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using System;
using System.IO;
namespace SharpCifs.Util.Sharpen
internal class WrappedSystemStream : Stream
8 years ago
private InputStream _ist;
private OutputStream _ost;
int _position;
int _markedPosition;
public WrappedSystemStream (InputStream ist)
this._ist = ist;
public WrappedSystemStream (OutputStream ost)
this._ost = ost;
public InputStream InputStream {
get { return _ist; }
public OutputStream OutputStream {
get { return _ost; }
public void Close() //remove `override`
8 years ago
if (_ist != null) {
//Stream.`Close` method deleted
8 years ago
//_ist.Close ();
8 years ago
if (_ost != null) {
//Stream.`Close` method deleted
8 years ago
//_ost.Close ();
8 years ago
public override void Flush ()
_ost.Flush ();
public override int Read (byte[] buffer, int offset, int count)
int res = _ist.Read (buffer, offset, count);
if (res != -1) {
_position += res;
return res;
return 0;
public override int ReadByte ()
int res = _ist.Read ();
if (res != -1)
return res;
public override long Seek (long offset, SeekOrigin origin)
if (origin == SeekOrigin.Begin)
Position = offset;
else if (origin == SeekOrigin.Current)
Position = Position + offset;
else if (origin == SeekOrigin.End)
Position = Length + offset;
return Position;
public override void SetLength (long value)
throw new NotSupportedException ();
public override void Write (byte[] buffer, int offset, int count)
_ost.Write (buffer, offset, count);
_position += count;
public override void WriteByte (byte value)
_ost.Write (value);
public override bool CanRead {
get { return (_ist != null); }
public override bool CanSeek {
get { return true; }
public override bool CanWrite {
get { return (_ost != null); }
public override long Length {
get { return _ist.Length; }
internal void OnMark (int nb)
_markedPosition = _position;
_ist.Mark (nb);
public override long Position {
if (_ist != null && _ist.CanSeek ())
return _ist.Position;
return _position;
if (value == _position)
if (value == _markedPosition)
_ist.Reset ();
else if (_ist != null && _ist.CanSeek ()) {
_ist.Position = value;
throw new NotSupportedException ();