if ( ! item . Bitrate . HasValue )
_logger . Info ( "Cannot " + playMethod + " due to unknown content bitrate" ) ;
return false ;
if ( item . Bitrate . Value > maxBitrate . Value )
_logger . Info ( "Bitrate exceeds " + playMethod + " limit: media bitrate: {0}, max bitrate: {1}" , item . Bitrate . Value . ToString ( CultureInfo . InvariantCulture ) , maxBitrate . Value . ToString ( CultureInfo . InvariantCulture ) ) ;
return false ;
return true ;
private void ValidateInput ( VideoOptions options )
ValidateAudioInput ( options ) ;
if ( options . AudioStreamIndex . HasValue & & string . IsNullOrEmpty ( options . MediaSourceId ) )
throw new ArgumentException ( "MediaSourceId is required when a specific audio stream is requested" ) ;
if ( options . SubtitleStreamIndex . HasValue & & string . IsNullOrEmpty ( options . MediaSourceId ) )
throw new ArgumentException ( "MediaSourceId is required when a specific subtitle stream is requested" ) ;
private void ValidateAudioInput ( AudioOptions options )
if ( string . IsNullOrEmpty ( options . ItemId ) )
throw new ArgumentException ( "ItemId is required" ) ;
if ( string . IsNullOrEmpty ( options . DeviceId ) )
throw new ArgumentException ( "DeviceId is required" ) ;
if ( options . Profile = = null )
throw new ArgumentException ( "Profile is required" ) ;
if ( options . MediaSources = = null )
throw new ArgumentException ( "MediaSources is required" ) ;
private void ApplyTranscodingConditions ( StreamInfo item , IEnumerable < ProfileCondition > conditions )
foreach ( ProfileCondition condition in conditions )
string value = condition . Value ;
if ( string . IsNullOrEmpty ( value ) )
continue ;
// No way to express this
if ( condition . Condition = = ProfileConditionType . GreaterThanEqual )
continue ;
switch ( condition . Property )
case ProfileConditionValue . AudioBitrate :
int num ;
if ( int . TryParse ( value , NumberStyles . Any , CultureInfo . InvariantCulture , out num ) )
item . AudioBitrate = num ;
break ;
case ProfileConditionValue . AudioChannels :
int num ;
if ( int . TryParse ( value , NumberStyles . Any , CultureInfo . InvariantCulture , out num ) )
item . MaxAudioChannels = num ;
break ;
case ProfileConditionValue . IsAvc :
bool isAvc ;
if ( bool . TryParse ( value , out isAvc ) )
if ( isAvc & & condition . Condition = = ProfileConditionType . Equals )
item . RequireAvc = true ;
else if ( ! isAvc & & condition . Condition = = ProfileConditionType . NotEquals )
item . RequireAvc = true ;
break ;
case ProfileConditionValue . IsAnamorphic :
bool isAnamorphic ;
if ( bool . TryParse ( value , out isAnamorphic ) )
if ( isAnamorphic & & condition . Condition = = ProfileConditionType . Equals )
item . RequireNonAnamorphic = true ;
else if ( ! isAnamorphic & & condition . Condition = = ProfileConditionType . NotEquals )
item . RequireNonAnamorphic = true ;
break ;
case ProfileConditionValue . IsInterlaced :
bool isInterlaced ;
if ( bool . TryParse ( value , out isInterlaced ) )
if ( isInterlaced & & condition . Condition = = ProfileConditionType . Equals )
item . DeInterlace = true ;
else if ( ! isInterlaced & & condition . Condition = = ProfileConditionType . NotEquals )
item . DeInterlace = true ;
break ;
case ProfileConditionValue . AudioProfile :
case ProfileConditionValue . Has64BitOffsets :
case ProfileConditionValue . PacketLength :
case ProfileConditionValue . NumAudioStreams :
case ProfileConditionValue . NumVideoStreams :
case ProfileConditionValue . IsSecondaryAudio :
case ProfileConditionValue . VideoTimestamp :
// Not supported yet
break ;
case ProfileConditionValue . RefFrames :
int num ;
if ( int . TryParse ( value , NumberStyles . Any , CultureInfo . InvariantCulture , out num ) )
item . MaxRefFrames = num ;
break ;
case ProfileConditionValue . VideoBitDepth :
int num ;
if ( int . TryParse ( value , NumberStyles . Any , CultureInfo . InvariantCulture , out num ) )
item . MaxVideoBitDepth = num ;
break ;
case ProfileConditionValue . VideoProfile :
item . VideoProfile = ( value ? ? string . Empty ) . Split ( '|' ) [ 0 ] ;
break ;
case ProfileConditionValue . Height :
int num ;
if ( int . TryParse ( value , NumberStyles . Any , CultureInfo . InvariantCulture , out num ) )
item . MaxHeight = num ;
break ;
case ProfileConditionValue . VideoBitrate :
int num ;
if ( int . TryParse ( value , NumberStyles . Any , CultureInfo . InvariantCulture , out num ) )
item . VideoBitrate = num ;
break ;
case ProfileConditionValue . VideoFramerate :
float num ;
if ( float . TryParse ( value , NumberStyles . Any , CultureInfo . InvariantCulture , out num ) )
item . MaxFramerate = num ;
break ;
case ProfileConditionValue . VideoLevel :
int num ;
if ( int . TryParse ( value , NumberStyles . Any , CultureInfo . InvariantCulture , out num ) )
item . VideoLevel = num ;
break ;
case ProfileConditionValue . Width :
int num ;
if ( int . TryParse ( value , NumberStyles . Any , CultureInfo . InvariantCulture , out num ) )
item . MaxWidth = num ;
break ;
default :
break ;
private bool IsAudioDirectPlaySupported ( DirectPlayProfile profile , MediaSourceInfo item , MediaStream audioStream )
if ( profile . Container . Length > 0 )
// Check container type
string mediaContainer = item . Container ? ? string . Empty ;
bool any = false ;
foreach ( string i in profile . GetContainers ( ) )
if ( StringHelper . EqualsIgnoreCase ( i , mediaContainer ) )
any = true ;
break ;
if ( ! any )
return false ;
// Check audio codec
List < string > audioCodecs = profile . GetAudioCodecs ( ) ;
if ( audioCodecs . Count > 0 )
// Check audio codecs
string audioCodec = audioStream = = null ? null : audioStream . Codec ;
if ( string . IsNullOrEmpty ( audioCodec ) | | ! ListHelper . ContainsIgnoreCase ( audioCodecs , audioCodec ) )
return false ;
return true ;
private bool IsVideoDirectPlaySupported ( DirectPlayProfile profile , MediaSourceInfo item , MediaStream videoStream , MediaStream audioStream )
if ( profile . Container . Length > 0 )
// Check container type
string mediaContainer = item . Container ? ? string . Empty ;
bool any = false ;
foreach ( string i in profile . GetContainers ( ) )
if ( StringHelper . EqualsIgnoreCase ( i , mediaContainer ) )
any = true ;
break ;
if ( ! any )
return false ;
// Check video codec
List < string > videoCodecs = profile . GetVideoCodecs ( ) ;
if ( videoCodecs . Count > 0 )
string videoCodec = videoStream = = null ? null : videoStream . Codec ;
if ( string . IsNullOrEmpty ( videoCodec ) | | ! ListHelper . ContainsIgnoreCase ( videoCodecs , videoCodec ) )
return false ;
// Check audio codec
List < string > audioCodecs = profile . GetAudioCodecs ( ) ;
if ( audioCodecs . Count > 0 )
// Check audio codecs
string audioCodec = audioStream = = null ? null : audioStream . Codec ;
if ( string . IsNullOrEmpty ( audioCodec ) | | ! ListHelper . ContainsIgnoreCase ( audioCodecs , audioCodec ) )
return false ;
return true ;