var DashboardPage = {
onPageShow : function ( ) {
Dashboard . showLoadingMsg ( ) ;
DashboardPage . pollForInfo ( ) ;
DashboardPage . startInterval ( ) ;
$ ( document ) . on ( "websocketmessage" , DashboardPage . onWebSocketMessage ) . on ( "websocketopen" , DashboardPage . onWebSocketConnectionChange ) . on ( "websocketerror" , DashboardPage . onWebSocketConnectionChange ) . on ( "websocketclose" , DashboardPage . onWebSocketConnectionChange ) ;
DashboardPage . lastAppUpdateCheck = null ;
DashboardPage . lastPluginUpdateCheck = null ;
} ,
onPageHide : function ( ) {
$ ( document ) . off ( "websocketmessage" , DashboardPage . onWebSocketMessage ) . off ( "websocketopen" , DashboardPage . onWebSocketConnectionChange ) . off ( "websocketerror" , DashboardPage . onWebSocketConnectionChange ) . off ( "websocketclose" , DashboardPage . onWebSocketConnectionChange ) ;
DashboardPage . stopInterval ( ) ;
} ,
startInterval : function ( ) {
if ( Dashboard . isWebSocketOpen ( ) ) {
Dashboard . sendWebSocketMessage ( "DashboardInfoStart" , "0,1500" ) ;
} ,
stopInterval : function ( ) {
if ( Dashboard . isWebSocketOpen ( ) ) {
Dashboard . sendWebSocketMessage ( "DashboardInfoStop" ) ;
} ,
onWebSocketMessage : function ( e , msg ) {
if ( msg . MessageType == "DashboardInfo" ) {
DashboardPage . renderInfo ( msg . Data ) ;
} ,
onWebSocketConnectionChange : function ( ) {
DashboardPage . stopInterval ( ) ;
DashboardPage . startInterval ( ) ;
} ,
pollForInfo : function ( ) {
$ . getJSON ( "dashboardInfo" ) . done ( DashboardPage . renderInfo ) ;
} ,
renderInfo : function ( dashboardInfo ) {
DashboardPage . lastDashboardInfo = dashboardInfo ;
DashboardPage . renderRunningTasks ( dashboardInfo ) ;
DashboardPage . renderSystemInfo ( dashboardInfo ) ;
DashboardPage . renderActiveConnections ( dashboardInfo ) ;
Dashboard . hideLoadingMsg ( ) ;
} ,
renderActiveConnections : function ( dashboardInfo ) {
var page = $ . mobile . activePage ;
var html = '' ;
if ( ! dashboardInfo . ActiveConnections . length ) {
html += '<p>There are no users currently connected.</p>' ;
$ ( '#divConnections' , page ) . html ( html ) . trigger ( 'create' ) ;
return ;
html += '<table class="tblConnections" style="border-collapse:collapse;">' ;
for ( var i = 0 , length = dashboardInfo . ActiveConnections . length ; i < length ; i ++ ) {
var connection = dashboardInfo . ActiveConnections [ i ] ;
var user = dashboardInfo . Users . filter ( function ( u ) {
return u . Id == connection . UserId ;
} ) [ 0 ] ;
html += '<tr>' ;
html += '<td style="text-align:center;">' ;
html += DashboardPage . getClientType ( connection ) ;
html += '</td>' ;
html += '<td>' ;
html += user . Name ;
html += '</td>' ;
html += '<td>' ;
html += connection . DeviceName ;
html += '</td>' ;
html += '<td>' ;
html += DashboardPage . getNowPlayingImage ( connection . NowPlayingItem ) ;
html += '</td>' ;
html += '<td>' ;
html += DashboardPage . getNowPlayingText ( connection , connection . NowPlayingItem ) ;
html += '</td>' ;
html += '</tr>' ;
html += '</table>' ;
$ ( '#divConnections' , page ) . html ( html ) ;
} ,
getClientType : function ( connection ) {
if ( connection . ClientType == "Dashboard" ) {
return "<img src='css/images/clients/html5.png' alt='Dashboard' title='Dashboard' />" ;
if ( connection . ClientType == "Pc" ) {
return "<img src='css/images/clients/mb.png' alt='Media Browser' title='Media Browser' />" ;
if ( connection . ClientType == "Android" ) {
return "<img src='css/images/clients/android.png' alt='Android' title='Android' />" ;
if ( connection . ClientType == "Ios" ) {
return "<img src='css/images/clients/ios.png' alt='iOS' title='iOS' />" ;
if ( connection . ClientType == "WindowsRT" ) {
return "<img src='css/images/clients/windowsrt.png' alt='Windows RT' title='Windows RT' />" ;
if ( connection . ClientType == "WindowsPhone" ) {
return "<img src='css/images/clients/windowsphone.png' alt='Windows Phone' title='Windows Phone' />" ;
if ( connection . ClientType == "Dlna" ) {
return "<img src='css/images/clients/dlna.png' alt='Dlna' title='Dlna' />" ;
return connection . ClientType ;
} ,
getNowPlayingImage : function ( item ) {
if ( item ) {
if ( item . BackdropImageTag ) {
var url = ApiClient . getImageUrl ( item . Id , {
type : "Backdrop" ,
height : 100 ,
tag : item . BackdropImageTag
} ) ;
return "<img class='clientNowPlayingImage' src='" + url + "' alt='" + item . Name + "' title='" + item . Name + "' />" ;
else if ( item . PrimaryImageTag ) {
var url = ApiClient . getImageUrl ( item . Id , {
type : "Primary" ,
height : 100 ,
tag : item . PrimaryImageTag
} ) ;
return "<img class='clientNowPlayingImage' src='" + url + "' alt='" + item . Name + "' title='" + item . Name + "' />" ;
return "" ;
} ,
getNowPlayingText : function ( connection , item ) {
var html = "" ;
if ( item ) {
html += "<div>" + item . Name + "</div>" ;
html += "<div>" ;
if ( item . RunTimeTicks ) {
html += DashboardPage . getDisplayText ( connection . NowPlayingPositionTicks || 0 ) + " / " ;
html += DashboardPage . getDisplayText ( item . RunTimeTicks ) ;
html += "</div>" ;
return html ;
} ,
getDisplayText : function ( ticks ) {
var ticksPerHour = 36000000000 ;
var parts = [ ] ;
var hours = ticks / ticksPerHour ;
hours = parseInt ( hours ) ;
if ( hours ) {
parts . push ( hours ) ;
ticks -= ( hours * ticksPerHour ) ;
var ticksPerMinute = 600000000 ;
var minutes = ticks / ticksPerMinute ;
minutes = parseInt ( minutes ) ;
ticks -= ( minutes * ticksPerMinute ) ;
if ( minutes < 10 ) {
minutes = '0' + minutes ;
parts . push ( minutes ) ;
var ticksPerSecond = 10000000 ;
var seconds = ticks / ticksPerSecond ;
seconds = parseInt ( seconds ) ;
if ( seconds < 10 ) {
seconds = '0' + seconds ;
parts . push ( seconds ) ;
return parts . join ( ':' ) ;
} ,
renderRunningTasks : function ( dashboardInfo ) {
var page = $ . mobile . activePage ;
var html = '' ;
if ( ! dashboardInfo . RunningTasks . length ) {
html += '<p>No tasks are currently running.</p>' ;
for ( var i = 0 , length = dashboardInfo . RunningTasks . length ; i < length ; i ++ ) {
var task = dashboardInfo . RunningTasks [ i ] ;
html += '<p>' ;
html += task . Name ;
if ( task . State == "Running" ) {
var progress = Math . round ( task . CurrentProgressPercentage || 0 ) ;
html += '<span style="color:#267F00;margin-right:5px;font-weight:bold;"> - ' + progress + '%</span>' ;
html += '<button type="button" data-icon="stop" data-iconpos="notext" data-inline="true" data-theme="b" data-mini="true" onclick="DashboardPage.stopTask(\'' + task . Id + '\');">Stop</button>' ;
else if ( task . State == "Cancelling" ) {
html += '<span style="color:#cc0000;"> - Stopping</span>' ;
html += '</p>' ;
$ ( '#divRunningTasks' , page ) . html ( html ) . trigger ( 'create' ) ;
} ,
renderSystemInfo : function ( dashboardInfo ) {
Dashboard . updateSystemInfo ( dashboardInfo . SystemInfo ) ;
var page = $ . mobile . activePage ;
$ ( '#appVersionNumber' , page ) . html ( dashboardInfo . SystemInfo . Version ) ;
if ( dashboardInfo . RunningTasks . filter ( function ( task ) {
return task . Id == dashboardInfo . ApplicationUpdateTaskId ;
} ) . length ) {
$ ( '#btnUpdateApplication' , page ) . button ( 'disable' ) ;
} else {
$ ( '#btnUpdateApplication' , page ) . button ( 'enable' ) ;
DashboardPage . renderApplicationUpdateInfo ( dashboardInfo ) ;
DashboardPage . renderPluginUpdateInfo ( dashboardInfo ) ;
} ,
renderApplicationUpdateInfo : function ( dashboardInfo ) {
var page = $ . mobile . activePage ;
if ( dashboardInfo . SystemInfo . IsNetworkDeployed && ! dashboardInfo . SystemInfo . HasPendingRestart ) {
// Only check once every 10 mins
if ( DashboardPage . lastAppUpdateCheck && ( new Date ( ) . getTime ( ) - DashboardPage . lastAppUpdateCheck ) < 600000 ) {
return ;
DashboardPage . lastAppUpdateCheck = new Date ( ) . getTime ( ) ;
ApiClient . getAvailableApplicationUpdate ( ) . done ( function ( packageInfo ) {
var version = packageInfo [ 0 ] ;
if ( ! version ) {
$ ( '#pUpToDate' , page ) . show ( ) ;
$ ( '#pUpdateNow' , page ) . hide ( ) ;
} else {
$ ( '#pUpToDate' , page ) . hide ( ) ;
$ ( '#pUpdateNow' , page ) . show ( ) ;
$ ( '#newVersionNumber' , page ) . html ( "Version " + version . versionStr + " is now available for download." ) ;
} ) . fail ( function ( ) {
Dashboard . showFooterNotification ( { html : '<img src="css/images/notifications/error.png" class="notificationIcon" />There was an error connecting to the remote Media Browser repository.' , id : "MB3ConnectionError" } ) ;
} ) ;
} else {
if ( dashboardInfo . SystemInfo . HasPendingRestart ) {
$ ( '#pUpToDate' , page ) . hide ( ) ;
} else {
$ ( '#pUpToDate' , page ) . show ( ) ;
$ ( '#pUpdateNow' , page ) . hide ( ) ;
} ,
renderPluginUpdateInfo : function ( dashboardInfo ) {
// Only check once every 10 mins
if ( DashboardPage . lastPluginUpdateCheck && ( new Date ( ) . getTime ( ) - DashboardPage . lastPluginUpdateCheck ) < 600000 ) {
return ;
DashboardPage . lastPluginUpdateCheck = new Date ( ) . getTime ( ) ;
var page = $ . mobile . activePage ;
ApiClient . getAvailablePluginUpdates ( ) . done ( function ( updates ) {
if ( updates . length ) {
$ ( '#collapsiblePluginUpdates' , page ) . show ( ) ;
} else {
$ ( '#collapsiblePluginUpdates' , page ) . hide ( ) ;
return ;
var html = '' ;
for ( var i = 0 , length = updates . length ; i < length ; i ++ ) {
var update = updates [ i ] ;
html += '<p><strong>A new version of ' + update . name + ' is available!</strong></p>' ;
html += '<button type="button" data-icon="download" data-theme="b" onclick="DashboardPage.installPluginUpdate(this);" data-name="' + update . name + '" data-version="' + update . versionStr + '" data-classification="' + update . classification + '">Update Now</button>' ;
$ ( '#pPluginUpdates' , page ) . html ( html ) . trigger ( 'create' ) ;
} ) . fail ( function ( ) {
Dashboard . showFooterNotification ( { html : '<img src="css/images/notifications/error.png" class="notificationIcon" />There was an error connecting to the remote Media Browser repository.' , id : "MB3ConnectionError" } ) ;
} ) ;
} ,
installPluginUpdate : function ( button ) {
$ ( button ) . button ( 'disable' ) ;
var name = button . getAttribute ( 'data-name' ) ;
var version = button . getAttribute ( 'data-version' ) ;
var classification = button . getAttribute ( 'data-classification' ) ;
Dashboard . showLoadingMsg ( ) ;
ApiClient . installPlugin ( name , classification , version ) . done ( function ( ) {
Dashboard . hideLoadingMsg ( ) ;
} ) ;
} ,
updateApplication : function ( ) {
var page = $ . mobile . activePage ;
$ ( '#btnUpdateApplication' , page ) . button ( 'disable' ) ;
Dashboard . showLoadingMsg ( ) ;
ApiClient . startScheduledTask ( DashboardPage . lastDashboardInfo . ApplicationUpdateTaskId ) . done ( function ( ) {
DashboardPage . pollForInfo ( ) ;
Dashboard . hideLoadingMsg ( ) ;
} ) ;
} ,
stopTask : function ( id ) {
ApiClient . stopScheduledTask ( id ) . done ( function ( ) {
DashboardPage . pollForInfo ( ) ;
} ) ;
} ;
$ ( document ) . on ( 'pageshow' , "#dashboardPage" , DashboardPage . onPageShow ) . on ( 'pagehide' , "#dashboardPage" , DashboardPage . onPageHide ) ;