using MediaBrowser.Controller.Connect ;
using MediaBrowser.Controller.Net ;
using MediaBrowser.Controller.Security ;
using ServiceStack.Web ;
using System ;
using System.Collections.Generic ;
using System.Linq ;
namespace MediaBrowser.Server.Implementations.HttpServer.Security
public class AuthorizationContext : IAuthorizationContext
private readonly IAuthenticationRepository _authRepo ;
private readonly IConnectManager _connectManager ;
public AuthorizationContext ( IAuthenticationRepository authRepo , IConnectManager connectManager )
_authRepo = authRepo ;
_connectManager = connectManager ;
public AuthorizationInfo GetAuthorizationInfo ( object requestContext )
var req = new ServiceStackServiceRequest ( ( IRequest ) requestContext ) ;
return GetAuthorizationInfo ( req ) ;
public AuthorizationInfo GetAuthorizationInfo ( IServiceRequest requestContext )
object cached ;
if ( requestContext . Items . TryGetValue ( "AuthorizationInfo" , out cached ) )
return ( AuthorizationInfo ) cached ;
return GetAuthorization ( requestContext ) ;
/// <summary>
/// Gets the authorization.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="httpReq">The HTTP req.</param>
/// <returns>Dictionary{System.StringSystem.String}.</returns>
private AuthorizationInfo GetAuthorization ( IServiceRequest httpReq )
var auth = GetAuthorizationDictionary ( httpReq ) ;
string userId = null ;
string deviceId = null ;
string device = null ;
string client = null ;
string version = null ;
if ( auth ! = null )
// TODO: Remove this
auth . TryGetValue ( "UserId" , out userId ) ;
auth . TryGetValue ( "DeviceId" , out deviceId ) ;
auth . TryGetValue ( "Device" , out device ) ;
auth . TryGetValue ( "Client" , out client ) ;
auth . TryGetValue ( "Version" , out version ) ;
var token = httpReq . Headers [ "X-Emby-Token" ] ;
if ( string . IsNullOrWhiteSpace ( token ) )
token = httpReq . Headers [ "X-MediaBrowser-Token" ] ;
if ( string . IsNullOrWhiteSpace ( token ) )
token = httpReq . QueryString [ "api_key" ] ;
var info = new AuthorizationInfo
Client = client ,
Device = device ,
DeviceId = deviceId ,
UserId = userId ,
Version = version ,
Token = token
} ;
if ( ! string . IsNullOrWhiteSpace ( token ) )
var result = _authRepo . Get ( new AuthenticationInfoQuery
AccessToken = token
} ) ;
var tokenInfo = result . Items . FirstOrDefault ( ) ;
if ( tokenInfo ! = null )
info . UserId = tokenInfo . UserId ;
// TODO: Remove these checks for IsNullOrWhiteSpace
if ( string . IsNullOrWhiteSpace ( info . Client ) )
info . Client = tokenInfo . AppName ;
if ( string . IsNullOrWhiteSpace ( info . Device ) )
info . Device = tokenInfo . DeviceName ;
if ( string . IsNullOrWhiteSpace ( info . DeviceId ) )
info . DeviceId = tokenInfo . DeviceId ;
var user = _connectManager . GetUserFromExchangeToken ( token ) ;
if ( user ! = null )
info . UserId = user . Id . ToString ( "N" ) ;
httpReq . Items [ "OriginalAuthenticationInfo" ] = tokenInfo ;
httpReq . Items [ "AuthorizationInfo" ] = info ;
return info ;
/// <summary>
/// Gets the auth.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="httpReq">The HTTP req.</param>
/// <returns>Dictionary{System.StringSystem.String}.</returns>
private Dictionary < string , string > GetAuthorizationDictionary ( IServiceRequest httpReq )
var auth = httpReq . Headers [ "X-Emby-Authorization" ] ;
if ( string . IsNullOrWhiteSpace ( auth ) )
auth = httpReq . Headers [ "Authorization" ] ;
return GetAuthorization ( auth ) ;
/// <summary>
/// Gets the authorization.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="authorizationHeader">The authorization header.</param>
/// <returns>Dictionary{System.StringSystem.String}.</returns>
private Dictionary < string , string > GetAuthorization ( string authorizationHeader )
if ( authorizationHeader = = null ) return null ;
var parts = authorizationHeader . Split ( new [ ] { ' ' } , 2 ) ;
// There should be at least to parts
if ( parts . Length ! = 2 ) return null ;
// It has to be a digest request
if ( ! string . Equals ( parts [ 0 ] , "MediaBrowser" , StringComparison . OrdinalIgnoreCase ) )
return null ;
// Remove uptil the first space
authorizationHeader = parts [ 1 ] ;
parts = authorizationHeader . Split ( ',' ) ;
var result = new Dictionary < string , string > ( StringComparer . OrdinalIgnoreCase ) ;
foreach ( var item in parts )
var param = item . Trim ( ) . Split ( new [ ] { '=' } , 2 ) ;
if ( param . Length = = 2 )
var value = NormalizeValue ( param [ 1 ] . Trim ( new [ ] { '"' } ) ) ;
result . Add ( param [ 0 ] , value ) ;
return result ;
private string NormalizeValue ( string value )
if ( string . IsNullOrWhiteSpace ( value ) )
return value ;
return System . Net . WebUtility . HtmlEncode ( value ) ;