using System ;
using System.Collections.Concurrent ;
using System.Collections.Generic ;
using System.Globalization ;
using System.IO ;
using System.Linq ;
using System.Text ;
using MediaBrowser.Common.Configuration ;
using MediaBrowser.Model.Cryptography ;
using MediaBrowser.Model.IO ;
namespace Emby.Server.Implementations.Security
internal class MBLicenseFile
private readonly IApplicationPaths _appPaths ;
private readonly IFileSystem _fileSystem ;
private readonly ICryptoProvider _cryptographyProvider ;
public string RegKey
get { return _regKey ; }
_updateRecords . Clear ( ) ;
_regKey = value ;
private string Filename
return Path . Combine ( _appPaths . ConfigurationDirectoryPath , "mb.lic" ) ;
private readonly ConcurrentDictionary < Guid , FeatureRegInfo > _updateRecords = new ConcurrentDictionary < Guid , FeatureRegInfo > ( ) ;
private readonly object _fileLock = new object ( ) ;
private string _regKey ;
public MBLicenseFile ( IApplicationPaths appPaths , IFileSystem fileSystem , ICryptoProvider cryptographyProvider )
_appPaths = appPaths ;
_fileSystem = fileSystem ;
_cryptographyProvider = cryptographyProvider ;
Load ( ) ;
private void SetUpdateRecord ( Guid key , FeatureRegInfo value )
_updateRecords . AddOrUpdate ( key , value , ( k , v ) = > value ) ;
private Guid GetKey ( string featureId )
return new Guid ( _cryptographyProvider . ComputeMD5 ( Encoding . Unicode . GetBytes ( featureId ) ) ) ;
public void AddRegCheck ( string featureId , DateTime expirationDate )
var key = GetKey ( featureId ) ;
var value = new FeatureRegInfo
ExpirationDate = expirationDate ,
LastChecked = DateTime . UtcNow
} ;
SetUpdateRecord ( key , value ) ;
Save ( ) ;
public void RemoveRegCheck ( string featureId )
var key = GetKey ( featureId ) ;
FeatureRegInfo val ;
_updateRecords . TryRemove ( key , out val ) ;
Save ( ) ;
public FeatureRegInfo GetRegInfo ( string featureId )
var key = GetKey ( featureId ) ;
FeatureRegInfo info = null ;
_updateRecords . TryGetValue ( key , out info ) ;
if ( info = = null )
return null ;
// guard agains people just putting a large number in the file
return info . LastChecked < DateTime . UtcNow ? info : null ;
private void Load ( )
string [ ] contents = null ;
var licenseFile = Filename ;
lock ( _fileLock )
contents = _fileSystem . ReadAllLines ( licenseFile ) ;
catch ( FileNotFoundException )
lock ( _fileLock )
_fileSystem . WriteAllBytes ( licenseFile , Array . Empty < byte > ( ) ) ;
catch ( IOException )
lock ( _fileLock )
_fileSystem . WriteAllBytes ( licenseFile , Array . Empty < byte > ( ) ) ;
if ( contents ! = null & & contents . Length > 0 )
//first line is reg key
RegKey = contents [ 0 ] ;
//next is legacy key
if ( contents . Length > 1 )
// Don't need this anymore
//the rest of the lines should be pairs of features and timestamps
for ( var i = 2 ; i < contents . Length ; i = i + 2 )
var line = contents [ i ] ;
if ( string . IsNullOrWhiteSpace ( line ) )
continue ;
Guid feat ;
if ( Guid . TryParse ( line , out feat ) )
var lineParts = contents [ i + 1 ] . Split ( new [ ] { '|' } , StringSplitOptions . RemoveEmptyEntries ) ;
long ticks ;
if ( long . TryParse ( lineParts [ 0 ] , out ticks ) )
var info = new FeatureRegInfo
LastChecked = new DateTime ( ticks )
} ;
if ( lineParts . Length > 1 & & long . TryParse ( lineParts [ 1 ] , out ticks ) )
info . ExpirationDate = new DateTime ( ticks ) ;
SetUpdateRecord ( feat , info ) ;
public void Save ( )
//build our array
var lines = new List < string >
RegKey ,
// Legacy key
string . Empty
} ;
foreach ( var pair in _updateRecords
. ToList ( ) )
lines . Add ( pair . Key . ToString ( ) ) ;
var dateLine = pair . Value . LastChecked . Ticks . ToString ( CultureInfo . InvariantCulture ) + "|" +
pair . Value . ExpirationDate . Ticks . ToString ( CultureInfo . InvariantCulture ) ;
lines . Add ( dateLine ) ;
var licenseFile = Filename ;
_fileSystem . CreateDirectory ( _fileSystem . GetDirectoryName ( licenseFile ) ) ;
lock ( _fileLock )
_fileSystem . WriteAllLines ( licenseFile , lines ) ;
internal class FeatureRegInfo
public DateTime ExpirationDate { get ; set ; }
public DateTime LastChecked { get ; set ; }
public FeatureRegInfo ( )
ExpirationDate = DateTime . MinValue ;