using System ;
using System.Collections.Generic ;
using MediaBrowser.Model.Extensions ;
namespace MediaBrowser.Model.Dlna
public class ResolutionNormalizer
private static readonly List < ResolutionConfiguration > Configurations =
new List < ResolutionConfiguration >
new ResolutionConfiguration ( 426 , 320000 ) ,
new ResolutionConfiguration ( 640 , 400000 ) ,
new ResolutionConfiguration ( 720 , 950000 ) ,
new ResolutionConfiguration ( 1280 , 2500000 )
} ;
public static ResolutionOptions Normalize ( int? inputBitrate ,
int outputBitrate ,
string inputCodec ,
string outputCodec ,
int? maxWidth ,
int? maxHeight )
// If the bitrate isn't changing, then don't downlscale the resolution
if ( inputBitrate . HasValue & & outputBitrate > = inputBitrate . Value )
if ( maxWidth . HasValue | | maxHeight . HasValue )
return new ResolutionOptions
MaxWidth = maxWidth ,
MaxHeight = maxHeight
} ;
foreach ( var config in Configurations )
if ( outputBitrate < = config . MaxBitrate )
var originvalValue = maxWidth ;
maxWidth = Math . Min ( config . MaxWidth , maxWidth ? ? config . MaxWidth ) ;
if ( ! originvalValue . HasValue | | originvalValue . Value ! = maxWidth . Value )
maxHeight = null ;
break ;
return new ResolutionOptions
MaxWidth = maxWidth ,
MaxHeight = maxHeight
} ;
private static double GetVideoBitrateScaleFactor ( string codec )
if ( StringHelper . EqualsIgnoreCase ( codec , "h265" ) | |
StringHelper . EqualsIgnoreCase ( codec , "hevc" ) | |
StringHelper . EqualsIgnoreCase ( codec , "vp9" ) )
return . 5 ;
return 1 ;
public static int ScaleBitrate ( int bitrate , string inputVideoCodec , string outputVideoCodec )
var inputScaleFactor = GetVideoBitrateScaleFactor ( inputVideoCodec ) ;
var outputScaleFactor = GetVideoBitrateScaleFactor ( outputVideoCodec ) ;
var scaleFactor = outputScaleFactor / inputScaleFactor ;
var newBitrate = scaleFactor * bitrate ;
return Convert . ToInt32 ( newBitrate ) ;