using MediaBrowser.Model.Logging ;
using System ;
using System.Collections ;
using System.Security.Cryptography ;
namespace Emby.Common.Implementations.Security
public class CertificateGenerator
private const string MonoTestRootAgency = "<RSAKeyValue><Modulus>v/4nALBxCE+9JgEC0LnDUvKh6e96PwTpN4Rj+vWnqKT7IAp1iK/JjuqvAg6DQ2vTfv0dTlqffmHH51OyioprcT5nzxcSTsZb/9jcHScG0s3/FRIWnXeLk/fgm7mSYhjUaHNI0m1/NTTktipicjKxo71hGIg9qucCWnDum+Krh/k=</Modulus><Exponent>AQAB</Exponent><P>9jbKxMXEruW2CfZrzhxtull4O8P47+mNsEL+9gf9QsRO1jJ77C+jmzfU6zbzjf8+ViK+q62tCMdC1ZzulwdpXQ==</P><Q>x5+p198l1PkK0Ga2mRh0SIYSykENpY2aLXoyZD/iUpKYAvATm0/wvKNrE4dKJyPCA+y3hfTdgVag+SP9avvDTQ==</Q><DP>ISSjCvXsUfbOGG05eddN1gXxL2pj+jegQRfjpk7RAsnWKvNExzhqd5x+ZuNQyc6QH5wxun54inP4RTUI0P/IaQ==</DP><DQ>R815VQmR3RIbPqzDXzv5j6CSH6fYlcTiQRtkBsUnzhWmkd/y3XmamO+a8zJFjOCCx9CcjpVuGziivBqi65lVPQ==</DQ><InverseQ>iYiu0KwMWI/dyqN3RJYUzuuLj02/oTD1pYpwo2rvNCXU1Q5VscOeu2DpNg1gWqI+1RrRCsEoaTNzXB1xtKNlSw==</InverseQ><D>nIfh1LYF8fjRBgMdAH/zt9UKHWiaCnc+jXzq5tkR8HVSKTVdzitD8bl1JgAfFQD8VjSXiCJqluexy/B5SGrCXQ49c78NIQj0hD+J13Y8/E0fUbW1QYbhj6Ff7oHyhaYe1WOQfkp2t/h+llHOdt1HRf7bt7dUknYp7m8bQKGxoYE=</D></RSAKeyValue>" ;
public static void CreateSelfSignCertificatePfx (
string fileName ,
string hostname ,
string password ,
ILogger logger )
if ( string . IsNullOrWhiteSpace ( fileName ) )
throw new ArgumentNullException ( "fileName" ) ;
byte [ ] sn = Guid . NewGuid ( ) . ToByteArray ( ) ;
string subject = string . Format ( "CN={0}" , hostname ) ;
string issuer = subject ;
DateTime notBefore = DateTime . Now . AddDays ( - 2 ) ;
DateTime notAfter = DateTime . Now . AddYears ( 10 ) ;
RSA issuerKey = RSA . Create ( ) ;
issuerKey . FromXmlString ( MonoTestRootAgency ) ;
RSA subjectKey = RSA . Create ( ) ;
// serial number MUST be positive
if ( ( sn [ 0 ] & 0x80 ) = = 0x80 )
sn [ 0 ] - = 0x80 ;
issuer = subject ;
issuerKey = subjectKey ;
X509CertificateBuilder cb = new X509CertificateBuilder ( 3 ) ;
cb . SerialNumber = sn ;
cb . IssuerName = issuer ;
cb . NotBefore = notBefore ;
cb . NotAfter = notAfter ;
cb . SubjectName = subject ;
cb . SubjectPublicKey = subjectKey ;
// signature
cb . Hash = "SHA256" ;
byte [ ] rawcert = cb . Sign ( issuerKey ) ;
PKCS12 p12 = new PKCS12 ( ) ;
ArrayList list = new ArrayList ( ) ;
// we use a fixed array to avoid endianess issues
// (in case some tools requires the ID to be 1).
list . Add ( new byte [ 4 ] { 1 , 0 , 0 , 0 } ) ;
Hashtable attributes = new Hashtable ( 1 ) ;
attributes . Add ( PKCS9 . localKeyId , list ) ;
p12 . AddCertificate ( new X509Certificate ( rawcert ) , attributes ) ;
p12 . Password = password ;
p12 . AddPkcs8ShroudedKeyBag ( subjectKey , attributes ) ;
p12 . SaveToFile ( fileName ) ;