using MediaBrowser.Common.Configuration ;
using MediaBrowser.Controller.Configuration ;
using MediaBrowser.Controller.Library ;
using MediaBrowser.Controller.MediaEncoding ;
using MediaBrowser.Controller.Session ;
using MediaBrowser.Model.Configuration ;
using MediaBrowser.Model.Dto ;
using MediaBrowser.Model.Entities ;
using MediaBrowser.Model.IO ;
using MediaBrowser.Model.Logging ;
using MediaBrowser.Model.MediaInfo ;
using System ;
using System.Collections.Generic ;
using System.Globalization ;
using System.IO ;
using System.Text ;
using System.Threading ;
using System.Threading.Tasks ;
using MediaBrowser.Model.Diagnostics ;
using MediaBrowser.Model.Dlna ;
namespace MediaBrowser.MediaEncoding.Encoder
public abstract class BaseEncoder
protected readonly MediaEncoder MediaEncoder ;
protected readonly ILogger Logger ;
protected readonly IServerConfigurationManager ConfigurationManager ;
protected readonly IFileSystem FileSystem ;
protected readonly IIsoManager IsoManager ;
protected readonly ILibraryManager LibraryManager ;
protected readonly ISessionManager SessionManager ;
protected readonly ISubtitleEncoder SubtitleEncoder ;
protected readonly IMediaSourceManager MediaSourceManager ;
protected IProcessFactory ProcessFactory ;
protected readonly CultureInfo UsCulture = new CultureInfo ( "en-US" ) ;
protected EncodingHelper EncodingHelper ;
protected BaseEncoder ( MediaEncoder mediaEncoder ,
ILogger logger ,
IServerConfigurationManager configurationManager ,
IFileSystem fileSystem ,
IIsoManager isoManager ,
ILibraryManager libraryManager ,
ISessionManager sessionManager ,
ISubtitleEncoder subtitleEncoder ,
IMediaSourceManager mediaSourceManager , IProcessFactory processFactory )
MediaEncoder = mediaEncoder ;
Logger = logger ;
ConfigurationManager = configurationManager ;
FileSystem = fileSystem ;
IsoManager = isoManager ;
LibraryManager = libraryManager ;
SessionManager = sessionManager ;
SubtitleEncoder = subtitleEncoder ;
MediaSourceManager = mediaSourceManager ;
ProcessFactory = processFactory ;
EncodingHelper = new EncodingHelper ( MediaEncoder , ConfigurationManager , FileSystem , SubtitleEncoder ) ;
public async Task < EncodingJob > Start ( EncodingJobOptions options ,
IProgress < double > progress ,
CancellationToken cancellationToken )
var encodingJob = await new EncodingJobFactory ( Logger , LibraryManager , MediaSourceManager , ConfigurationManager , MediaEncoder )
. CreateJob ( options , EncodingHelper , IsVideoEncoder , progress , cancellationToken ) . ConfigureAwait ( false ) ;
encodingJob . OutputFilePath = GetOutputFilePath ( encodingJob ) ;
FileSystem . CreateDirectory ( FileSystem . GetDirectoryName ( encodingJob . OutputFilePath ) ) ;
encodingJob . ReadInputAtNativeFramerate = options . ReadInputAtNativeFramerate ;
await AcquireResources ( encodingJob , cancellationToken ) . ConfigureAwait ( false ) ;
var commandLineArgs = GetCommandLineArguments ( encodingJob ) ;
var process = ProcessFactory . Create ( new ProcessOptions
CreateNoWindow = true ,
UseShellExecute = false ,
// Must consume both stdout and stderr or deadlocks may occur
//RedirectStandardOutput = true,
RedirectStandardError = true ,
RedirectStandardInput = true ,
FileName = MediaEncoder . EncoderPath ,
Arguments = commandLineArgs ,
IsHidden = true ,
ErrorDialog = false ,
EnableRaisingEvents = true
} ) ;
var workingDirectory = GetWorkingDirectory ( options ) ;
if ( ! string . IsNullOrWhiteSpace ( workingDirectory ) )
process . StartInfo . WorkingDirectory = workingDirectory ;
OnTranscodeBeginning ( encodingJob ) ;
var commandLineLogMessage = process . StartInfo . FileName + " " + process . StartInfo . Arguments ;
Logger . Info ( commandLineLogMessage ) ;
var logFilePath = Path . Combine ( ConfigurationManager . CommonApplicationPaths . LogDirectoryPath , "transcode-" + Guid . NewGuid ( ) + ".txt" ) ;
FileSystem . CreateDirectory ( FileSystem . GetDirectoryName ( logFilePath ) ) ;
// FFMpeg writes debug/error info to stderr. This is useful when debugging so let's put it in the log directory.
encodingJob . LogFileStream = FileSystem . GetFileStream ( logFilePath , FileOpenMode . Create , FileAccessMode . Write , FileShareMode . Read , true ) ;
var commandLineLogMessageBytes = Encoding . UTF8 . GetBytes ( commandLineLogMessage + Environment . NewLine + Environment . NewLine ) ;
await encodingJob . LogFileStream . WriteAsync ( commandLineLogMessageBytes , 0 , commandLineLogMessageBytes . Length , cancellationToken ) . ConfigureAwait ( false ) ;
process . Exited + = ( sender , args ) = > OnFfMpegProcessExited ( process , encodingJob ) ;
process . Start ( ) ;
catch ( Exception ex )
Logger . ErrorException ( "Error starting ffmpeg" , ex ) ;
OnTranscodeFailedToStart ( encodingJob . OutputFilePath , encodingJob ) ;
throw ;
cancellationToken . Register ( ( ) = > Cancel ( process , encodingJob ) ) ;
// MUST read both stdout and stderr asynchronously or a deadlock may occurr
// Important - don't await the log task or we won't be able to kill ffmpeg when the user stops playback
new JobLogger ( Logger ) . StartStreamingLog ( encodingJob , process . StandardError . BaseStream , encodingJob . LogFileStream ) ;
// Wait for the file to exist before proceeeding
while ( ! FileSystem . FileExists ( encodingJob . OutputFilePath ) & & ! encodingJob . HasExited )
await Task . Delay ( 100 , cancellationToken ) . ConfigureAwait ( false ) ;
return encodingJob ;
private void Cancel ( IProcess process , EncodingJob job )
Logger . Info ( "Killing ffmpeg process for {0}" , job . OutputFilePath ) ;
process . StandardInput . WriteLine ( "q" ) ;
job . IsCancelled = true ;
/// <summary>
/// Processes the exited.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="process">The process.</param>
/// <param name="job">The job.</param>
private void OnFfMpegProcessExited ( IProcess process , EncodingJob job )
job . HasExited = true ;
Logger . Debug ( "Disposing stream resources" ) ;
job . Dispose ( ) ;
var isSuccesful = false ;
var exitCode = process . ExitCode ;
Logger . Info ( "FFMpeg exited with code {0}" , exitCode ) ;
isSuccesful = exitCode = = 0 ;
Logger . Error ( "FFMpeg exited with an error." ) ;
if ( isSuccesful & & ! job . IsCancelled )
job . TaskCompletionSource . TrySetResult ( true ) ;
else if ( job . IsCancelled )
DeleteFiles ( job ) ;
job . TaskCompletionSource . TrySetException ( new OperationCanceledException ( ) ) ;
DeleteFiles ( job ) ;
job . TaskCompletionSource . TrySetException ( new Exception ( "Encoding failed" ) ) ;
// This causes on exited to be called twice:
// // Dispose the process
// process.Dispose();
//catch (Exception ex)
// Logger.ErrorException("Error disposing ffmpeg.", ex);
protected virtual void DeleteFiles ( EncodingJob job )
FileSystem . DeleteFile ( job . OutputFilePath ) ;
private void OnTranscodeBeginning ( EncodingJob job )
job . ReportTranscodingProgress ( null , null , null , null , null ) ;
private void OnTranscodeFailedToStart ( string path , EncodingJob job )
if ( ! string . IsNullOrWhiteSpace ( job . Options . DeviceId ) )
SessionManager . ClearTranscodingInfo ( job . Options . DeviceId ) ;
protected abstract bool IsVideoEncoder { get ; }
protected virtual string GetWorkingDirectory ( EncodingJobOptions options )
return null ;
protected EncodingOptions GetEncodingOptions ( )
return ConfigurationManager . GetConfiguration < EncodingOptions > ( "encoding" ) ;
protected abstract string GetCommandLineArguments ( EncodingJob job ) ;
private string GetOutputFilePath ( EncodingJob state )
var folder = string . IsNullOrWhiteSpace ( state . Options . OutputDirectory ) ?
ConfigurationManager . ApplicationPaths . TranscodingTempPath :
state . Options . OutputDirectory ;
var outputFileExtension = GetOutputFileExtension ( state ) ;
var filename = state . Id + ( outputFileExtension ? ? string . Empty ) . ToLower ( ) ;
return Path . Combine ( folder , filename ) ;
protected virtual string GetOutputFileExtension ( EncodingJob state )
if ( ! string . IsNullOrWhiteSpace ( state . Options . OutputContainer ) )
return "." + state . Options . OutputContainer ;
return null ;
/// <summary>
/// Gets the name of the output video codec
/// </summary>
/// <param name="state">The state.</param>
/// <returns>System.String.</returns>
protected string GetVideoDecoder ( EncodingJob state )
if ( string . Equals ( state . OutputVideoCodec , "copy" , StringComparison . OrdinalIgnoreCase ) )
return null ;
// Only use alternative encoders for video files.
// When using concat with folder rips, if the mfx session fails to initialize, ffmpeg will be stuck retrying and will not exit gracefully
// Since transcoding of folder rips is expiremental anyway, it's not worth adding additional variables such as this.
if ( state . VideoType ! = VideoType . VideoFile )
return null ;
if ( state . VideoStream ! = null & & ! string . IsNullOrWhiteSpace ( state . VideoStream . Codec ) )
if ( string . Equals ( GetEncodingOptions ( ) . HardwareAccelerationType , "qsv" , StringComparison . OrdinalIgnoreCase ) )
switch ( state . MediaSource . VideoStream . Codec . ToLower ( ) )
case "avc" :
case "h264" :
if ( MediaEncoder . SupportsDecoder ( "h264_qsv" ) )
// Seeing stalls and failures with decoding. Not worth it compared to encoding.
return "-c:v h264_qsv " ;
break ;
case "mpeg2video" :
if ( MediaEncoder . SupportsDecoder ( "mpeg2_qsv" ) )
return "-c:v mpeg2_qsv " ;
break ;
case "vc1" :
if ( MediaEncoder . SupportsDecoder ( "vc1_qsv" ) )
return "-c:v vc1_qsv " ;
break ;
// leave blank so ffmpeg will decide
return null ;
private async Task AcquireResources ( EncodingJob state , CancellationToken cancellationToken )
if ( state . VideoType = = VideoType . Iso & & state . IsoType . HasValue & & IsoManager . CanMount ( state . MediaPath ) )
state . IsoMount = await IsoManager . Mount ( state . MediaPath , cancellationToken ) . ConfigureAwait ( false ) ;
if ( state . MediaSource . RequiresOpening & & string . IsNullOrWhiteSpace ( state . Options . LiveStreamId ) )
var liveStreamResponse = await MediaSourceManager . OpenLiveStream ( new LiveStreamRequest
OpenToken = state . MediaSource . OpenToken
} , cancellationToken ) . ConfigureAwait ( false ) ;
EncodingHelper . AttachMediaSourceInfo ( state , liveStreamResponse . MediaSource , null ) ;
if ( state . IsVideoRequest )
EncodingHelper . TryStreamCopy ( state ) ;
if ( state . MediaSource . BufferMs . HasValue )
await Task . Delay ( state . MediaSource . BufferMs . Value , cancellationToken ) . ConfigureAwait ( false ) ;